86. Kai

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When they finished they got up to talk with people again, Harry thought it's important to know all the people he's going to work with, Matt was perfect, he laughed and talked with everyone and hold Harry's hand the whole time, and in that moment Simon approach them with a man next to him "hey Harry, this is Kai, your co-star" Simon said with a wide smile, Harry looked at Kai, he was a tall handsome Asian man, with dark hair and green eyes, he looked very impressive but Harry looked at his boyfriend 'he's much better than that' Harry smirked to himself "hi, nice to meet you" Harry said, he let go of Matt's hand and offered him his hand "you too, it's such an honor to work with you sir" Kai said and shook his hand with a wide smile "thank you, and please, call me Harry" Harry said with a shy smile, he never felt comfortable when people complemented him "Simon told me that you filming another thing, where?" Harry asked and Kai nodded "yeah, on gray's anatomy" he said "wow, that's amazing! you must be very talented" Harry said and winked at him, Kai blushed so hard, Harry smiled from his reaction and looked to his side and saw Matt's expression, he looked pissed 'oh no' Harry thought "I almost forgot..." Harry said "this my boyfriend" Harry said "oh, nice to meet you" Kai said and offered his hand to Matt who shook it "you too, I'm Matt" Matt said and reached his hand and hold Harry's hand "where are you from Kai?" Matt asked "I grow up in China, I moved to LA a couple of years ago" Kai said "you are from China?" Harry cheered "me too, I mean I was born in Costa Rica but my parents are Chinese" Harry continued "yes, I know" Kai said and blushed "you did your research ah?" Matt whispered and Harry looked at him with a deadly look, it's seems like Kai didn't hear him, lucky "I can't wait to work with you, I've seen all of your shows, I'm so excited to work with someone big like you" Kai said with shining eyes to Harry who smile "thank you, and I'm going to see Gray's Anatomy to see you" Harry said and Kai blushed again, Harry remembered when he was a young actor like him, he blushed all the time too, actually he's still doing it "how old are you, by the way?" Harry asked "I'm 20 years old" Kai said and Matt squeezed Harry's hand "that's nice, are you here alone?" Harry continued and ignored Matt "yes, I'm single so..." Kai said and Harry felt Matt's hand holding him so tight "umm baby? can you...?" Harry whispered to Matt who finally took his eyes off Kai "oh.. sorry.." he said and loosen up "you know, Matt is also an actor" Harry said, he tried to include Matt in the conversation "really? where do you play?" Kai asked, he looked so excited, Harry immediately liked him, he looked so fun "I play on shadowhunters with Harry" Matt said and tried to smile "wow, you're so lucky, I guess a lot of people want to work with him" Kai said "well, a lot of people can't..." Matt said in a snarky voice "Matt!" Harry hiss between his teeth "it's okay" Kai said and laughed, at that moment someone called him "excuse me" Kai said and walked away "what is wrong with you?" Harry said with gritted teeth "he's a crush on you, are you blind?" Matt whispered "he can't have a crush on me, we just met! you embarrassed me in front of my cast mate, you said you are ok with it... you are such..." Harry said and stopped himself before he would say something that he will regret "that was before I saw him" Matt whispered "what difference does it make?" Harry said, he was so mad at him, how could he act like that, Harry felt so embarrassed "look at him, tall, handsome, you share the same culture and he adores you... what chance do I have next to him?" Matt said and looked down "oh my god... you're such a baby, it's not a competition" Harry said and rolled his eyes "I want to go home" Matt said in a low voice and Harry looked at him like he was crazy "you can go wherever you want... I'm staying" Harry said and walked away from him, he knew this was a bad idea, how could he think that Matt is going to be ok with everything, right now he didn't want to stay either so he walked towards Kai who talked with Simon "hey, can I talk with you for a second?" Harry asked and Kai nodded, Simon left them alone "so... listen... I want to apologize for..." Harry started to say but Kai waved his hand and stopped him "it's totally fine, don't worry about it" Kai said and smiled "thank you" Harry sighed in relief "if I was your boyfriend I was jealous too, it's totally fine" Kai said with a laugh, Harry laugh and scratch the back of his neck "so anyway, it was nice meeting you, I will see you at tomorrow on set?" Harry said and smiled "sure, can I give you a hug...? or would it be too much..?" Kai asked and Harry giggled and hugged him "see you on set" Kai said when they broke the hug, Harry smiled and said goodbye to everyone and walked back to Matt who still stood at his place "come on... let's go home" Harry said and walked out of the door, he heard Matt following him in silence.

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