167. The big day morning

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Harry struggle with opening his eyes when he heard the phone ring, he tried to reach it in the dark with his eyes closed, when he finally found it he answered it:

Harry: h... hello?
David: you better be getting up soon, I'm on my way to your house
Harry: *yawn* ok...
David: Harry!
Harry: ok ok... I'm getting up
David: perfect, I will see you in a bit

Harry hung up the phone and put it back on the night stand, he reached out and hold Matt's shoulder starting to shake him up "Matt... get up..." Harry mumbled, still with his eyes closed, they definitely went too far last night "one more minute..." Matt mumbled and cuddle closer to him "no, no cuddling, come on" Harry said and stretch up and jumped out of the bed, Matt growled and sit up on the bed "David will be here soon, let's get ready or god knows what he would do" Harry said with a eye roll, it's amazing how David can be so controlling but they will never be brave enough to resist him, besides he only doing that to give them the best day of their lives, and just by looking at sleepy Matt they need all the help they can get.
Right when both of them finished showering and got dressed, the door bell rang, Harry went down to open her and was immediately wrapped with Dom and David's arms in a tight hug "good morning to you too" Harry giggle and hugged them back, at that time Matt went down too and joined the group hug, when they backed away David led them to the living room, going through the plans for today, Harry saw how excited he was and he couldn't stop smiling, he was so lucky to be with him in their special day, he got everything planned out, from the suits to the drive and even when they will have some time to rest in their crazy day, Harry put his all faith on him, he knows exactly what to do.
After David finish his long speech, everyone knows their part in the day and what is in their responsibility today, David gave them missions like a boss, Dom was in charge of the guests and checking the venue that everything is going according to the plan, David was in charge of making everything perfect, according to his words, which made everyone laugh, he was so excited and just went all over the place, but Harry didn't care about any of it, he just wanted to be married already to the laughing man sitting next to him "Harry, do you hear me?" David interrupted Harry's thoughts "of course I can hear you" Harry immediately respond "no... I'm asking if your hearing is ok?" David asked again, he looked mad, Harry frown "my..." Harry started to say but he couldn't finish because David took his hand and raised her in front of his face "so what the hell is this?" David said and pointed at the blue mark on Harry's hand palm "I asked you guys! didn't you hear that?" David scolded him, Harry forgot completely about the mark on his hand "well..." Matt started to say to cover for Harry but David covered his mouth to shut him up "I don't want to hear any excuses, just go upstairs and get ready" David said and let go of Matt's mouth and Harry's hand and took the suites in his arm "you're not our father you know that?" Matt teased and Harry giggle "you want to test my patience?" David hiss between his teeth "no, no, I'm going! Look!" Matt said quickly and jumped up on the stairs upstairs, Harry giggle to himself, he used to this type of David, he is always acting like that when something is important to him, usually it comes out on him but it's hilarious to see the effect on other people, especially a big strong guy like Matt "you too" David said and Harry smiled and climbed up the stairs to a different room from Matt who was getting ready with Dom in the guest room, so they won't see each other until they are both ready.
When Harry and David entered the room David closed the door and handed the suit to Harry "ok, put it on" David said and sat down on the bed, Harry looked around, he had nowhere to dress and David was looking right on him, it wasn't the first time that David was going to see him naked but now when he has a boyfriend he feels a little awkward "what are you waiting for?" David asked and raised his eyebrow in a question "well... umm..." Harry stutter "oh please... I've seen you naked like a million times, just get dressed" David said and rolled his eyes at Harry's shyness, Harry giggle, to be completely honest David even washed him after his surgery when they were in college so this is really not a big deal, so he took his clothes off and put his suit on, when he was completely dressed up he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself, he was wearing a tuxedo black jacket and pants, beneath it there was a white button-down shirt with gentle white stripes in a vertical pattern, on his neck he tied a black bow tie which he was fixing with his fingers, but then he felt gentle hand on his shoulder "let me do it..." David said in a sweet voice and Harry turned around and watched David ties his bow, he noticed David sniff his nose "please don't cry..." Harry said, he was trying his best not to cry himself "I just... I remember the day I met you..." David said and looked in Harry's eyes and smiled his loving smile, Harry was so touched to see him like that "I saw a tiny boy sitting in the back of the class..." David said and giggle to himself "please don't call me tiny" Harry teased him and David laughed and gave him a little nudge "I'm just so glad that I got to see you grow and to see the strong man you have become... and you're getting married, I mean... I'm just so god damn happy" David said and in his last words he just burst into tears and turned around to look for a tissue which he found on the night stand, Harry couldn't resist the tears in his eyes too, the whole way David talked he could see how much he meant every word and they really did a long way and they went through so much together "I couldn't be here if it wasn't for you... so thank you, thank you for getting me here, thank you for standing by my side this whole time" Harry said when the tears started to fall when David pulled him to a close hug, his hands were caressing his back in a soothing way "I will never be anywhere else, I will always be by your side..." David whispered in his ear and Harry tighten the hug, he couldn't even think about going through this day without David next to him.

Their friendship 🥺♥️
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