179. Moon and stars

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"I love you... my husband..." Matt whispered and kissed hart chest softly "I love you too... my entire world" Harry whispered back and kissed his head, they were cuddling together on the pool chair, Harry felt so peaceful.


*4 hours later*
Harry opened his eyes to a dark room, he was cuddled with Matt on the bed, he tried to remember how they got there, then he remembered talking and laughing on the balcony with Matt on the pool chair, when the last thing he remember is falling asleep, Matt probably has been taking him to bed, he looked up at him, he was sleeping peacefully, his chest was going up and down in a beautiful pace, his black long hair was covering his eyes and Harry reached out and brushed it off gently, revealing Matt's closed eyes and his long eyelashes, he was so beautiful, even sleeping Harry couldn't believe this man is his, forever, he looked at the ring on his finger and smiled.
He got up and opened the balcony door and went outside, the cold breeze stroke his face, he breathe it in with a relaxing feeling, he closed the door quietly behind him and sat on the edge of the pool, he touched the water with the tip of his finger, they were warm so he put his legs inside and wiggle around in the water, loving the reflection of the moon in the water, he smiled, he couldn't shake the feelings of how happy he is, he's married to the most amazing man alive, he gets to spend with him his entire life, he looked down to his ring again and swirled her around his finger, playing with it, before the wedding he was afraid once the ring would be on his finger he will feel pressure, suffocating, he was afraid he would feel his commitment issues rising up, but instead he looked at the ring and felt his heart dancing, he didn't feel it's a suffocating thing, he saw a beautiful bond on it, he saw their life tied up to each other, forever "baby?" he suddenly heard Matt's voice coming from behind, he turned back and saw Matt's head peeking through the door "oh hi my love, I was just needing a little air... I'm sorry if I woke you up" Harry said and Matt nodded, he went outside and closed the sliding door behind him and sat nervously next to Harry "is there a reason you needed air? did I... umm..." Matt stutter and Harry raised his eyebrow "please stop, you didn't do anything wrong, I just saw you sleeping so I went down here to play with the water a little" Harry said with an ensuring voice, he took Matt's hand in his and lift her up to his lips "I couldn't be happier than I am right now... with you by my side..." Harry whispered on Matt's palm and kissed it lightly "I'm happy to sit next to the biggest love of my life" Matt said with a sweet look and wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and pulled him closer to him, Harry leaned on the gap between Matt's arm and shoulder "I was just afraid you realized you got scammed" Matt mumbled, almost whispering but Harry heard that, he looked at him with a frown "how exactly did I got scammed?" he said with a giggle, not understanding what the hell is he talking about "well, you need to spend the rest of your life with me... that's too much" Matt said with a little pout,  Harry shook his head in disbelief, he knew Matt is having a hard time, he's always doubting himself "you're unbelievable" Harry said "seriously, you're the most amazing man I've ever met my entire life, I still can't believe you're with me... I still don't think I deserve you" Matt said and Harry frown "where this is all coming from? of course you deserve my love, the one who's lucky is me" Harry said with a giggle, it's so funny how each of them see each other in a different way "I just... I don't know... I saw you playing with the ring on your finger... I thought maybe you're having second thoughts..." Matt said and Harry blinked and finally realized where does Matt's breakdown is coming from, he looked at his beautiful husband looking so insecure, how could he think that? Harry's whole world is spinning around this man, he coped Matt's face, making Matt look at him and listen carefully to what he has to say "I'm the luckiest person on earth if I'm able to spend my whole life with you... and my whole life isn't even enough, if there is a life after this one - I will be loving you there too" Harry said and Matt smiled softly "you promise?" Matt asked and Harry nodded without hesitation "I promise" Harry said, he took Matt's hand in his own, their rings were close together on their fingers "this... right here... it represents our bond, forever, I don't want and don't need anything else, I only need you, I need us... as we are right now" Harry said and he saw Matt melting "so please... stop worrying, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here, I'm staying, I'm yours" Harry said with a smile and he saw Matt relaxing "and I'm yours" Matt said pulling Harry even closer "for as long as we both shall live" Harry completed and Matt crashed their lips together, studying Harry's whole mouth with his tongue, Harry kissed him like his life were depending on it, when they broke the kiss they both were breathless, resting their foreheads on each other's "I love you... so much..." Matt said breathing heavily "I love you too... with all my heart and soul..." Harry said and he could feel Matt smile, he leaned back on his palms and signaled Harry to join him, which he immediately do, he leaned back on the gap between Matt's arm and shoulder, looking at the moon "look at that... million of stars, but you're my moon..." Harry said and raised his head up a little to meet Matt's eyes "I'm the luckiest man alive..." Matt said and kissed Harry's forehead softly "not lucky as I am..." Harry completed smiling, leaning in the safety that his husband was giving him.

Sadly, this is the last chapter!!!! I will post the epilogue maybe tomorrow 💜
I hope you liked reading my story, I was sure loving writing it! Thank you all so much for this amazing journey 💜

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