82. The drive home

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The rest of the night was amazing, they talked and laughed with each other, Harry really missed being with David alone, he felt so comfortable and open, there is nothing he can't talk about with him, when they finished David insisted on paying but Harry almost ripped his head off, so they split the check, with a growl from David and a proud smile from Harry, they entered David's car and drove to Harry's house "hey... I really enjoyed tonight..." David said "me too" Harry smiled "I have missed you" David whispered and Harry looked at him "I've missed you too" Harry said in a sweet voice "you know what I meant?" David asked with surprise "yes... it's not that other people are interrupting us, it's just... I don't know... like old time's..." Harry said and looked at him "you and I against the world" Harry said and chuckled "exactly... see? this is why you are my best friend!" David said in an happy voice, Harry laughed, he knew exactly what David was talking about "Harry?" David said and Harry nodded for him to continue "I want you to know it's ok..." David said "what?" Harry asked, he didn't understand what is he talking about "it's ok if someday you will choose him over me" David whispered and Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise, what the hell? where this is coming from? "what? what on earth are you talking about?" Harry asked with a high voice, he was so surprised, why would he choose anyone "I don't know... since I heard that you gave Matt the ultimatum in Paris I'm scared... that maybe some day you will have to choose..." David explained and Harry wanted to slap him "first of all I'm not choosing anyone, you two will learn to live in peace with each other eventually" Harry said "yeah I know... but if he will give you the choice, I want you to choose him" David whispered and Harry looked at him, he felt so hurt "what? don't... why? do you not want us to be friends anymore? what are you saying?" Harry said in a trembling voice "hey, hey... calm down..." David said and pulled the car in the side of the road "listen... I'm just afraid that someday all of this... me and Matt competition, will be too much for you to handle... and I don't want to be the one who stand between you and your happiness... and in the same time I don't know how to live without you... but I want you to be happy, so if he will give you the choice... choose him, I will be fine" David said and hold his hand "and what about me? how can I be fine without any of you? are you crazy?" Harry felt like he was yelling, so he took a deep breath and continued "listen to me... I'm not leaving you... or him... both of you means so much to me" Harry said and David opened his mouth to start talking again but Harry raised his finger "I'm not done! If either of you really love me you will never let me go through that pain... of choosing between you... because I'm seriously won't... I won't..." Harry said and he felt tears falling down "oh... no please... don't cry!" David said and hugged him so close "than don't say stupid things.." Harry whispered into the hug "I'm sorry for bringing it up... I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know that I want you to be happy, and you are with him, so if you will need to choose don't think about me, just be with him, you deserve to be happy" David said and backed up from the hug and wiped away the tears "Matt loves me, he will never make me choose, he knows I will never handle this kind of pain..." Harry said and sniffed his nose "I know, it was a stupid thought... don't worry I'm not going anywhere, unless you want me to" David said and hugged him again "let me ask you something... if the girl you're dating with will ask you to stop being so close to me... would you do that?" Harry asked "no, of course not, you are my family" David answered immediately "there you go..." Harry said and smiled "I know it's stupid... that I'm expecting you to do something I wouldn't do myself, but I always felt like I'm more dependent on you than you're on me..." David said and looked down and Harry punched him in the shoulder "ouch!" David chuckle "why are you being so stupid? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here..." Harry said with a loving eyes "I... I know... but I just... you are really all I have... without you I've got nothing... you are my brother and the only family I've got..." David said "I don't think I could I live without you" David continued and Harry reached his hand and hold David's hand "I can't live without you, and without Matt... I love you and Matt in very different ways, each one of you holding a piece of my heart" Harry said and David looked at him "Harry! that was beautiful!" David said and smiled so wide "it's the truth, you stupid thing!" Harry chuckle and David leaned in and hugged him again "I'm not going anywhere..." Harry whispered into the hug, when they broke the hug they looked at each other and smiled, both of them went through so much together, they are connected in every possible level, nothing can brake up what they have, David smiled at him like he knew what Harry was thinking, he took a deep breath and got them back on the road, when they arrived at his place David got out of the car and gave him a huge hug "I love you... you are my family... please never leave me" David whispered into the hug, Harry tighten the hug from David's words "never!" Harry said and hold him close, when they broke the hug David walked back to his car and drive away, Harry waved at him and then he turned around and jumped on the stairs to the house and opened the door, when he walked inside he saw Matt sitting on the couch with a bouquet of flowers "hey..." Harry said with amusement, he didn't understand what is going on, Matt got up and walked towards him ״hey baby... this are for you..." Matt said and handed the flowers to Harry, who accepted them "thank you honey" Harry smiled "what ever I did, I'm terribly sorry..." Matt whispered "oh god... you are adorable!" Harry chuckle and stood on tiptoe to kiss him, he felt Matt melting into the kiss, he needed that so much "come on... let's talk" Harry said when they broke the kiss, he hold his hand and they walked to the couch and sat down next to each other.

How adorable Matt's being? 😍
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