129. Reporting

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Harry and Matt were sitting on the floor in the makeup room, Harry wasn't ready to face life again, but of course life have other plans since in that moment they heard a knock on the door "Harry are you here?" Simon opened the door and looked at both Matt and Harry on the floor "what are you doing on the floor?" Simon asked with a confused face, Harry and Matt looked at each other, Harry nodded and Matt got up, pulling Harry with him "well, there was an incident..." Matt started to say "what happened?" Simon asked, Matt looked at Harry who took a deep breath "umm... Kai forced himself on me..." Harry mumbled "excuse me? what?" Simon said with wide eyes "please don't make me say that again..." Harry said and Simon looked at Matt who nodded, confirming Harry's words "omg, Harry! I'm sorry!" Simon said, he started to walk towards him but he stopped "can I give you a hug?" Simon asked and Harry smiled nervously "yes, of course" he said and Simon walked to him and embraced him close "I can't believe he did something like that" Simon said when they broke the hug "do you want to fill an official complaint?" Simon asked him "yes" Matt said and Harry looked at him "no..." Harry said "what? of course you are, you're going to make this son of a bitch pay" Matt said and Harry took a step back "no, I don't want to, I just want to forget it happened and move on" Harry said, he didn't wanted to do anything about it, he can't deal with it again, the last time was worse of course, but even then he didn't do anything, he didn't wanted to deal with them again "you know, if you don't complain about it you will have to see him in the premiere... and you will have to do interviews and everything together..." Simon said and Harry took a deep breath "I can handle it" Harry said "Harry!" Matt said with sock "it's my issue... let go" Harry said and walked pass them and left the room, he didn't wanted anything to do with that asshole, he will just do what he has to do and then it will be over "Harry stop" Matt yelled behind him, Harry stopped and Matt got in front of him "just listen..." Matt said but Harry cut him off "no, you listen, I said I don't want to do it, so I'm not doing it" Harry said, he expected Matt to be angry at him but instead he moved closer and hugged him, Harry was surprised but he embraced him so close "I know you are afraid, and I can't imagine what are you going through right now..." Matt said and backed away a little "especially because this is the second time you going through this..." Matt said and coped Harry's face "but you're not alone, I'm here, I will help you... just let me help you, please..." Matt said and Harry looked at him directly in the eyes, of course he's scared, but Matt is being so amazing and understanding, he's right, he's not alone, not anymore "you're right..." Harry said and Matt smiled "really?" Matt said and Harry chuckle "you look surprised" Harry said "I didn't expect you to be this understanding... usually only David can do that" Matt said and Harry laughed "well, I guess it's your turn to suffer" Harry said and Matt warped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled him closer as possible "if this is suffering... I was praying for the wrong heaven" Matt said and Harry just melted, Matt always know how to get to him "come on" Matt continued and offered his hand to him "let's get this asshole fired" Matt said, Harry combined their hands together and they walked to Simon's office, Harry felt safe with Matt, last time he wasn't strong enough to complain about what he had gone through, but this time he felt more confident, Matt won't let anyone hurt him.
They went to Simon's office and they filled an official complaint about Kai, Matt kept saying how much he's proud of him for being this strong, while Simon agreed with him at every time, Matt only left the room once when he got a phone call, but besides that he sat near Harry the whole time, stroking his back, giving him the feeling of a safe place.
After that they thanked Simon for helping them, and he promised he would let them know about any progress, and then they went to their car and drove home "I'm proud of you baby" Matt said and Harry smirked "what?" Matt asked amused "nothing... I didn't think I would ever hate hearing that sentence" Harry chuckle and Matt laughed "sorry about it, I just want you to know that I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, and I won't let anyone hurt you, never" Matt said and Harry reached his hand and hold Matt's hand "I know, thank you for supporting me, and helping me be that strong" Harry said and smiled, Matt was about to say something when Harry's phone buzz:

Harry: hey David, what's....
David: Harry? are you okay?
Harry: yes, I'm fine...
David: it's just..  Matt told me what happened...
Harry: hold on.

Harry cover the phone with his hand and looked at Matt "you told David?" Harry asked and Matt looked guilty "yes... I didn't know you will agree with me that easily, so I told him..." Matt said, Harry rolled his eyes and got back on the phone:

Harry: please don't be worried, I'm alright
David: i can't believe it, I will kill this son of a bitch, how dare he?
Harry: David please, calm down, I'm fine, Matt arrived just in time, before anything happened
David: you promise you're fine?
Harry: I promise! I really am!
David: ok, did you filed a complaint?
Harry: yes, Simon said he will let us know when there is a progress
David: good, keep me posted
Harry: of course
David: ok, let me know if you need anything! I'm here for you
Harry: thank you, I think I just want to go home and sleep, but I will text you tomorrow
David: of course, I love you
Harry: love you too

Harry hung up the phone and looked at Matt "seriously?" Harry asked and rubbed his temple "sorry... I didn't know you will cooperate..." Matt said with an apology look, Harry chuckle "now you believe me that I trust you and that you have the same influence on me?" Harry grin and Matt laughed "a little late, but yes" Matt said and hold Harry's hand, Harry wasn't mad at him, he was surprised, but he chose to look at the good thing - Matt called David for help, it was so sweet, and Harry chose to focus on that "hey... how about we do a little housewarming party?" Matt asked and smiled "I think it's a wonderful idea baby" Harry smiled back "this weekend?" Matt asked squeezed Harry's hand, he looked so excited, Harry thought maybe he's doing it to loosen everything up and make Harry feel comfortable and safe with their friends, that way he won't think about Kai all the time, he appreciated that "sounds lovely" Harry smiled and Matt's eyes sparkle, he looked so happy to be able to help him "I will start planning when we get home" Matt said and Harry smiled and kissed his cheek.

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