165. Good night sleep

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The rest of party was more peaceful and went very smoothly, they talked and laughed with each other, Harry was cuddled the whole conversation between Matt's arms, which gave him so much confident and he felt so loved and relaxed, the shadow of Kai blown away in a mix of good time with all his loved once together.
When the night started to get late David ordered everyone to call it the night, they have a big day tomorrow and they all need to get a good night sleep, Harry and Matt laughed but immediately obey him, David was in a complete best man mood so they knew not to mess with him, Harry hugged everyone goodbye and he kept saying thank you so much times, he was so grateful for each and every one of them for being there in their happy moment.
They walked back to the car with David and Dom, Harry and Matt sat in the back while David drove them home, the entire ride they still laughed and was extremely happy from the night they had and excited for the day they are about to go through tomorrow.
When they arrived at Harry and Matt's house David parked the car on the driveway and they all got out of the car and walked to the front door "you sure you don't want to come in for a drink?" Matt suggested while Harry took the keys out and opened the door "no, you two need a good night sleep, I don't want any dark circles under your eyes tomorrow" David said and Harry giggle, he used to see David like that but Matt was surprised at his behavior which made it so much funnier "and no sex tonight! I need you both at your best looks tomorrow, so keep your hands off each other!" David said and narrow his eyes towards them which made Harry laugh so hard "I'm serious" David said and Harry and Matt looked at each other and smiled "ok ok, I promise" Harry said and raised his hands in the air in defeat "good, see you tomorrow" David said and jumped on them with a big hug "I love you both you idiots" David said while hugging them both together "we love you too" Matt said and pat David's back, when David backed out Dom gave them a hug too and they both started to walk back to the car while Harry and Matt went inside the house and closed the door "they are finally gone! take off your clothes!" Matt yelled and Harry punch his arm with a grin "I will burn this house down!" David yelled from outside, Harry and Matt opened the door and laughed so hard at David's scary expressions, Dom was already in the car but they could see he was laughing so hard himself "ok ok, just teasing you, good night" Matt said, David shook his head in despair from their teenage acting and he waved at them before he got into the car, Matt and Harry waved back before they closed the door again, Harry giggle to himself while he walked to the staircase when he felt Matt's arms holding him from behind and turning him around, pushing him over the wall and reducing the distance between their bodies "what are you doing? we need to go to sleep..." Harry said and tried to push Matt away playfully "I didn't say anything like that..." Matt said in a low deep voice that Harry loved so much "are you sure? we need to get up early tomorrow..." Harry said, he was trying to be more reasonable than Matt but just the pressure of Matt's body on his made him crazy horny "I can stop if you want me to..." Matt mumbled and started licking Harry's neck, from his chin all the way to his collar bone, Harry moaned and rest his head back from the stimulation "just say the word... and I will stop..." Matt whispered and bite Harry's skin and licked it inside his mouth "ahh... fuck it..." Harry said and jumped on Matt's arms who immediately hold him "that's my line..." Matt smirked and Harry laughed, he crushed their lips together, their tongues danced together in a perfect sync while Matt carried him up the stairs to their bedroom.
Matt kicked the door open and threw Harry on the bed, when Harry tried to get up a little to fix his position Matt climb up on him and pinned him in his place, he hold his hands above Harry's head, holding his wrists just with one hand, while the other drove on his body, caressing his smooth skin "I never saw you like that..." Harry whispered, he looked at Matt's eyes and saw how much love and desire was in them, Matt wad a passionate guy but it was the first time he was this eager and controlling "is it bothering you?" Matt asked and he loosen up the grip on Harry's hands, but Harry immediately hold his hand in place "no... I'm saying I like that..." Harry said and lifted his head up to meet with Matt's lips "I want to try something... please stop me if it's going too far..." Matt whispered into the kiss, Harry felt the grip on his hands getting stronger but he's not afraid, he's willing to do everything with this man "I want to try everything with you..." Harry said and looked into Matt's eyes "please show me..." Harry continued and smiled lightly when Matt crushed their lips together.

New experience coming up! How exciting 🤩

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