My Guardian Angel Fallen from...

By Zeromicz

347K 6.2K 3K

Izuku Yagi is the son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi, and the brother of Izumi Yagi. He's bullied by Katsuki Baku... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Two Heroes Rising: Part 1
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Two Heroes Rising #2:Part 1
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 2
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Two Heroes Rising 3#:The Clone Saga Teaser Trailer
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Official Trailer
Two Heroes Rising 3#: Clone Saga Official Trailer 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 1
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 4
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 5
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 [ The End]
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 1
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 3
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 5
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 6
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 7 [ The End]

Two Heroes Rising: Part 2

4.2K 71 31
By Zeromicz

Class 1 A was now walking back after a long fun day in the hotel, so they could've change in their formal costume for the Expo.

Izuku was now searching for Y/n since she left somewhere and lost contact with her....






Y/n and Melissa were now on top of a high building of I-Island.

Melissa:"So your are Tazamanean?"

Y/n:"It is pronounced Tamaranean.."

Melissa:"Tama.......Ugh.....sorry can't pronounced that."

Y/n:".........We are both survivors of doomed worlds...."

Melissa:"That makes us the Elite....then." she said with a bright smile, however Y/n....wanted more then just a friendly talk.

Y/n:"Oh......How about we let our powers do the talking? And Prove who's the Elite..." she said taking her fighting stance as starbolts start coming out her hands.

Melissa:"Hehe, if that's what you want....but,you better watch out......I've gotten pretty used to my powers." then she cracked her nuckles.

The two girls then stared at each other before they clashed in the sky.

Melissa:"You're going sky high!!"

Y/n:"Soak up some, Sun!!" 






Bakugou:"Why would I want to go to a party, it'll just be  a bunch of old geezers....I don't know giving speeches, sounds like a pretty lame night to me....." he said while chilling on his hotel bed.

Kirishima:"But we can eat as much gourmet food as we want.."

Bakugou:"Well, it's not like I brought any fancy clothes with me, anyway..."

Kirishima:"I figured you wouldn't........So, I brought some stuff for you!!" he said holding two formal dresses.


Then all the sudden a crash was heard outside the hotel, The whole class1A came out to check what happened.

When the smoke was clear, they saw Y/n and Melissa injured as Y/n helped Melissa on her feet.

Melissa:"You're very strong......we could make a good pair..." she said while cracking her bones.

Y/n:"I respect your warrior skills Melissa Shield." she said with a smile on her face.

Class 1A then look around to see all the destruction caused by the two girls.

Izuku face-palmed.

Izuku:(For once in a week....Can't you stop searching for fights that cause a lot of destruction....Ugh.......That Melissa girl.......she seems odd....)

Izuku sweat dropped, Bakugou and all the boys jaw dropped.

Girls:"That's quite the display of girl power......."

Then Midnight, who came too since she had to watch over the students, had dark aura sorrounding her as she start approaching the two alien girls, Y/n looked confuse like a puppy while Melissa knew that......danger was coming as the whole class looked scared of the fate of the two.

Midnight then raise her hands and...........start pinching the two of them.

Midnight:"You're coming with me......"she then start dragging the two back in the hotel as the class sweatdropped.





???:"We found five guards, but they're restrained now, the plan to go."

???2:"Keep them  bound, but don't kill them...start working on the security system."

???:"Yes, sir.....we'll begin infiltration, now the fun can begin, get ready to move....Chicos."







The Class was now on the Expo for the others to they were looking quite classy.

Izuku:"Hey, guys everybody?"

Tenya:"They're not here yet, does a proper meeting time mean nothing to you people?!?"

Then Izumi came out the door wearing..........

Izumi:"Sorry, I'm late! It took me a while to get ready."

Kaminari and Mineta:"Oooooh, yes!!!!"

Shoto was now blushing madly, before Momo and Jirou came out to wearing beutiful dresses.

Kaminari and Mineta:"JACKPOT!!! YES!!!"

Jirou:"This is fancier than anything I've ever worn, feels like a costume."

Kaminari:"I'm just glad you're not in a T-shirt."

Mineta:"Even the jacket can ruin it." then Jirou stabbed the both of them with her earphone jack.

Jirou:"Shut up!!"

Kaminari:"Why would you do that it was a compliment!!"

Jirou:"No, it wasn't..."

Shoto then start complimenting Izumi, which she start blushing madly while Izuku just rolled his eyes.

Then all the sudden Kaminari and Mineta were struck in a trance, which every one didn't understand why and as soon as they Goodness...

Class 1A:(WOAH!!!)

Izuku, however was more focused on Y/n and she was......just......amazing...

Y/n:"This is my first in Earthling formal wear.....Midnight decided that we need to be fixed......" she said with a bright smile.

Izuku*blushing*:"Y/'re pefect.....I mean you always are.......Like.....I mean....."

Mineta:"The Queens have arrived!!!"

Kaminari:" I Can't take this much beuty, I think I might actually die!!!"

Jirou:"These tickets were a mistake...."







Announcer:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to I-Expo opening night reception, we in I-Island hope you enjoy yourselves. Now I wonder if we can get Allmight the n.1 hero up here he's visiting from Japan....wouldn't you like hear him say a few words?!? Come on maybe a round of applause would help, please join us on the stage!!"

Then everyone start applauding Allmight.

Allmight:"Really Dave,could have warned me?.........Hmm......So far, I didn't see Diana....where is she?"

David:"Oh, sorry....I haven't told's been years since then........she's back at Paradise Island....I'm sorry I haven't told that sooner......I know you two were pretty close.."

Allmight:"It's okay....the time have a's time to move on!!" he then start walking towards the stage.






Tenya:"It's not good....neither of them is picking up their phone.....knowing those two they're just blowing off the party."

Meanwhile Y/n was trying to eat the food of the party, with her bare hands before midnight smack her hand.

Midnight:"That's very rude, sweetheart atleast wait for the others...."

Y/n:"Awwww.....but, I'm hungry!!!"





Bakugou:"Moron, you're actually positive we're going to the right direction?"

Kirishima:"Yeah, I mean......I'm pretty sure we are."


Kirishima:"W-Well, I left my phonr back in the room so we're going on instinct here."

Bakugou:(F*cking, idiot!!)






Allmight:"Thank you for invinting me, it's truly a pleasure to be here....formal speeches aren't my thing-" then all the sudden the lights were all red announcing that I-Island had a big problem to deal right now, as the main building will now being sealed up.

Then all the sudden a toon of masked henchmans appeared from the darkness holding guns and rifles on their hands, scaring every civilian inside the Expo.

???:"The security system is under our control, now......I know we've got a lot of heroes in here....but if you decide to make a scene.....I'll make sure the security sentries the good people, they've got in their sights are dangerous criminals. So I'd played nice because everyone on  this island is my hostage, naturally that includes all of you..........Do it."

Then all the sudden all the heroes were wrapped by bunch of high tech strong chains...even Allmight, as they couldn't move.

Wolfram:"Don't move.....if you take so much as a step, I'll kill everyone in this room."

Allmight:"Villain!!" then Wolfram kicked Allmight making him fall on the ground.

Wolfram:"There's a goodboy....*he then turns to David*You're going to follow Allmight's lead and do whatever I say, right?!?"





Melissa and Y/n were now using their heat vision against the high Tech walls and manage to melt it together as the others start following Melissa lead since she could've sense the civilians and the heroes heartbeats.





Wolfram:"If you stay quiet there's no reason to hurt anyone, we plan to release you safely , when the time is right.."

Random Hero:"What are you criminals, after?!?" then he was kicked in the face by one of Wolfram companions.

Bane:"Stay down, Héroe patético...." Wolfram then picked up a call from someone.

Wolfram:"What's up.......yeah, I got it......." he then nodded to Bane.

Bane then set his sight on Sam, who was sweating in fear.

Bane:"Oye gordo, you a researcher here?"

Sam:"Y-Yes, I am....."

Bane:"Good...." he then grab Sam by the shirt.

David:"Stop it!! That man is my assistant, what do you plan on doing to him?!?"

Wolfram:"Aah, the famous David Shield....Bring him too."

David:"What if I refuse...."

Bane:"Then somewhere in this Island you'll hear a bonita niña rubia scream." he said while tighining is fist as David just gulped.

David:"Allright......lead the way...." then he followed the two as Allmight could've only watched.

Allmight then try to move and free himself from the chains, but there were too strong and plus if he tried to do something the guys are going to shoot the innocents.

Allmight then look up to see Izuku looking down from the balcony.


Izuku then dropped some smoke grenades everywhere as the henchmens were trying to figure out what was happening....before being all taken down one by one by Izuku who manage to disarmed them all and knock them out cold.




The others were making sure that the civilians and heroes where okay as Y/n and Melissa were now flying on the top of the tower.





Bane:"Here's the smart guy.." he then trew David infront of the other henchmans.

Bane:"Now hurry up and unlock the Vault.....and you minions stay alert." he then walk out the room of the tower.

Hencheman:"Tch..........Arrogant bastard........Now,I move quickly if you want to keep your head on."

David:"S-Sure......I'll begin....."




Melissa was now in one of the chambers of the tower as she was fixing the system and Y/n was cracking her knuckles after beating up some villains in the way.





Izuku was now running more in to the tower, since the others were making sure everyone was okay, Izuku then end up in what seems to be a combat arena.

Izuku then start looking everywhere, until he found one of the panels of the tower he start running towards it, before...

Bane:"Where are going at, niñito..?" he then jump from the balcony on the arena infront of Izuku.

Bane:"Gotten lost?"

Izuku:"No......I didn't....I'm just were I wanted to be..." he said taking his fighting stance as his eyes turns bloody red and pulled out his swod thatbhe was keepingon a tiny capsule, as Bane just looked down on him.

Bane:"decepcionante" he said cracking his neck, before approaching Izuku.






Kirishima and Katsuki were now fighting some Villains and after finding out about what happened, they joined the others in the battlefield.







Henchman:"What's the deal, you can find them?!"

Henchman 2:"Damn looks someone is messing with the sistem.......*he the called Bane*Boss, someone is messing with the sistem of the Island.....and unfourntly we can't track them down."





Meanwhile Izuku was fighting Bane, who was extremly powerful an has shown an incredible resistence to Izuku sword attack, with only few cuts in his body.

Izuku:"This guy don't play around...."

Bane:"You can bet that....Izuku Yagi, hijo of Allmight....."

Izuku was shocked that this guy figured out who he actually was, but that shock was temporary since Bane charge at him.

Izuku moved out the way, before Bane grab him by the leg and slammed him on the ground.

Bane:"You can''t believe, how I was looking foward to this...." he then grab Izuku and start spinning him around, before trowing him against the wall.

Bane then grab Izuku's sword and start approaching the boy.

Bane:"Thought I was hoping for more of a fight...*he then grab Izuku by the head*......But what could've expected from a supuesto gran héroe."

Izuku then drop a flash grenade infront of Bane, which blinded him and make him drop the boy.

Izuku then grab a pipe that was closed to him and stab Bane in his left arm, making him drop the sword.

Izuku then sweep Bane's legs and grab the sword, however the big man  quickly recover and smack Izuku away from him.

Bane:"We fight to the muerte?" he said cracking his knuckles.

Izuku:"It makes no difference now....." Izuku then charge at Bane, as he raise his sword up.

Bane took his fighting stance, when Izuku was close Bane tried to punch him which the young hero manage to dodge and stab Bane in the stomach.

Bane body then fell on the ground of the arena, as Izuku looked down thinking what he's done, he then turn away thinking that everything was over.

However Bane, was still alive and he grab Izuku who had his back turn and lift him.

Bane:"Never turn your back, on your enemy ninito...." he then trew Izuku against the wall.

Bane:"There is no place to run Yagi....." he start approaching the boy, who looked down.


Bane:".................You'll be remembered.....for being a good hero.......You fought well..."

Izuku then got up, still holding his sword and glare at Bane.

Izuku:"I'll win......I'll win and fufill my dream to be an Hero.....I'll save everyone." as blood start coming out the boy's head.

Bane:"Poetic........But, face it ninito......" he then ran fast at Izuku and pinned him against the wall making him drop the sword.

Bane:"The strong live......while the weak dies.....that's how it works into this world..." he said while choking Izuku with one hand.

Izuku was starting to loose consciousness, he then look everywhere to see how he could beat Bane.....before he noticed.......the tubes that Bane had on him and the green liquid inside of them......THAT'S IT......THAT'S WHERE THAT INHUMAN STRENGHT, SPEED AND DURABILITY COME FROM.........

Bane:"Any last words........ninito?"

Izuku:"...................Never underestimate your opponent....." he then uses his hands, and dig his fingers on Bane's eyes.

Bane:"AAAAAAAAAARGHHH!!!" he then drop Izuku and start holding his eyes, Izuku then jumped behind him and rip the tubes off Bane.


Izuku then back flip away from Bane, who angered start charging at Izuku, before the ground start  shaking and everything in that area start trembling.


Izuku:(The security panel!!) Izuku then start running towardsit as Bane try to catch up with him, before the big man fell on the ground due to the drug and was now out of energy.

Izuku then start fixing the panel, before another shaking happened as everything start to fall and dust was he only thing seen.





Kaminari:"Let's do this Lida."

Tenya:"Right!!!" he then start using his quirk and start spinning Kaminari around  before trwoing him in the air.

Kaminari:"1.2 milions Volt!!" he then release powerful electricity.

Izumi:"It's not working.......LET ME TRY!!!"she then relese her Kinectic Force around the area combine to Kaminari's Quirk as they manage to destroying every robot who sees them as danger.







Henchman:"S-Sorry, boss we really but....we really lost connection...."

Wolfram:"What about Bane?!?"

Henchman 2:"He's not responding sir....."

Wolfram:"WHAT THE HELL!!!!"





The others were now reaching the top of the tower as Melissa kept fixing the system.

Melissa:"Okay....everything is under our control now....Let's go Y/n!!"

Y/n:"Okay!!" thee two then flew higher and higher in to the tower and using their heat vision to get closer.






Henchman:"You Shouldn't have come here!!! You chosed the wrong place to play hero kid!!!" he said swinging at Katsuki, who only dodge the attacks.

Katsuki:"DIE!!!!" he then blast the Villain away.




Some other henchmans were now trying to shoot at the others, before Midnight used her Quirk and put them to sleep.






David:"I've unlock it......1147......"

Sam:"You did professor, everything is's perfect!!!"

David:"All my research......aand they just took my device away from me.....but, now it's mine."

Sam:"Just like it's planned and it looks like the Villains are holding things down."

David:"Thank you, I could've done any of this without your help Sam!!"

Melissa:"Papa...." she then flew down with Y/n as David and Sam looked at her.


Sam:"Miss, what are you doing here?"

Melissa:"What does it mean it's like what you planned, you're telling me're the one behind this....behind all of wanted to use me?.........You never cared.........I was just a weapon all a long.............THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!" she said as her eyes start turning red.

David:"..........................I'm sorry........"

Melissa:"H-How could you.........HOW COULD YOU?!?" she yelled as her eyes start turning even more red.

Y/n:"Friend Melissa.......please!!"

Sam:"The invention inside this.......can aplefy someones Quirk........and.......we had to use your DNA............I'm sorry you had to hear that.......but, it was for the greater good......and your powers and DNA are just Godlike.......something were never born here....Miss're not even related to Mister Shield bloodline.....we found you in a capsule near the lab garden...........Mister Shield decide to take you in as his won daughter and everything was fine after that....until your powers start know the rest...........I-I so sorry......"

Melissa:"Just.....sorry.....SORRY, WON'T FIX ANYTHING!!!!" then use her heat vision and almost shot David, who marely make it if it wasn't for Y/n who moved superfast and catch him.

Melissa and Y/n then clashed.

Melissa:"You'll beg for mercy, soon!!!"

Y/n:"Violence doesn't solve this Friend Melissa!!!"

Melissa:"You don't even know me, how do you know how it feels to be used!!!" she then try to punch Y/n who just took that before, wrapping her arms around Melissa who start struggling...before starting to cry on the red headed arms.

David:".............I had to for......the two probably aren't aware of this....but the heroes are starting to disappear as the Villans are keeping rising.........I had always been in the dark......powerless......however if the heroes  uses this injection,  they'll be  stronger and, they'll even be compared as Gods and mighty protectors.....they can keep saving people and purge the Evil from this world!! Please, please just let me hand this injection to Allmight, there's no time to remake I,.......I don't care what kind of punishment I receive...."

Melissa:"We risked our lives.......Y/n and her classmates went to so you know how dangerous this was?!? How hard we were trying to save everyone on the Island!!!

David:"What do you mean.......the Villains are's all supposed to be an act....."

Wolfram:"Of course it was a perfomance, but the real act was pretending we weren't criminals."

Y/n:"You're the bad guy!!!!" she then flew towards him before  a 3000 tons of metal was sent towards her and Melissa, seemingly crushing the two girls.

David:"MELISSA!!!" he then start running towards them trying to lift the metal, before he looked back to see Sam handing over the project.

David:"You were going to hand it over all a long?!?"

Sam:"You're the one who did this professor!!! I've been your assistan for all these years.....I've taken care of Miss Shield since she was an let them take our work......we could've fame and fortu, but now I deserve more.....I need to be rewarded......"

David:".................Sam.........." he then looked down, ahamed of what he's his friends, family and .......what would Diana think of what he's done?!? What would Allmight think?!?

Wolfram:"Here's the payment......" he then shot Sam in his head, killing the man.

David:"SAM!!! This wasn't part of the plan!!"

Wolfram:"Is it not.....that's strange, because it was always a part of mine...." he then shot David on the shoulder.

Wolfram:"No matter what your reasons were, you've dirtied you hands now....wheteher we're real villains or actors is've planned and committed an actual atrocity're exactly the same as we can no longer remain a respected scientist or continue your research without shame.......your life is forever tainted by the darkness of villainy....hehehe...* he then grab David and lift him* and if you want a future at all , you'll be a good scientist and mass-produce this injection, so I can sell it......"

Melissa and Y/n:"HOW DARE YOU!!!" the two of them then finally manage to lift the tons of high tech metal after kept blasting and the two then charge their fists at Wolfram who manage to create a barrier to protect himself.

Wolfram:"But first I gotta deal with you, hehe......"




Meanwhile The other members manage to free the system from the Villains and contact their other members to come in help, as Allmight was now finally free and ready to fight.





Melissa:"You give me my father back, right now!!!" she said while punching her way in to get back David as Wolfram kept using his Quirk on air.

Wolfram:"Oh, so did you come to bring this sorry excuse of human being back so he can pay for his crimes!!!"

Y/n:"No, we here to rescue Mister Shield from the beings cruel and malefic like your self!!!" she said while starting to blast  Wolfram who was using his Quirk to pushing back the red head.

Wolfram:"Jeez, you girls are really a pain you know.......and that's not even much of my power!!!"Now behold-" Then all the sudden he was met by fist in his face that send him crashing into the garden.

Allmight:"It's fine now....because you know why........BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!!" he then grab David before he could've fell too.


Allmight:"Everything will be okay......."

Melissa:"W-We did it...."while Y/n had an happy look on her face.

David:"I'm so sorry....Melissa.....that's my fault."


Then all the sudden Allmight, Y/n and Melissa were hit by Wolfram Quirk and Davide was kept as an hostage.

Wolfram:" ---MY TRUE POWER!!!"

Y/n:" He took the injection made by the professor!!!"

Allmight:"You really don't know when to give up do you?!? TEXAS SMASH!!!" he then went for a powerful punch, which was easily blocked by Wolfram.



Wolfram:"Is that all you got?!?" he then punch Allmight in the face sending him crashing on the ground.

Wolfram then start using his Quirk, that he manage to lift the whole Expo.

Wolfram:"I can tell my Quirk's growing more powerful!!HAHAHAHAHA!!! It feels amazing!!! This injection of super serum is amazing!!!"

Allmight:"Dave......What in the world have you made?!?"

Melissa:" I have no idea, he created something so powerful.....from my DNA....."

Wolfram:"Now, I know how to raise the price of this serum.......We can created it whatever I want it.......if it was used to kill the world's number one  Hero!!!"

Allmight was now jumping towards the building created by Wolfram, while Y/n and Melissa were flying at superspeed.

Wolfram however expand his power even greater and pushed them all back, with ease.


Before Wolfram could've attacked them more, Shoto used his Ice preventing it.

Wolfram:"HUH?!?" he then look up to see what seems to be glowing balls........wait those are bombs..

The bombs caused a powerful explosion.


Izuku:" GO TO HELL!!!!"

Y/n then flew down a bit tired as Izuku manage to grab her on time.

Izuku:"I got you....."

Kirishima:"No....we got you..." then all the class 1 A start joining the fight.

Allmight:(With my students so motivated....there's no way, I can let myself be held back by something so foolish!!!)

After Y/n regain her strenght, she start lasting Wolfram with starbolts, while Melissa was using her freezing breath.

Y/n:"IT'S TIME TO BE-----"

Melissa:"PLUS ULTRA!!!!"

All of them were doing their best against Wolfrom.

Allmight:"DELAWARE SMASH!!!" he then release a powerful explosion.

Allmight:"PREAPER YOUSELF VILLAIN!!!" he then charge at Wolfram,before he was wrapped into strong wires.

Wolfram:"Prepare myself take your own underestimated me!" he then raise his hand and start choking Allmight, before he put pressure on Allmight stomach, making th ehero scream in agony.

Izumi:"DAD!!!!" she start running towards, before she felt a great amount of pain in her body, making her fall on the ground.

Shoto:"Izumi!!" he then uses his ice as a barrier and start cheking up on her.

Katsuki:"DAMN IT!!!!" he start blasting with all he got, before he fell too since he overused his Quirk.

Allmight:(This new power seems to enhance his muscles.....he must have multiple wait, it couldn't!!!)

Wolfram:"Oh, yes while we were planning this little plot....I received an intruiguing phone call from the man himself....he said he wanted to work with me to help.....when I asked him why he bother....he was happy to explain his interest......"

Allmight:"All For One is behind this?!?"

Wolfram:"What's the matter, looks like you finally stop smiling?!?"

Allmight:"NOO!!!" he then try to punch Wolfram who start using his Quirk and proceed to crush Allmight with the metal of the Expo.

Class 1A:"ALLMIGHT!! NOOO!!!!"

Melissa."NO!!!" she then start flying at superspeed and punch with all here strenght cube where Allmight was trapped in, freeing him and put him to safety.

Wolfram:"THAT DAMN BRAT!!!"

Y/n the flew down and start check the injured Allmight, before tunring to face Wolfram who was glaring at the three of them.

Allmight:"Young Koriand'r!! Melissa don't do it......your're strenght won't be enough to defeat him..." he said coughing a lot of blood.

Y//n:"Yeah,'s a hero job to save those in the need no matter the what."

Melissa:"And it's not about's about, Y/n.....would you help me during this fight once more.....If you still feel like it.."

Y/n:"Hehe, watch it my Kryptonian Friend..." the two the fist pumped, before they flew at superspeed towards the Villain as Allmight try to stop them.

Wolfram:"There's no way you can stop me.....You're insignificant pests!!! And you don't know  when to lie down and be quiet!!!"

Izuku:"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW HE'S FINISHED!!1"he then trew more starbolts bombs at Wolfram as Melissa and Y/n were flying faster  and faster.

As they were flying the felt the pressure getting higher and higher, theyhearts were pumping like crazy, when Wolfram was starting to trew his attacaks at the two girls.

Allmight got in the way and deliveare a a Texas Smash, letting the girl approaching  the Villain.

Allmight:"Go get him......girls.." he then crash on the ground.

Wolfram was getting angry and start using his quirk as his fullest.

Izumi:"What's happening?!?"

Y/n:( To overcome the crisis infront of you----)

Melissa:(By giving everything you've got------)

Y/n:(And save people!!!!!)

Melissa:(No, matter the cost!!!!!)

Y/n:(That what makes someone----)

Melissa:(A HERO!!!)

Wolfram then trew the entire tower at them, however Melissa then then uses her freezing breath against the whole building and the punch it as soon as it was close.

Wolfram:"NO!NO!NO!!" Y/n then punch Wolfram out of the body he had previously formed.


Y/n and Melissa then flew superfast towards Wolfram, who tried to protect himself and they landed a solid strong punch against him, that created a powerful shockwave and destroying the Villain's body.





Tenya:"They did it......"

Mineta:"They stopped him...THEY BEAT UP THAT VILLAIN AND SAVE OUR LIVES!!!!"

Everyone then start cheering for the two girls, even Bakugou was smiling which caught the attention of Shoto, the hot-headed then look away embaressed and angry like always.





Melissa was now helping Y/n in her feet.

Melissa:"we really do make a nice pair..." which Y/n smiled at her, which she smiled back.

Izuku:"Y/n!! I'm so glad you're alive!!!"

Midnight:"MY BABY!!!" she then ran towards you and brought you into an hug.





David then woke up and look at Allmight.


Allmight:"I came to save friend..."

David:"Thank you......"

Allmight:"But if you want to thank should thank Melissa and Young Koriand'r."





Melissa:" He's okay*sniff* I can't believe it*sniff* I'm so grateful and it thanks to you guys...." she said with a smile on her face.

Y/n:"We did it together Friend Melissa......after all the only way I made it this far......was because I had your help too.....Thanks so much for your are a super girl...."

Melissa just smiled at her.

Melissa:(Super girl, huh?)




David:"Look at those two......She wants to become my successor....and you have that girl.....she'll take your place one day too....Won't she?"

Allmight:"She still has a long road ahead, but in her shines the greatest potential, I've ever see among those, who would become heroes."

David:"...........I can see it too Toshi.......Hope......A Light lighter than ours.......These two.....have the heart of heroes......."





The End....

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