46. Party

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"Good morning sunshine..." Harry heard a sweet voice. he opened his eyes and saw Matt laying on the bed next to him "oh... there is my sleeping beauty..." Matt smiled and placed a light kiss on Harry's cheek "oh, did I fall asleep?" Harry asked, he got up and starts stretching "yeah you did, I was looking all over for you" Matt said and came behind him and hugged him close "sorry for making you worry..." Harry said, he turned around and warped his hands around Matt's neck "don't worry about it... so... do you want to go home? we could take another shower before we go to the party..." Matt winked and started to lick Harry's neck "ohh... yes please..." Harry moaned and threw his head back with pleasure "mmm... how about I fuck your little ass this time...?" Matt continued when he reached his hands and grabbed Harry's ass and squeezed it "yes..." Harry moaned and placed his fingers deep into Matt's hair, pushing him close to his neck "mmm... do you like that...? maybe you want me to lick your ass right now...? making you ready?" Matt grin and started to unbutton Harry's pants "yes.. yes I want that..." Harry was trying not to scream when the door suddenly opened "hey so listen..." Dom said and walked right in when he saw them and stopped, Harry blushed through his ears and Matt had a deadly look "oh... I guess I'm interrupting..." Dom said "yes. Leave!" Matt hissed between his teeth "stop it..." Harry giggled and button his pants back "what's up?" Harry asked "umm... so yeah, Alberto and I are leaving now for the party, I wanted to ask if you guys wanna join us?" Dom mumbled, Harry saw how uncomfortable he was, and he looked at Matt who looked still pretty upset "what do you say?" Harry asked Matt "what ever you want baby" Matt finally removed his look from Dom and smiled towards him "let's go" Harry said "yay come on, Alberto is already in the car" Dom jumped out of the room, Matt and Harry followed him when Harry turned around and blocked the door, he came closer to Matt "we continue this later..." Harry whispered into Matt's ear and grabbed Matt's hard dick through his pants "you are playing a dangerous game..." Matt smirked and pulled him into a kiss "today ladies!" Dom yelled from behind "I swear to god I'm going to kill him..." Matt sighed, Harry laughed and placed one last kiss on his lips before they walked to his car and drove off.
When they arrived at the club they got in immediately, the body guard knew Harry and let them cut the line, Harry smiled in shyness when Dom laughed about that he couldn't even go to a bar with his friends and not being recognized, Matt on the other hand, smiled widely and kissed him hand, when they were inside they picked a booth and ordered beers, Harry sat on the sofa and Matt sit next to him and placed his arm on Harry's shoulder "so what's going on with you guys?" Alberto asked and Harry looked at Matt "couldn't be happier..." Harry said and Matt placed a kiss on his forehead "this is so sweet... I'm happy for you both" Alberto said, and the night was so fun, they played games and drank a lot of beers when suddenly someone warped his hands around Harry from behind "you're cheating on me?" the voice said and Harry froze, Alberto and Dom looked at each other and Matt opened wide eyes "David? What are you doing here?" Harry said and got up to hug him "this is my new club, I told you, I didn't stayed in LA just for your pretty face" David winked and placed a light kiss on Harry's cheek "are you going to introduce me?" David said and warped his hand around Harry's waist "umm... yeah, guys this is David, David this is Alberto and Dom, and Matt you are already know..." Harry felt so bad for Matt, who didn't moved, or blink, he just stared at them "hey David, nice to meet you" Dom was the first who moved and offered him his hand which David shook "umm... do you want to join us?" Alberto asked and at that moment Matt finally blinked and stood up "hey David, nice to see you again... but this time how about you take your hands off my boyfriend?" Matt hissed between his teeth and he grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him off David grip "Matt... don't be like that..." Harry tried to calm him down "I'm guessing you still hold a grudge?" David said "you bet I am" Matt narrow his eyes and hold Harry's hand close  "Matt please... he did it because he's my best friend, he didn't mean to hurt you" Harry squeezed his hand "he's right, I didn't like to see my best friend crying because you broke his heart, so I gave you a little taste of your own porridge, and look where it got you" David smiled, Harry rolled his eyes by David words, he always doesn't know when to stop "so how about I buy us the next round and we will try to get along?" David offered his hand and Matt hesitate, but he shook his hand, and Harry sighed with relief "great! be right back" David walked away and Harry felt Matt's hand squeezing him hard "Matt... umm my hand..." Harry said and Matt blinked and let go of his hand "oh... sorry baby..." Matt said and leaned down to kiss his hand "so what's up with him?" Alberto asked "we were together in high school, and then college" Harry started to say while he sat back on the sofa "and when Harry and I broke up, he came to pick him up from work one day and he told me that he is Harry's boyfriend..." Matt continued him and sat down really close to him, warping his arm around Harry's shoulder, Harry leaned into the touch, he loved being hold close like that, even though Matt is probably doing it to make a point "yeah, David is very protective of me, after what happened with my ex girlfriend, he was pretty much all I had, and we came really close, he's like my brother" Harry said and looked down, he really loves him "you are my brother too" suddenly David appeared from behind, with a tray full of drinks "wow David, what is all that?" Dom asked when he saw how much drinks he brought "the benefits of owning the place" David winked and raised up his glass "to friendship" he said and everyone clicked their glasses.

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