131. Training

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Harry woke up with sore all over his body, he smirked to himself, he and Matt did it hard last night, it was amazing, after they both cum they float together on the water, kissing and touching each other's bodies, leading to a wonderful make out on the bed, and falling asleep naked, cuddle with each other, Harry never felt so in love in his entire life "what are smiling about?" Matt said and Harry almost screamed "you need to stop doing that... I'm serious!" Harry said and slapped Matt's shoulder with laughter "and to answer your question..." Harry whispered and came closer, he lowered his hand down and grabbed Matt's naked dick in his hand, Matt gasp from the sudden move "mmm... what a beautiful thought..." Matt smirked and leaned forward to combine his lips with Harry's "I wish we could continue this... but this is your first day back on set, so we don't want to be late, so UP UP" Matt cheered and jumped off the bed, Harry growl but he got up too, they dressed up and left the house.
When they arrived at the set they were ambushed by Dom "my favorite couple!" Dom cheered and jumped on Harry with a bone crashing hug "wow, I need to come here more often" Harry giggled "first of all, yes!" Dom said and went to hug Matt too "second, I'm just happy to see you, finally the movie is over and now I have you here full time" Dom said and Harry smiled, he loves him, he's such a good friend and an amazing person.
They walked together to the makeup room, where they all got ready, Harry looked at Matt with all the tattoos on him, he looked so hot, suddenly he felt his phone buzzing:

Matt: stop undressing me with your eyes 😏
Harry: stop being so fucking hot 🤤

Harry sent the message and looked at Matt, they both giggled at each other "seriously? texting while you're in the same room?" Dom said "don't be jealous... here, I texted you too" Harry said, Dom looked at his phone:

Harry: 🖕🏽

"so funny" Dom said sarcastically, Harry and Matt laughed so hard, they love being clingy.
After Dom and Matt got ready it was Harry's turn, he sat on the chair while the makeup artist put makeup on his eyes and lips, now it was Matt's time to drool, their eyes met through the mirror and they both had that smirk on their faces, at that moment a crew member got inside "hey guys, 5 minutes to Harry and Matt scene" he said and looked at Matt "h..hey Matt" he said and blush, Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at them through the mirror "hi Niko" Matt said and smiled at him, he smiled back and left the room "what the hell was that?" Harry asked and turned with his chair "what was what?" Matt asked, he really looked confused "I told you, even Harry see it!" Dom said "what are you talking about?" Matt asked and Harry looked at Dom and they giggled, Matt is so innocent he doesn't even notice when someone has a crush on him, it was adorable "he likes you" Harry said in a sweet voice, he wasn't jealous, of course that boy will have a crush on Matt, the guy is a god "don't be absurd" Matt wave his hand "and why on earth does it make you happy?" Matt asked Harry with a frown "why not? my fiancé is beautiful, of course people will notice" Harry said and hold Matt's hand and pulled him closer to kiss him when the makeup artist blocked him "no ruining my masterpiece!" she ordered, Harry giggled and backed away with his hands in the air in a surrender move, Matt laughed too but looked a bit disappointed, Harry put a pin on that to ask him later.
They walked to the set where the director explained them the scene they are about to do, it was the training scene, all their fans waited so long for this scene so Harry wanted to do it perfectly, after they were ready they got on the set and the director yelled "action":
"Look alive" Matt said and threw the training stick to Harry, Harry catch it and smiled "so authoritative... i like seeing you in your 'shadowhunter mood'" Harry said with a smirk and poke with the stick towards Matt who flick with his stick on Harry's stick "don't flirt with me..." Matt said and they both got into their fight stand, they did all the fights when they stood up from the ground and walked in circles "we're supposed to be working" Matt said "oh, you're so cute when you're serious" Harry said and stop moving, Matt stood in front of him "oh, I told you not to flirt with me" Matt said with a gasping breath, he reduced the distance between them and pinned Harry over the wall behind him, then Matt pressed their lips together, the kiss was so passionate and demanding, Matt pressed their bodies so close to each other, Harry was lost in the moment, he wrapped his arms around Matt's neck, pulling him closer, suddenly Harry felt something hitting him, they broke the kiss and looked at all the crew who were smiling "yo dumb dumbs" Dom yelled and Harry looked down, he saw Dom's shoe near them, that's what hit him, Harry blush so hard, he realized he and Matt got lost in their own zone and forgot completely about the scene, or the fact that people are watching them "it's ok, I think it's adorable" the director said and Matt and Harry laughed and scratch the back of their necks in awkwardly "let's try this again, but this time... stick to the script?" the director said and winked at them, they both nodded.
They did the scene one more time, but this time they control themselves and did the scene like they should do, Matt said his line "hold that thought... bedroom" and walked out, Harry fixed his clothes and ran after him, Matt waited for him in the edge with open arms and Harry jumped into his arms and wrapped his legs around Matt's waist "hi honey" Matt giggled and kissed his nose "hi" Harry said and chuckle, the director yelled "cut" and they smiled to each other, Matt put him down but still hold his hand "seriously, you got to learn how to control it dude" Dom teased "but I don't want to..." Harry said and stood on his tiptoe and kissed Matt's cheek, at that moment the crew member from before approached them "beautiful scene guys!" he said, he didn't took his eyes off Matt, Harry frown at that view, this guy at least need to respect the fact that Harry is standing right here "thank you Niko" Matt said with a wide smile "can I umm... ask you something?" Niko said and Matt nodded "I will be right back" Matt said to Harry and walked away, Harry just stared at him walking away 'there is nothing wrong with that, it's ok, Matt will never cheat on me' Harry thought.

Finally some Harry jealousy 😏

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