169. I don't care about it

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Harry was kissing Matt's lips and he was totally lost in the moment that he forgot they are in the middle of the venue, everyone around them was looking at them with a wide smile, Harry blushed and backed up a little "I love it when you get this shy, but remember, in the end of the ceremony you would be kissing me in front of a lot of people... so I guess there is nothing wrong with a little practice right now..." Matt said with a devilish smile and raised his eyebrow in a teas, Harry laughed and pulled him back to another wet loving kiss, it's seems a little stupid be still so hooked up on Matt's taste, after all they are together for almost two years and they are getting married, isn't it supposed to calm down by now? Harry thought to himself but in the same time he could still feel the butterflies in his stomach like it was the first time they were kissing, he hoped they would stay like that forever, but then Matt stopped "do you want to get a little naughty before...?" Matt asked with such eager eyes which made Harry feel his member immediately grow "yes..." Harry managed to say and Matt started walking towards the bathroom, dragging Harry with him, but before they could get there David got between them and the bathroom with his hands on his chest "ah ah... not on my watch, now go back and do what I asked you both to do" David said and pointed on the hall were they were supposed to be picking the places for the guests "but..." Matt said and David took one step forward "I said go" David said and Matt growl but turned around, still holding Harry's hand close, Harry giggle the whole time at the situation, he was a little disappointed himself but David is right, they need to make sure everything is going well, they have their whole life to enjoy each other's company.
After they finished all the seating arrangements they didn't had even a little free time because David was already dragging them for the photos with the wedding photographer in the back yard "ok the talents are here! we can start" David said smiling towards a tall dark haired man with a camera tied diagonally on his shoulder "oh hi" the photographer said, he looked confused "hi, I'm Matt" Matt said and offer him his hand to shake but the photographer twisted his nose in disgust "you didn't told me they are gays" the photographer said and ignored completely from Matt's hand who immediately took her back "excuse me?" David and Matt said at the same time, Harry was in complete shock, why does it matter? "because I don't want to be involved with their kind" the photographer said in contempt which made Harry cling his fists, how dare he? it's their wedding day, how dare he say anything about their relationship "their kind? what's wrong with loving what I love?" Matt said and took a step closer to him, while Harry was all frozen, he couldn't even move to stop him like he wanted to, but gladly David got immediately between them, blocking Matt's way, "I'm asking you to leave, you and your primitive opinions can go fuck yourselves" David hissed between his teeth and pointed at the exit "I don't want to be next to those sick people around me anyway" he said and took his luggage in his hand and was about to leave when Matt hold his arm "those sick people are more human than you will ever be, you're pathetic and I promise you will regret this moment you dared to talk to my fiancé like that, you are the sick one" Matt said between his cling teeth, Harry just stood there, staring at the situation like he wasn't really here, it's just a bad dream "now get the hell of my wedding" Matt said and let go of the photographer arm with a little push toward the exit, the photographer lost his balance from Matt's strong push, but he got himself together really quickly and left the venue.
Harry was standing there like a statue, he tried to process what just happened in his head when he heard Matt's voice calling him, but he sounded so far away, like an echo, he tried to look for him but everything was so blurry, he tried to concentrate on Matt's voice and he blinked his eyes and finally saw Matt clearly in front of him, with a worried expression on his face "honey... my love...are you ok?" Matt asked and hold him in both of his arms "I think... I'm ok..." Harry mumbled, he didn't care about the wedding photographer at all, he didn't care about the photos, all he cared about is the way he talked to Matt and he couldn't do anything to protect him, how could he froze like that "hey, come on" Matt said and started dragging Harry with him to a back room, David was following them in a complete silence, Harry thought he must be in shock too, none of them saw it coming, when they got into the room Matt seated him on the sofa "can we get a couple of minutes?" Matt said and David nodded, still silence, he looked at Harry one last time before he left the room and closed the door behind him.
Matt walked and seated next to Harry "my love... talk to me..." Matt said and hold Harry's hands "did he ruined it?" Matt asked and Harry immediately shook his head and squeeze his hands "no, no, every wedding have their own bumps, so this was ours" Harry said, he really didn't care about that man, all he was thinking about is how could he just stood there and doing anything to protect his love "then what is it?" Matt continued asking, he looked insanely worried and it broke Harry's heart, he finally got the courage to speak up "how could I froze like that?" Harry said and looked at Matt who looked confused "what?" Matt asked "that asshole was talking shit to you... about us... and I couldn't do anything to protect you, I just stood there... I don't know what got into me..." Harry said and Matt's expression went even more confused "wait... that is what you're upset about?" Matt said and Harry nodded, Matt opened wide eyes and them burst out in laughter, now it was Harry's turn to be confused "why are you laughing?" Harry asked and Matt just pulled him into a hug "I was worried you will be upset because of our wedding being ruined or something, but I never thought you're going to be upset about not protecting me" Matt said and backed up to look at him "I don't care about the wedding photos, all I want is to be your husband, I don't care about anything else, and that asshole is definitely not ruining my day" Harry said and Matt coped his face with both hands "are you sure you're ok?" Matt said and Harry nodded "of course, all I care about is right here in front of me" Harry said and rubbed their noses together "I love you..." Matt whispered and rest his forehead on Harry's forehead "I love you too..." Harry said "and you don't need to worry about not protecting me, I'm a big boy, and it's ok if sometimes I will protect you" Matt said and looked into Harry's eyes "yes, I know, and you're right, we will protect each other" Harry said and smiled, Matt is right, in that moment they heard a little knock on the door and Matt got up to open it, not before he placed a light kiss on Harry's cheek.

I hope you liked it, sorry for the little drama but it all turned out good ♥️

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