My Guardian Angel Fallen from...

By Zeromicz

337K 6.1K 3K

Izuku Yagi is the son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi, and the brother of Izumi Yagi. He's bullied by Katsuki Baku... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Two Heroes Rising: Part 1
Two Heroes Rising: Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Two Heroes Rising #2:Part 1
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 2
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Two Heroes Rising 3#:The Clone Saga Teaser Trailer
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Official Trailer
Two Heroes Rising 3#: Clone Saga Official Trailer 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 1
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 4
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 5
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 [ The End]
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 1
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 3
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 5
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 6
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 7 [ The End]

Chapter 30

2.4K 43 33
By Zeromicz

I couldn't sleep after that dream....






It was clearly a dream...but, I remember every detail.....that moment when I heard them talking to me.....When the dream came to an end.....I saw most of Kori's past........






Sir Nighteye:"So you saw her a dream?"

Izuku:"Yes.....I think so.....It was also a memory of a person related to her..........I can't explain how it happened....did it ever happened to you....Uncle Nighteye?"

Sir Nighteye:"...........Hmmm.......I can see throught the future.....but, not the past.....I'm not able to get into someone's head and get the info of their past or future......."

Izuku:"I saw the memories up until.........Well, it stopped happening....." he said the last part lying to Sir Nighteye.....nobody must be aware that Y/n is an alien....not Allmight, not Aizawa, not even must stay a secret....

Sir Nighteye:" it's true after all......It wasn't confirme at first.....but, now I'm clearly sure.....I know what's happening....."

Izuku:"What do you mean Uncle Nighteye?"

Sir Nighteye:"...............About seventy years ago, Dr. Kyudai Garaki presented a theory, according to which, as the generations follow one another, Quirks blend and evolve, producing stronger and more complex Quirks. However, with this increase in power, the Quirks will also become more difficult to control, since the human body doesn't evolve quickly enough to keep up. Eventually, there will come a point when Quirks will become too overpowered and complicated, and no one will be able to control them anymore. This theory was originally called Paranormal Singularity Theory, although over time it would also become known as Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory."


Sir Nighteye:"Which lead to my theory......that you may have activated your Quirk......without even knowing....and change the original timeline, back at the attack of Chisaki....."

Izuku:"W-What do you mean?"

Sir Nighteye:"In my vision.....Koriand'r was supposed to die against Chisaki....and everyone else for all that theory is that the events that were following until that point, were being altering the original've created a new one........Let's take my example....The Original time line was was supposed to go the way it should've go until Chisaki's attack.......however......the timeline got altered creating this one where we're living right now.......Let's call it New 52......this wasn't supposed to happened....none of this was supposed to happened....but, you may have made it making Y/n won and save everyone...."

Izuku:"I-I......that's just too much...Uncle Nighteye.....I-It's hard to actually understand....."

Sir Nighteye:"...................Yeah, maybe I'm going a little bit to far for you to understand.......So, after your woke up and your wrist was glowing am I right? Did it hurt?"

Izuku:"N-No at all......"

Sir Nighteye:".............Judging by the circumstances, we only have details that your Quirk is manifesting......that's all there is for now.....and the singularity Quirk theory is part of this......growing in complexity....with every generation........hmmmm......but, there's no proof if that doesn't happened.........I'm not for sure if you were the cause of the change.....of my visions.......or was there any external factor.......Was there anything noticeable?"

Izuku:"Well......there two people who were talking to me.....say that I'm the new warrior...and wanted to show me more......saying that this was barely the beginning......"

Sir Nighteye:"...................The Beginning......of what exactly?"

Izuku:"I don't know it yet....."

Sir Nighteye:"...................That power is siding with you........let's find the answer together....."

Izuku:"R-Right, we'll solve this case once and for all!!"

Sir Nighteye:"...............And by the way.......remember this Izuku.......choices have consequences........" he then sip his coffe, as Izuku was sweating.




The drill start this afternoon, so I should get ready.....Oh, man I so happy first I have a girlfriend, a Quirk and now I'm going to take an exam to become a Semi Pro Hero!!! I can't still believe I worked so hard to get to this point of my life!!! This is a gift!!!! HAHAHA, Yes!!! I Love My Life!!!!



After Izuku visited Sir Nighteye he decided to make his way back in class, with a serious look on his face...before Aizawa opened the door of a class as they were now face to face...

Aizawa:"..............................You're late........." Izuku then start sweating as his face turn completly blank.

Izuku:"A-Aizawa sensei!! Y-You need to understand, I got carried out.......and I-"

Aizawa:"Don't make it sound like you were cheating on me.......Its a lame excuse....."he said with dark aura sorrounding him as Izuku turned completly blank.

Izuku:".......................................That was a little harsh........"

Then another person came out the room.....and it was.....Shinsou.....

Izuku:"S-Shinso? I-I.......d-didn't think you would train too with Mr.Aizawa...."

Shinsou:"..........Yeah......" he said in a neutral tone.

Aizawa:" should be doing your warm ups.....It's going to be a busy day......" he said with an even darker aura then before.







The day has finally come....







Mina:" Look guys, I got a new suit!!"

Y/n:"It looks lovely!!" she praised.

Momo:"A nice advantage, during the battle we're going to face...."

Mina took ispiration from Katsuki's guantlets.......with hers she can produce as much acid as she want.

Tenya:"Our costume changed, since we first came to U.A. High School!!"

Sato:"I'm surprised you manage to wear your suit, with the hot summer here...."

Jirou:"Hey, check up Izumi, Katsuki and Shoto!!!" she pointed at the trio.

(A/n: Izumi's new suit)

(A/n: Katsuki's new suit....)

(A/n: Shoto's new suit)

Katsuki then start walking towards Izuku and glared at him....

Izuku:"What the are you wearing? You're Halloween costume...oh, no....that's right even without a costume you're still keep it on..."


Ojiro:"Now that I think about it, Izuku's suit had more changes that we added some new devices lately."


Izuku:"I can pull off more moves now......I have my shock punches to help me kick some asses.....Hatsume adjusted then strenght output on when I'm going to punch someone...I won't go as far as possibly causing a murder...hehe..."

Ojiro:"I see it's Hatsume's work..."

Katsuki:"YOU PIECE OF-- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO IGNORE ME YOU FU-" then Izumi pushed him out the way...before I fight could've happened.

Izumi:"Good luck, Izuku......"

Izuku:"................................You too....."

Izumi eyes then light up as she couldn't believe that her brother was.....actually acknowledging her....

Monoma:"Hey, Hey, Hey.....You seem very relaxed.....are we not worthy enough for you?"

Kirishima:"Hey, there we're just getting fired up...."

Monoma:"Is that so....? Unfourtunately for you, we clearly have the upper hand......BRING IT ON, CLASS1A!!! LET'S SETTLE THE SCORE TODAY!!!" then whole class 1B made its appearence.

Monoma the pulled out a paper and showed it at class 1A.

Monoma:"Look at this questionnaire!! I prepared this during the School Festival!!! The difference between Class 1A's live band and our high end drama!!! Can't you see which got the better review.....?!? We came out on the top with two votes more than you!!! Even since the school started, you kept drawing attention by constantly inviting bad news! But things have changed now!!HAHAHA!!!" Y/n then snatched the paper and showed it to her class.

Kirishima:"For real? I didn't watch their perfomances so I can't say much about it..."

Monoma:"The day has come!! Class 1A vs Class 1B!!! This is our first battle drill!!! We-" Aizawa then wrapped his scarf around Monoma's neck to make him shut up.

Kendo:"Hey, now that I think about it.....where is your floating girl?"

Momo:"Floating girl?"

Kendo:"Yeah, the girl that can float things with her touch..."

Momo:"O-Oh, you mean Ochako-chan.....well she....."

Izuku:"She is going drop out....."

Kendo:"What?!? B-But, it's terrible....."

Izuku:"Is that even that bad?" he then turn to his friends.

Kirishima:"Yeah.....well.....she was kinda YagiBro....soo......well......guess....we shouldn't care that much?" then the other boys and girls kinda agreed, it was both sad and happy at the same time....because she was discriminating Izuku and now she got what she deserved......

Vlad Knight then start walking up to them.

Vlad Knight:"We have a special guest today."

Aizawa:"So stop embarissing yourselves...."

Y/n:"What is a special guest...."

Izuku:"Is basically someone new who's going to join in the battlefield......Oh, god if is that Ochako......I'm going to pull the gun out."

Kaminari:"Damn Yagibro....chill... you said you didn't want to murder......"

Izuku:"I'm not going to murder.......yet...."

Everyone:(This dark.....)

Aizawa:"He plans to transfer to the Hero course......He's from the General Department, Class 1C.....Hitoshi Shinso......"

Hitoshi then made his appearence with a new costume....

Everyone was kinda terrified by the aura emiting from Shinsou and his costume...

Izuku:"Shinso.....want to the Hero Course.....?"


Tetsu Tetsu:" Nice to meet you!!!"

Aoyama:"He can brainwash you by talking to you right?"

Ojiro:"It's a kill on first sight...."

Mineta:"If I remember didn't Izuku broke free by his brainwash by using a chip he implanted on his head......"

Izuku:"That's why I came prepared....."

Aizawa:"Shinsou, do you have anything say?"

Shinsou:".......................I'm Shinsou Hitoshi.....some of you have met me during the sports day.....they say fight helps you know someone better........but, sadly I'm not one who upholds sporstmanship nor do I have friendliness........I'm already falling behind you all......Sorry, but I must do my best......I want to be an outstanding hero.....I want to help people with my Quirk.......Each of you is a challenge I must overcome.......I don't plan of becoming your friend......That's all from me....."

Then everyone start applauding him, with the exception of Izuku and Bakugou.

Aizawa:"Without further a due, let's begin..."

Vlad knight:"Battle drill, commence!! It's Class 1A against Class 1B!!! It takes place somewhere in Ground Gamma.....There must be four studenst in each team and you take turns to battle.....having the inexperienced Shinso on their team is a disadvantage....that should balance the number advantage.....The objective is to sorround and capture the enemies as heroes....Both team must see each other as villains!! The First team to capture four people wins!!"

Tetsu Tetsu:"Oh, I like this!!!"

Y/n:"Oh, time to fight!!!" she said while floating in the air as starbolts start coming out her hands, before Izuku grabbed her leg and pulled her down.

Izuku:".............Calm down Kori.......Class 1A come we need a strategy......." then class 1A start listening to Izuku's plan, except Bakugou who's not going to listen to the weakling.






The First battle: Kirishima, Kaminari, Koda and Asui vs Ibara, Jurota, Hiryu and Kosei.

Second Battle: Tokoyami, Momo and Aoyama vs Kendo, Kinori, Kuroiro and Fukidashi

Third Battle: Ojiro, Shoto, Mezo and Tenya vs Tetsu Tetsu, Tsunotori, Juzo and Kaibara

Fourth Battle: Katsuki, Jirou, Izumi and Sato vs Bondo, Awase, Tokage and Togaru.

Fifth Battle: Mineta, Mina, Y/n and Izuku vs Reiko, Shoda, Kodai and Monoma.





Team Five of Class B.......Izuku and Shinso have matched against each other again.....for the fist time after the sports event...




The vestige of my new Quirk still bugs me, but for now......I look forward to see Shinso improvements......





The day finally come......I'm finally on the starting line......





Vlad Knight:"The start point is your base, the limit is 20 minutes!!"

Aizawa:"If you can't settle the score in time.....the team with more remaining members wins..."





Mina:"Hey, Kori Allmight and your mommy are here!!"


Midnight then start charging towards Y/n......and.........pinched her cheeks.


Mina:"So what's up with you here, are you dating?"

Midnight then look up and down at Allmight.



Y/n:"YEAH, YUCK!!!" she followed, thinking it was a normal thing to say.

Izuku start laughing even more, as Allmight looked down in sadness.

Midnight:"We're here to see which team is going to win and I already know....THAT MY BABY WILL BEAT THEM ALL....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"





It's hard to tell whoìs the victorious one......Class 1A has become much experienced after so many crisis.....However......Class 1B shows more growth when it comes to results.....They focused more on their lessons without much troubles going on......they steadily grow over time.....Would it be class 1A that shows true potential in the face of danger? Or would it be class 1B that shows better overall improvement? This is gonna be exciting......




Vlad Knight:"First Battle!!!"

Aizawa:"You're all fired up......"

Vlad Knight:"START!!!"







Asui was now crawling in the walls, while using her camouflage as one of her biggest advantages.

Asui:"We all know each other's abilities....but maintain life advantage, we should stick together....." 

Shinso:(Asui camouflage....I can spot her if I know where to look.....)

Kaminari:"---To shoot my one milion volt's lightning.......

Kirishima:"What if we got separated......? You'll be isolated......."

Kaminari:"You have a point.... Shiozaki can be quite the handful......Her Quirk is very powerful....The attack range is huge and she annihilated me....."

Shinso:"We should start with the most challenging Quirk to deal with....."

Kaminari:"That's brilliant Shinso!!"

Shinso:"It's called common sense....."

Asui:"Just like we want to take out, Ibara first.....they'l try to get rid of Kaminari too...then we have to deal with our lack of experience......Shinso's brainwashing is very powerful....."

Kaminari:"I'm counting on all of you!!!"

Kirishima:"I hope we get to see Kaminari and Shinso unleash their true strenght......"

Then pigeons landed on Koda arm.

Koda:"Shiozaki is coming from the left side......She seems to be alone....She's spreeding her vines to search for us while heading our way......."

Kirishima:"Attacking a girl all at once leaves a bad taste in my mouth...." then they heard a loud crash and turn to the direction....before both Kirishima and Asui got grabbed and trew into the wall.

Kaminari:"Kirishima!! Tsuyu!!!" he then turns to the one who did it....






Shishida Jurota....his Quirk is form drastically augments his strenght, speed and durability, as well as his senses....He also becomes more wild, making him reckless.




Kosei:"Now you can't electrocute us without hurting your friends....Kaminari Denki!!!"


Then everyone, event the one who weren't partecipating covered their ears due to Kaminari's scream......


Jurota:"OH GOD!!!! OH GOD!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Shinso then ran at Kaminari and karate choped him in the neck causing him to stop screaming.

Jurota:"YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT-" then all the sudden he stopped moving.

Kosei:"Jurota? Jurota?!? W-What's going on?!? What did you do?!?"





Izuku:"He's brainwashing him...."





Shinsou:"I'm going to be the greatest of all......." he said with determination as his purple eyes start glowing more.....





To be continued.......

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