Chapter 10.

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Louis tapped his pen over and over against his desk. He knew it irritated the people who were sitting in front of him, but that was why he didn't stop. It amused him. Only, he didn't know why they didn't ask him to stop with it. One of the reasons he kept tapping the pen—testing limits. Were they that afraid of him? He tapped a little louder. "Could you stop that?" A boy from two rows in front of him asked in irritation. Louis looked up slightly amused. A little smirk grew on his face. Not only the boy turned to look at him, but also the person sitting next to him and the two girls from a row in front of Louis.

"You mean this?" Louis asked innocently as he tapped his pen again.

"Yes, that. Obviously." Louis saw the slight scared expression of the two girls who were in between the irritated boy and Louis. Though their gaze also seemed sweet as they kept staring at him. It seemed interesting to him.

"Do you find it irritating?" He asked in a soft voice the two girls.

They shook their heads rapidly. "No, not a bit!"

"Yeah, I really like the sound actually,' they answered.

Louis was amused by their answer, it was just funny to him. So he turned to look at the boy again with a fake smile. "Would you like me to tap this pen against your head or are you satisfied with me tapping it against my desk?" The boy softened his irritated expression and broke eye contact by looking down. "So?" Louis asked impatiently.

"I-I think this is fine,' he mumbled.


"Louis!" He just walked further through the hall, already knowing who it was. However, it took her longer than usual. After a while, he looked behind him in confusion, where he saw Juliet talking to some girls. Louis raised an eyebrow as all the girls started looking at him with their lips parted. Juliet waved and quickly ran her way towards Louis, saying goodbye over her shoulder to the giggling girls. "Hi,' she smiled to Louis, while he just looked at her in confusion.

"You didn't have to walk away from them. I don't mind you not being here with me. I really don't."

She laughed, which made Louis wonder if she even knew he wasn't even lying. "No, I was just walking over to you, but then they stopped me. I didn't even know them. They're like two years older." Louis walked further through the halls. "Do you want to know why they talked to me out of sudden?" Juliet asked, quickly following Louis.

"No, not really."

"Trust me, you really want to know. It's kind of funny. It'll make you laugh." Juliet waited, but Louis didn't respond. "Okay, so,' Juliet started, telling the story, 'I called your name through the halls, and they like gasped and were like: 'o my god, you know that boy?' and I was like: 'yeah, of course he's a friend of mine'." Louis huffed at that comment, but Juliet continued, "and then they literally came with all these questions like: 'does he have a girlfriend?' isn't that funny!"

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Terribly funny. Sure."

Juliet clapped her hands together in excitement. "I know right! And in my previous classes today. Everyone, and I mean, e-very-one talks about you! Like you're some kind of king of the school. Maybe you are!"

"Tell them to fuck off." At that moment he walked past Zayn in the hallways. Zayn's gaze fell on Louis, after which he shot him daggers with his eyes. Louis did the exact same thing, his gaze strong and powerful, which would make anyone shiver because of the strength it held.

"Holy guacamole!" Juliet whispered in excitement. "Watch out for him though."

"Do you know him... like personally or stuff?" Louis asked.

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