52. Friends? Brothers!

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⚠️⚠️this chapter containing physical abuse, please read with caution ⚠️ ⚠️

Harry and Matt worked hard the all week, they filmed a lot of scenes from early in the morning until very late at night, so both of them were really exhausted, but Friday is already here and so is Harry's birthday party, David and Matt Insisted that Harry will leave the house and come back at the time of the party, no matter how much he tried to resist Dom was in his house at the morning, ready to take him away "why can't I stay here? I will be quite..." Harry complained while Matt pushed him towards the door "less whining more birthday spirit!" Matt demanded and Harry sighed "Jesse... someone not in a birthday mood?" Dom teased "it's not because of you, don't worry" Harry smiled at him "come on I planned a wonderful day for us" Dom said and jumped in his place "thank you for doing this for me" Harry said and hugged him "of course! You are my friend!" Dom replied and hugged him back "now come on... our spa day is awaiting" Dom started to jump the stairs to get out while Harry was dragging after him, when they arrived at the hotel the receptionist smiled at them "good morning mr. Sherwood, your room is awaiting" she said to Dom and they followed her to a big suite at the top floor, the room was gigantic, with a bottle of champagne on the table with a boxes of mini chocolates, at the corner there was a hot tub with bubbly water, Harry open wide eyes when he saw everything "Dom... I can't believe you did all of this!" Harry said with a trembling voice "it's my pleasure! Do you like it?" Dom asked "are you kidding me? it's amazing! Thank you!" Harry said and jumped on him with a hug, Dom hold him close, Harry felt so happy, no one ever done something like that for him, he felt such an idiot acting like an asshole all morning "so I leave you with your boyfriend alone... the masseurs will arrive in an hour" the receptionist said with a smile and Harry and Dom laughed "he's not my boyfriend, but thank you" Dom explained and she smiled lightly and left the room "uff... if Matt were here I would be dead by that statement" Dom laughed "oh... yes" Harry agreed "so would you like to go for a bath?" Dom winked at him "yes!!!" Harry cheered as he started to undress himself "good lord Harry! where did you get those abs? I feel bad right now about myself!" Dom smiled at him and Harry blushed, they entered the hot tub and both of them sighed in relax "how is things between you and Matt?" Dom asked and Harry smiled "really good, I never felt like that before, he's my life" Harry said and Dom smiled widely "I'm happy for you!" Dom said "do you ever think about getting married?" Dom continued and Harry thought about it for a moment "if you were asking me that a year ago I would have say no... but now? I really think about getting married, I want to spend the rest of my life with that man" Harry said and looked at Dom who smiled like a crazy person "dude, you're freaking me out" Harry laughed "I'm sorry, I just... you guys will get married! Oh my heart" Dom said and hold his chest which made Harry laugh "yeah, one day" Harry said "but ... you just said..." Dom started to say but Harry cut him off "we are only been dating for six months, it's too soon..." Harry explained "I guess you are right..." Dom said and leaned back "listen... thank you for doing this for me... it's means a lot..." Harry suddenly said and Dom raised his head "of course! I want you to be happy!" Dom said and gave him a little push with his hand "and that place... is huge!!" Harry continued "and I'm guessing you have an understanding of huge things?" Dom winked at him and Harry blushed so hard, he felt his ears getting warm "oh my god, you are adorable!" Dom laughed and jumped on his lap with a bone crashing hug "stop it!" Harry giggled and tried to escape "oh come on! we're besties! We should talk about everything" Dom demanded "well I can't talk about it with you sitting on my lap..." Harry raised his eyebrows and Dom jumped off "sorry.." he said and winked "soooooo..." Dom continued "things are really good, he's very passionate and loving, actually my sex life never been better" Harry said and looked at Dom who had a devilish smile "happy now?" Harry teased "you bet!" Dom laughed, Harry loved being with Dom, he felt like they are really close and they could talk about anything in the world "he was your first?" Dom asked and Harry shook his head "I was with a woman before, if that's count" Harry said "no... I meant your first guy" Dom explained "oh.. then yes" Harry answer "was it painful?" Dom continued and Harry raised his eyebrows with a corner smile "who said I was the one getting it?" Harry smiled "seriously?" Dom laughed "ok... this conversation is starting to feel uncomfortable!" Harry laugh "not for me!" Dom laugh and winked at Harry "by the way... if you don't mind me asking... Matt told me you hate your birthday... wanna tell me why is that?" Dom suddenly change the topic and Harry looked at him in surprise "he... did?" Harry said "is that a problem...?" Dom looked worried "no no... you just surprised me... umm..." Harry mumbled and looked down "you don't have to if you don't want to... I just wondered..." Dom smiled at him "no, it's fine... actually I want to be more comfortable with my story so..." Harry said and took a deep breath "when I was in college I was in a relationship, well... secret relationship with a man, we were seeing each other for two weeks, and I was so in love... he was sweet and funny, and good looking..." Harry paused to take another deep breath, it's the first time he was telling his story to anyone, Harry felt a little afraid, but Dom sat there in silence, waiting for him to continue, the loving eyes of Dom's encourage him to continue "after two weeks, we were in bed in his dorms, we kissed and he tried to take my pants off... I wasn't ready... I was young and I was afraid... but he didn't care, he said I led him on for two weeks... I have to do it... he raped me... I couldn't handle it, I tried to commit suicide... I was found by David who saved my life, but since that day I hated my birthday, it was a constant reminder of me being alive, even though I didn't want to... until this year, with you guys..." Harry stopped, he couldn't breathe, he felt Dom's arms warping him "my god... all Matt told me is that you hated your birthday and he wants me to show you how much you mean to me... I never thought..." Dom hugged him hard and Harry stroke his hands "it's ok... thank you for doing this for me... I never felt more comfortable then right now... you are the first person I'm telling my story too..." Harry said and smiled at him "thank you for sharing with me... it's means so much..." Dom said "but... Matt doesn't know?" Dom was confused "he knows... but David told him, I was having a melt down a couple of days ago, so David wanted Matt to know so he told him" Harry explained "oh... and you're ok with that?" Dom wonder "I wasn't happy about it at first... but Matt was so supportive and loving so I guess I'm fine with it, and he is my boyfriend so I wanted him to know..." Harry smiled and Dom hold his hand "so... I'm the first one who is hearing that from you?" he asked "yes..." Harry said "oh Harry! Thank you... for trusting me with your story!" Dom said and hugged him again, Harry embraced the hug "and you know... you are not alone... not anymore, you have Matt and David, and of course your favorite man... me!" Dom said, making Harry laugh "you are right... I never thought someone would care about me so much..." Harry said and Dom smiled "of course I do, you are like a brother to me..." Dom said and smiled "really?" Harry was surprised "yes..." Dom replied "too much ah?" Dom looked offended "no, actually I always wanted a brother..." Harry smiled, he got up and hugged him close, Dom broke the hug and poured two glasses of champagne, he gave one to Harry "to Harry Shum Jr. I hope we celebrate just like that next year my friend... my brother..." Dom raised his glass and Harry raised his too "to brothers"

I was so happy to write the story from Harry's point of view, it was very important to me and I hoped you liked it :) ❤️

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