161. The party

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Harry hold Matt's hand and they both started walking on the white fabric towards their party, he saw his mother and sister standing right next to Matt's sister, they were clapping to the couple together with big smiles on their faces, it made him feel so happy to see their families together, next to them he saw all of their friends, and he was so happy to deserve to be surrounded with such an amazing people.
They went to hug everyone, Harry looked at Matt from time to time and to see his smile and his happy expression while he hugged and said hello to everyone, it made Harry feel even more happy and his smile grow bigger every time he looked at his beautiful fiancé.
When they finished saying hello to everyone they all sat around a big table, Matt and Harry sat on the head of the table which made Harry feel a little uncomfortable, he doesn't like to be in the center of attention, but then he felt Matt's soft hand caresses his, Harry looked at him and saw Matt sweet look, like he could read his mind and he knew Harry need him, Harry smiled and leaned in to rest his head on Matt's shoulder, he is in the right place with the right person, nothing bad will happen as long as he has Matt on his side, then he heard David knock gently on his glass, making everyone look at him "I want to make a toast for the man's of the hour" David said and Harry smiled widely and nodded "Harry, you and I go way back, frankly I don't remember a time where you weren't in my life, and I'm lucky enough to call you my brother and you are my family, and even though I was skeptical about Matt in the first place..." David narrow his eyes towards Matt who laughed "I saw how he made you so happy, you guys belong with each other and I hope this is just the beginning of a wonderful journey together" David said and raised his glass up "to Harry and Matt" David shouted and everyone repeated after him with their glasses in the air "thank you, that was beautiful" Matt said and raised his glass to click it with David's who smiled, Harry looked at them and he was never happier than right now.
After David each and every one of their friends made a toast, including Dom Kat and Em, and a couple of friends from Harry's movie as well, they said wonderful things about them, which made Harry just melt next to his fiancé, Matt took control since Harry couldn't speak from his excitement so Matt thanked everyone for their kind words and for their love for them, Harry felt a little overwhelmed with everything that been going on, but luckily Matt wasn't, he spoke in the name of both of them, he answered beautifully to all of the wonderful toasts they got and the whole time he hold Harry's shoulder with his arm, squeezing him close to him, making him feel that it's ok, in a 'don't worry' way, Harry loved that Matt could see his stress without even saying a word, he was so happy that this is the level of their relationship right now, and how much they grow, with each other as a couple and each of them by himself.
Last it was the family time to speak, Alex Matt's sister stood up and looked at them with a smile "I can't think of anything that haven't been said about this couple, but I want to tell you how happy I am seeing my brother this happy..." Alex said and Harry looked at Matt who smiled widely "my brother never brought anyone home, i was worried about my brother but then Harry came along..." she said and smiled, Matt looked at Harry and smiled his beautiful smile which melted Harry's heart "the moment this two got together they were inseparable, where ever Matt goes? Harry followed, like magnets, and then I realized why my brother never brought anyone home... he didn't know that but he was waiting for Harry, and Harry is definitely worth the wait" she said and Matt leaned on Harry and squeezed his shoulder close, Harry was so happy to hear Alex's words, he felt so welcome in her eyes "I know our parents are too blind to see... but I'm not, I promise to always be by your side, where ever you go and with whoever you choose to love..." Alex said and raised her glass up with tearing eyes "to my brothers!" she yelled and Harry couldn't take it anymore, he got up and dragged Matt with him, all the way to Alex and hugged her "thank you for being here..." Harry said and wiped a tear from her eye, she smiled and hugged him again, then she went to hug Matt too "thank you for being my family..." Matt whispered to her and she kissed his cheek "I will always love you and you will always be my brother" she said and smiled widely, Harry just watched them with a stupid wide smile on his face, he was so grateful for Alex's part in Matt's life, even though his parents couldn't give him the love he deserves, his sister is filling up the whole part - being is absolute supporter.

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