My Guardian Angel Fallen from...

By Zeromicz

347K 6.2K 3K

Izuku Yagi is the son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi, and the brother of Izumi Yagi. He's bullied by Katsuki Baku... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Two Heroes Rising: Part 1
Two Heroes Rising: Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Two Heroes Rising #2:Part 1
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 2
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Two Heroes Rising 3#:The Clone Saga Teaser Trailer
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Official Trailer
Two Heroes Rising 3#: Clone Saga Official Trailer 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 1
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 4
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 5
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 [ The End]
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 1
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 3
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 5
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 6
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 7 [ The End]

Chapter 57

755 16 1
By Zeromicz

Before the clash, the Pro-Heroes were now planning how to attack as Mineta didn't want to take part of none of that.

Sero:"It's time, get up Grape Juice, we got to go!!"

Mineta:"Why? Isn't our job just to clean up after the front lines? So, in reality working too hard would just be an insult to the Pro-Heroes."

Sero:"Get up already...." he said annoyed by Mineta being a coward.

Izuku then opened his eyes from the meditation.

Izuku:"It has begun."

Mineta eyes widen.

Mineta:"Huh?!? What?!?"

Jiro then used her earphone jack to pick up the signal.

Jiro:"They are on the move!!!"

Y/n:"Just because we have unprecedented amount of Heroes, here...doesn't mean we should become careless. In other words, we don't know exactly what are we going to be fighting. So we must rely in our strength in numbers, aswell as good teammwork."she said.

Jiro:"Even though Tokoyami said so.....will they really be okay?" she asked, before Momo put her hand on her shoulder.

Momo:"Of course, they'll be fine!!!"

Y/n and Izuku then nodded as they gave the signal to all of the Heroes to charge as they all did.

Kaminari however was very scared about this, since he is in the front lines.

Kaminari:"I.....I wanna be with the others!!!!"

Midnight:"You agreed to this kiddo, remember?!? We need your Quirk!! You must think we're pathetic for asking you kids help!!"

Kaminari:"No way!! I don't think you adults are pathetic at all!!!"

Tokoyami:"Kaminari, There's something I realized when we pratice guitar are...a magnificent fellow..."

Kaminari:"Don't say stuff like that, as if I'm about to die!!!!" he said

Tokoyami:"That's not-" however Izumi cut him off.

Izumi:"Everybody charge!!!!"

Cementoss then used his Quirk to opened the way for all of the Heroes to the Injustice League mansion.




Villain:" The concrete is pulsing!!!"

Skeptic:"Alert the council in the assembly hall!! Violet and Black to the front! Take on the front entrance!! Brown, you come aswell!! Carmine, to the assembly hall!!"

Then Ra's and his assassins appeared behind Skeptic back who didn't even noticed it.

Ra's:"Looks like you're in trouble, Mr. Skeptic. Go and prepare the others now."

Then the Hero bust in the mansion as Ra's al Ghul sighed.

Ra's:"This is happening, because we all waited and sat around for Shigaraki Tomura, we just need to get this going as quickly as possible. IN THE NAME OF THE INJUSTICE LEAGUE!!" he then snapped his fingers as his assassins charge and activate their artificial Quirks.

Then all of the Villains from the mansion got cough of surprise by the rumbling, Toga, Compress, Dabi and Shion.




Edgeshot:"We must apprehend them all!!! These trained assassins and soldiers who are willing to sacrifice themselves for this cause!!! Letting a single one of them slip past will pose a public threat!!! So fight on...defend our society!!!!"

Kaminari was running, but he felt scared, before all of the sudden Jiro ran next to him.

Jiro:"Hey, stay strong Chargebolt!!"she said as Kaminari gulped before smiling at her and start running with a little bit more confidence.

Ra's al Ghul:"Your number are meaningless....You're about to meet the Devil himself!!!" then his appearence start changing as he turn into a demonic creature.

Kaminari then gulped before he charge straight ahead of everyone as blue electricity sparked on his body.

Ra's al Ghul:"Burn!!!!" he then spit green flames from his mouth as Kaminari super charging his body.

Kaminari:"Everyone move out the way, it's about get shocking here!!!!"he said before unleashing a Mega electricty blast from his body striking Ra's al Ghul.





Meanwhile Hawks was holding Twice as an hostage and pointed his feathers at him.

Hawks:"So, tell me..." he said in a dark tone as Twice looked terrrified and the entire mansion was trembling due to the fight that was happening outside.





Meanwhile in the underground facility of the Injustice League.....


Villain 2:"Re-Destro!!!!"

Re-Destro:"Allright, Allright I'm listening everyone!!! What's happening?"he said in a calm and cheerful tone of voice.

Trumpet:"There's an important council meeting today...any trivial issues..?" he asked.

Villain 3:"The Heroes are here!!! Our Communications networks have been jammed adn the only way outside is through the mansion!!!"

Villain 4:"A Huge, unit of Heroes came out the nowhere!!! They've sorrounded the mansion!!!"

Re-Destro eyes widen as he activated his Quirk.

Re-Destro:"Excuse me?"he said in a pissed tone.





Back at the Mansion, Cementoss raise a thumb up to Kaminari.

Cementoss:"You're the best, Charging Bolt!!!!"

Kaminari:"OH, YEAHHHHHH!!!!!" he said in a cheerful tone.

But, when then smoke was clear Ra's al Ghul came out growling as his injuries started healing.

Ra's al Ghul:"You've got a great power, child. But, I bet you won't be able to stand up enough to my power!!!"

Kaminari eyes widen in fear, before Edgeshot and Midnight jump into action.

Edgeshot:"Ninpo...Thousand of Sheet pierce!!!!" then sent thousand's off anti-Quirk Kunais at the assassins and soldiers hitting them all and destroying their artificial Quirk.

Edgeshot then start charging at Ra's al Ghul.

Ra's al Ghul:"TRAITOR!!!!" he said as soon as he saw Edgeshot.

Edgeshot:"I've hit pierced a small hole in each of their lungs!!! It would be dangerous to move around too much. So why don't you go ahead and collect yourselves now?"

Midnight with incredible speed unleash her Quirk at all of then causing each of them to fall asleep.

Kamui Wood then used his Quirk to wrapped them all up like a spider cacoon.





Assassin:"What a disaster!! The Squads aren't doing their jobs like they should!!"

Soldier:"Hey, one of them just took down a bunch of us-" before they could've continued Izumi then used her Kinetic Quirk to blast them all without using her transformation.

Gang Orca:"Good work, Binary!!!" he said Izumi nodded.

Then a bunch of other soldier tried to attack Izumi, until Y/n blast them all off.

Y/n:"I got you Friend Izumi!!!"

Gang Orca:"Wonderful, Starfire and Binary, you can take care of the rest!! We'll do everything in our power to destroy their leader."





Back with Hawks and a terrified Twice.

Hawks:"Using a cipher, I told them when to execute the was incredibly difficult....The enemy's number had been menacing enough....and considering the stength of your 'Double', I couldn't afford to delay my mission even slightly. I needed to keep an eye on you at all times." he said calmly as Twice was shaking in fear as the feathers were ponted at him.

Twice:"Hey....H-Hey, H-Hawks, please c-calm down."

However Hawks just gave him a deadly glare, which made Twice even more terrified.

Hawks:"'Let's go over the ideology of the Injustice League for the council meeting'. It sounded so natural didn't it? Please don't resist you'll be put under arrest."

Twice:"H-Hold on...w-wait, I-I have to take responsability....O-Overhaul k-killed Big Sis Mag and took C-Compress arm...T-That guy, i-it all happened b-because I was careless...t-this always happens....AND NOW IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!!!" he said as tears start coming out his eyes.

Twice:"M-My trust...I-If only I-I d-didn't put my trust into you....I-I thought you were m-my friend...H-How good can a person, be when t-they're already done for?!? B-By someone...B-By a friend!!! I-If only I didn't believe in you....I-If only I-I didn't put my trust in you."

Hawks:"You have my thanks...."

Twice then started crying.

Hawks then sighed.

Hawks:"You were dealt a bad hand, but you can atone for your deeds and start over! 'Anyone who helps his friends can be all bad', that's what you told me. I'll help you get back on your feet. Because you are.....a good person."

Twice:"S-Shut up! Is this what a Hero is?!? H-How am I meant to just 'start over'?!?"


Twice:"Huh?!?" he then start slowly getting up and glare at Hawks.

Hawks:"Bubaigawara, please stand down." he said.


Hawks:"I don't want to fight you!!! Bubaigawara!!!"

Twice:"GO TO HELL HAWKS, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NOW!!!" he then duplicate himself many times as Hawks start shooting his feathers at the duplicates who were still coming.

Twice 2:"My existence!!!"

Twice 3:"Is dedicated!!!"

Twice 4:"To giving!!!"

Twice 5:"My comrades!!!"

Twice 6:"The Happines!!!"

Twice 7:"They deserve!!!!"

Hawks then close his eyes as he prepared thimself to fight against the duplicates, as ceirtain blue flames Villain was approaching.




Twice.....You're not bad...The Bad Ones are......The are always the Hero scum.





To be continued...

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