33. Where do we go

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Harry woke up to an empty bed for the forth morning, his body was sore and his eyes were swollen from all the crying, he checked his phone and saw 2 messages from Dom and 3 missed calls from David, no sign from Matt, he didn't know why he wanted so much for him to come back, after he had 4 days to come back and he didn't, after Harry told him that if he will go out the door they're over, and he walked out, leaving Harry with so much pain, deep down all he wanted is for Matt to come back and for them to talk about everything, but Harry knew he would never do that, after what happened with Kina he swore to himself to never give second chance, and Matt broke his heart so hard, it's a pain he would never want to feel again.
At that moment a knock on the door cut off his train of thought, he got up and opened the door, he saw David standing there with a worried face and a box of donuts "hey..." Harry said with a sleepy voice, he was expecting for someone else "hey... how are you? You didn't answer my calls so... emm..." David said while he checked Harry with his eyes "are you going to let me in?" David said and Harry moved aside to let him come in, David placed the donuts on the kitchen counter and turned on the coffee machine while Harry limped behind him and sat down on the couch "okay... what is going on? You're scaring me..." David said and sat down next to him, at that moment Harry burst into tears and cuddled up into David lap, telling him everything about the fight and that Matt leave him, David didn't say a word, he let Harry take it all out while he strokes his back, when Harry started to calm down he sat back "I'm sorry for ruining your pants..." Harry said with a sniff and grabbed a tissue to wipe out the tears "are you kidding me?" David said and coped Harry face with one hand "it's just water, you're my friend and you're hurt... nothing else matters" he smiled at him and Harry smiled back "thank you for being here.. but you don't need to go back to Miami?" Harry asked "I'm the CEO it's fine, besides, I do have a couple of errands to do so don't feel bad" David winked at him and got up to make both of them coffee, they sat there drinking coffee and eating the donuts that David brought "so... what are you going to do about the whole Matt thing?" David asked, Harry didn't know himself "to be completely honest, I don't know, on one hand I want him back... so so much..." he said and felt the pain again "but on the other hand... he didn't trust me... he believed some article over my words... how can I be with someone like that..." Harry said and looked down on the floor, there was a silence between David spoke "you know... I was the one who picked up your broken heart after what happened with Kina... I hate seeing you like that... you deserve the world my friend, and I thought that Matt guy is going to give you that... even though I didn't meet him in person but.. from your stories..." David stopped to take a breath and continued "so my point is, if he's come back even if you are scared... at least listen to him, don't close it like you did before, get a closure... even if you don't get back together at least talk about it, after all you guys are working together, there's no escape..." David said and hugged Harry close "thank you so much for being here, and as usual you're right..." Harry laughed a little into the hug and then he realized "damn!" David stepped back from the hug and looked at him "what's wrong?" he said with panic "tomorrow it's the first day back on set... I can't... I can't handle it..." Harry said and began to breathe heavily "hey hey... shhh calm down..." David tried to calm him down "you're going to be just fine! You are strong enough!" David said and Harry started to calm down "you think I'm strong?" he asked and David smiled "you are the strongest man I know, I believe in you" he continued and Harry smiled at him "thank you..." Harry said and got up to clean the table and David picked up the dishes and followed him to the kitchen "you know... I have some free time tomorrow, how about I pick you up for lunch?" he said and put the dishes in the sink "are you hitting on me?" Harry winked at him and David laughed "of course! You're irresistible" and gave him a push with his arm and they both laugh "yeah sure, 2pm it's okay?" Harry said and David nodded, after they cleaned the kitchen David walked to the door and opened her, Harry followed him "you're going to be okay right?" David said and coped his face "of course, besides you're spoiling me with food how can I not?" Harry laugh and they hugged, it felt so nice to feel protected by his friend, David backed out, puts a kiss on Harry's cheek and turned around and walked to his car, Harry smiled to himself and got inside.
Non of them noticed that Matt was standing in the corner of the street.

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