Chapter 11.

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-the secret-

"Okay, am I a boy?" Louis asked with his eyebrows furrowed. Juliet shook her head. "Okay, so I'm a girl... Can I be seen on television?" Juliet nodded with a smile. "Am I a sporter?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Erm, presenter?"

"Nope." She said again, popping the 'P'.

"Actress?" He tried.

"Yes!" Juliet exclaimed, which Louis slightly laughed at.

"Okay, that's clear. Do I play in a movie?"

"Yeah, but some people see it as a series."

"Juliet! You're only supposed to answer with yes or no!" Louis said.

"Shit, I'm sorry! Okay, okay. Go on."

"Is the movie really famous?" She nodded enthusiastically. "Am I that girl from titanic?"

"No. Try guessing the movie first."

"Juliet!" Louis exclaimed.

"It was just a tip!" She yelled back in reaction.

"Okay. Wait, does the movie have more than one part?" She nodded quickly. "Is it Harry Potter?"


"But I don't know who plays in it,' he said in disappointment.

"Louis, don't tell me you've never seen Harry Potter."

"I've not." He confessed.

"You're kidding right?"


Juliet gasped, slapping his upper arm. "Louis!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, okay!"

"Tonight, we're going to watch it." She decided wit a nod, making Louis chuckle at how serious she took it.

"But how many parts are there?" Louis questioned, since he heard there were a lot.

"Doesn't matter. We'll do a marathon,' Juliet said.


"No buts! We're gonna do it." Louis chuckled as she smiled.

"What's the time?" She asked, but answered herself when she looked at the clock hung in her room. "8 'o'clock already? Shall we get some pizza downstairs, some yummy things and then start?" She suggested. Louis nodded in agreement.

The further they went down the stairs, the louder the noise got of laughter, just talking and music. "I swear, I'd never survived this if I were here alone,' Juliet laughed. They had to go through the living room if they wanted to arrive in the kitchen. So that is what they did and as soon as they stepped in the room, the team quieted down, and Ray immediately locked eyes with Louis, and then he looked at Juliet.

"Jule, I—"

"One bad thing about Louis, and I won't talk to you for three days,' Juliet said, which kind of made Louis melt, because of how much she seemed to care about him.


"No, buts Ray,' Juliet said.

"Yeah, only your beautiful butt, like your tiddies,' some guy of the team said playfully with a grin.

"Shut your fucking mouth! You're fucking disgusting!" Louis exclaimed to the boy, protective over Juliet.

"Chuck, what the fuck, one more comment about my sister, and you can get out. Hate to say it, but for once I agree with Louis,' Ray said clearly, shooting daggers with his eyes to Louis, when he said he agreed with him. Chuck laughed, some laughed with him, but some were quiet, like Ray and Harry.

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