114. HOME

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Harry and Matt were kissing on the bed when they heard a knock on the door, Harry got up from Matt's lap and they both sat on the bed right when the door opened and the doctor and David got inside "hello Harry, ready to go home?" the doctor said and Harry lighted up so much "yes please!" Harry cheered and everyone smiled "ok, just lay on the bed so I can take the stitches out... and only one of you can stay here" the doctor said to David and Matt "stay, I will be right outside" David said and Matt nodded at him while he walked to the other side of the bed to hold Harry's hand, Harry was laying on his back without a shirt while the doctor make some preparations, Harry was a little nervous that it would hurt, he hold Matt's hand so tight "don't worry baby... I'm right here..." Matt whispered and kissed his hand "it's not going to be painful, but it will be uncomfortable a little" the doctor explained and Harry nodded for him to continue, the doctor took the stitches out, one at the time, Harry was biting his lips not to scream from the pain, he wanted to be strong so Matt wouldn't feel bad, finally the doctor pulled the last one and it felt so free and Harry breathe out in relief "that's it!" the doctor said and Harry looked down at the wound who looked much better without the stitches in it "thank you" Harry said and Matt helped him getting up and put his shirt back on "I'm glad I could help, and good job on being that strong, most people usually scream at that part" the doctor said and smiled, Harry felt really good about it "thank you... I think" Harry chuckle and the doctor smiled, he handed the release papers to Matt "you're a good husband" he said to him, Matt smiled so widely "thank you sir, and thank you for saving the love of my life" Matt said and shook his hand and then the doctor left the room and David got inside "how bad was it?" David asked "not that bad, and I'm free to go home!" Harry cheered "finally" David cheered too and Matt smiled, they packed Harry's room and cleaned everything, even though they didn't have to, Harry felt bad leaving everything dirty, after that they walked out of the hospital, Harry sat on a bench while David and Matt ordered a cab, David helped them getting everything inside and helped Harry sit down in the seat "I will be right behind you, ok?" David said and Harry nodded, he left them and Matt warped his arm around Harry's shoulder "ready?" Matt asked and Harry nodded, yes, he was ready to go home.
When they arrived at the house Harry opened wide eyes, the place was surrounded with paparazzi "those assholes..." Matt curse and Harry got closer to him, he didn't feel ready to face anything right now, of course part of being famous is the paparazzi stuff, but not now, not like that, the cab stopped at the entrance "stay here baby... David and I will take everything inside and then I will come back for you" Matt said and Harry nodded, Matt got out and closed the door behind him, ignoring the ton of questions the reporters asked him, he opened the trunk and took the bags out and in that moment David joined him and helped him taking everything out and carried it inside the house, Harry sat down all of this all time in his seat, he didn't wanted to come out, he wasn't ready, but when Matt opened the door and offered him his hand he knew he have to, he can't stay in the car forever, the moment he was out he saw a hundred of flashes on his face and a million questions addressed to him "Harry is it true you got shot?" one asked "Harry is it true you got shot by your ex?" asked another "no comment" Harry whispered and walked towards the door, covered with Matt's arms, helping him to keep going, the minute they were inside Matt shut the door closed and hold Harry's side, walking him to the couch "thank you baby" Harry said and sat down on the couch "are you feeling ok? do you need anything?" David asked, Harry looked at both of them and they looked so worried, he hated that, he hated when people were worried because of him "I'm fine, thank you both so much" Harry said and smiled "ok, you stay here and rest while Matt and I will arrange the room and put everything back" David said and Harry nodded "if you need anything just call me" Matt said and leaned in to kiss his forehead "no problem" Harry said and cuddled up on the couch while David and Matt unpacked everything and cleaned up the room, Harry just lay down and breathe out slowly, he was home, finally he was at his own house, he felt so relaxed, he didn't even noticed that he is falling asleep.

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