108. I will kill you!

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Harry woke up and looked around, at first he was surprised 'what he hell? where am I?' Harry thought to himself, he looked at Matt who slept on the couch next to his bed 'oh... right' Harry remembered, he looked down at his wound who looked better than yesterday, it's not red and swollen anymore, so that's good, at that moment he saw Matt stretches out and opening his eyes "you're awake!" Matt cheered immediately when he saw that Harry was looking at him, he got up of the couch and sit on the bed with Harry "yes, how did you sleep?" Harry asked "you're unbelievable..." Matt smiled "what?" Harry asked and tried to get up, Matt help him and he lifted the bed a little so Harry could lay back "you are in the hospital and you are asking about me..." Matt said and Harry smiled "that's what important to me" Harry said and Matt leaned in "can I kiss you?" Matt asked and Harry frown "why do you even ask?" Harry said "I don't want to hurt you..." Matt said and looked concerned, Harry warped his arms around Matt's neck and pulled him into a wet passionate kiss "I've missed you... never do that to me again..." Matt whispered into the kiss, he coped Harry's face with both hands and hold him so close "I'm not going anywhere..." Harry whispered "we have a wedding to plan..." Harry continued and smiled, Matt pressed their lips together again and Harry could feel how much the last couple of days were rough on him "I'm sorry for making you worry so much" Harry said and Matt looked at him directly in the eyes "I love you, you are going to be my husband, in sickness and in health" Matt whispered and Harry smiled "in sickness and in health" Harry repeated him, Matt placed a light kiss on his nose and got up "you will be ok for a couple of minutes? I'm going to take a quick shower" Matt said and Harry nodded, while Matt took his clothes from the bag Harry thought about Matt in the shower, his hair all wet, the water traveling on his body in a perfect way, Harry bite his lower lip "soon my love..." Matt whispered, Harry looked at him and grin "how did you know?" Harry said and Matt leaned in, with his lips so close to him "because I know you..." Matt said and Harry crashed their lips together, he love that man so much, Matt broke the kiss "I will be right back" Matt said and jumped into the shower, Harry couldn't resist the smile, the way Matt is so protective of him, it's so cute, he probably gave him hell but Matt stands next to him, like he said, in sickness and in health.
Harry took his phone and checked his messages, he has one from David:

David: hey how are you? can you please text me when you're awake?
Harry: good morning
David: hey! how are you?
Harry: I'm feeling better, thank you, for everything
David: of course
David: can I come? I want to see you and I bought lunch
Harry: haha you don't have to seduce me with food, you can come when ever you want
David: yeah, but food is always a good idea
Harry: that's true...
David: on my way :)

Harry closed his phone and put it back on the night stand, at that moment the front door was opened 'how did he got here so fast?' Harry grin to himself, but instead of David he saw Kina entering the room "Kina?" Harry asked surprised, what the hell is she doing here? "Hi Harry..." she said in a sad voice, she looked down but Harry could see the red eyes and the swollen face "what are you doing here? you can't be here... Matt is..." Harry started to say but in that moment Matt came out of the bathroom and looked at both of them "what is she doing here?" Matt asked "I don't know..." Harry said, Matt ignored her on his way to Harry's bed, he stands right between them "what are you doing here?" Matt asked, more angry this time "I... I came to apologize... I never... I didn't..." she mumbled and Harry didn't understand anything she said "about what?" Harry asked, he looked at Matt who looked like he understood, his hands were in fist and he was shaking "that was you?" Matt said with gritted teeth "yes... but I never thought... I just..." she stuttered but she couldn't finish because Matt reduce the distance between them and pinned her on the wall with a hand tight on her neck "you bitch! I swear to god that I will kill you..." Matt screamed and Harry was so confused "Matt! let her go, what are you doing?" Harry tried to calm him down, but Matt looked so angry, he never saw him like that, he was holding Kina from her neck and she didn't tried to fight, she was letting him "I don't care that you're a woman... you tried to kill him... you bitch" Matt hiss between his teeth, ignoring completely from Harry 'she tried to kill me? what is going on?' Harry thought, he was so confused, he didn't understand what is happening, Kina started to have trouble to breathe "Matt! put her down!" David said and rushed into the room "she said she shot him!" Matt said and David opened wide eyes "what?" David and Harry said together "she shot me? i got shot?!" Harry said with panic but no one paid attention to his question, Matt was too focused on Kina "let her go... I called security... they will take care of it..." David hold Matt's hand "let go..." David encourage him, Matt didn't take his eyes of Kina, but eventually he loosen his grip on her and she coughed and held her throat "I just wanna know why..." Matt said with gritted teeth "I never meant to hurt him..." she whispered "I aimed at you" she continued and looked at Matt who took a step back "what?" Harry asked, he was so confused "i saw that you guys were engaged... I've got jealous, I don't know what I was thinking... but I thought maybe if Matt would be out of the picture, you and I can give it a shut" she said and looked at Harry who was shocked "you thought you would kill the man that I love and then you and I will have an happily ever after story? are you insane?" Harry screamed at her, he tried to get up but Matt rushed to his side and hold him "take it easy my love..." Matt whispered and Harry looked at him, he didn't believe that someone tried to kill the love of his life "Harry you have to believe me that I love you... I never meant to hurt you" she said and Harry clenched his jaw "I will never forgive you for this... stay away from us!" Harry hiss between his teeth and he hold Matt's hand in his "I'm sorry... I..." she started to say and took a step forward but David got in her way and blocked her "you don't get to say that, I can't believe you did that" David whispered and in that moment the security guards got inside and took her away, she looked at Harry so deep in his eyes, Harry saw the guilt in them but he looked away from her, he didn't wanted anything to do with her.

I guess you're not surprised, but finally we know who did this! 🙊

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