138. Night at the hotel

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The whole ride Harry tried to hold himself, to be strong, Don and David looked at him from time to time but they didn't say anything, Harry appreciate the fact that Dom walked after him, he expected that from David, he knows that David will stand by his side no matter what, but the way that Dom followed them just warmed Harry's heart "umm... i made a reservation for the hotel right here, are you ready?" David said and Harry looked at him, he didn't even realize they stopped "sure" Harry said and got out, he really didn't care about which hotel they would go, he just wanted to be out of the house, out of the place that he saw his fiancé in bed with another man, Harry was held by Dom's arms, he couldn't even walk straight, his mind was so loud and he felt his heart bleeding, David walked in front of them and handle with all the reservation stuff, Harry just leaned on Dom the whole time, he was afraid that if he let go he would fall on the ground, finally David took the room key so they all went to the elevators and went to the top floor, David opened the room door and stepped aside, letting Dom get Harry inside, Harry was in a total silence the whole time, he was afraid to break, he can't break, he can't lose it, he has to stay strong, Dom let Harry go and went to close the door, Harry just stand in the middle of the room, he couldn't move or speak or think "Harry...?" David said and Harry raised his eyes to look at him "do you want to talk about it?" David asked, Harry saw how worried he is "what can we do?" Dom said and stroke Harry's arm, that was it for him, he burst into tears "it's ok, we're here with you, you're not alone..." Dom whispered and hugged him, David hold him from the other side "I can't believe he did that... he was my one true love... how can I go on from here?" Harry said, the tears just fell down, they didn't stop, but his legs gave up, he couldn't stand anymore, his all body was so weak, but just when he started to fold down David lifted him up and put him on the bed "it's ok, I'm here... we are here... we will help..." David said and sat on the bed next to him, Harry just cuddle into David's chest and hold his shirt, not stopping the cry for a second, Dom went to the other side and hold him from behind, stroking his arms "every time I close my eyes I see the love of my life in bed with another man... I can't believe this is happening to me... I can't... I can't..." Harry whispered into David's shirt "I did nothing wrong... why do I deserve to be treated like that..." Harry said and in that moment David hold his face and make him look up "you didn't do anything wrong, you're perfect, you deserve the world... you don't deserve this..." David said and Harry sniff his nose "I'm just thinking... maybe this is my fault... I've got so jealous that I pushed him away..." Harry whispered, he felt the pain in his heart growing at every moment "don't even think that! you're amazing, he's an asshole... I promise you, you did nothing wrong" Dom said and squeezed Harry's arm "you really think so?" Harry asked with more tears falling down "I know so..." Dom said "me too..." David said and wiped some tears from Harry's face "thank you... thank you both for sticking up with me" Harry said and lay his head back on David's chest, David wrapped his arms around him and hold him close "I can't be anywhere else..." David said "this is what brothers are for..." Dom said and lay his head on Harry's shoulder, Harry felt so protected, to be surrounded with his brother's arms, he was exhausted from all the cry and the pain, he just close his eyes and fell asleep.

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When Harry started snoring he knew he fell asleep, Harry had his arms around David's torso and David's arms were around him "poor guy... he is having such a rough day..." Dom whispered, David just nodded "thank you for sticking up with him... I know it means a lot to him" David said "of course, just the look on his face... my heart couldn't handle it" Dom said and David agree with him, the look on Harry's face was horrific, he immediately knew that something bad happened "what do you think about the whole situation? I know you're his closest friend... how do we help him?" Dom asked while he kept stroking Harry's arms, it seems like it's calming him down "I don't know... he never was this deep in a relationship... I don't know what to expect" David said, he thought back about the time when Harry found Kina in bed with another guy, he was so upset, but he wasn't that broken, this time David could see Harry's crashed soul "but I'm sure about one thing... I'm not leaving him alone, never, he can fight me all he wants, I'm staying" David said, he embraced Harry even closer "you're afraid he will try to... umm... do something to himself again?" Dom asked, he looked worried, David appreciated Dom's concern, he was glad he's not alone too "I don't know, all I know is that Matt meant the world to him... and if he's gone... I don't know..." David said, he was lost too, he didn't know how to help his friend, at that moment Harry's phone buzz, Dom got up and showed the phone to David, the screen showed Matt's number "here... switch with me, I will take that" David said, he and Dom switched places really gently, not to wake up sleeping Harry, and then David took the phone to the hallway and answered the call.

First David POV 🤗

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