80. The phone call

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Harry and Matt got dressed for their "dates", Harry finished first and sat on the couch "so where David is taking you?" Matt asked "I actually don't know, he just said he will pick me up" Harry answered "I'm happy you two are getting some alone time" Matt said and looked at the mirror, checking his outfit "really? I find it inconsistent with everything I know about you..." Harry narrow his eyes towards him "no come on.. I'm serious" Matt chuckled "me too!" Harry said and smiled "I know I wasn't easy on you at first, but now I'm really happy that you have someone who cares about you almost as I do, and sometimes I feel like I'm getting in your way, you know?" Matt said and Harry frown "what do you mean?" Harry asked, he didn't understand why would he think that he's getting in the way "you've done everything with him, and now every time you see each other it's with other people, or me" Matt said and scratch the back of his neck "but now, you are going alone, like old times, you must be excited" Matt smiled, Harry still frowned, he really was excited to spend some alone time with his best friend but not because Matt is interrupting them "Harry?" Matt said and Harry realize he spaced out again "sorry... umm... yeah of course I'm happy to spend time with him but I don't want you to think that you're interrupting us... you're my boyfriend and I want you with me all the time" Harry said and Matt sat down next to him "I'm sorry if it's sounded like I'm upset... I just wanted for you to know that I'm really ok with your relationship with him, and I'm happy that you are going to have a great time with your friend..." Matt said and hold Harry's hand "who are you? and what you did to my boyfriend?" Harry asked with a smirk "I replaced him with a better version" Matt winked at him, Harry laughed and leaned in to kiss him "thank you... for everything, you're really the best thing in my life" Harry whispered and Matt coped his face "I love you, more than life itself" Matt whispered and they kissed again "suddenly I don't want anyone to come... I just want to sit here... with you..." Harry said and played with Matt's fingers "I know, I feel that too..." Matt said and stroke Harry's face with his other hand, at that moment they heard Harry's phone buzzing, Matt placed one last kiss on his lips and got up to the bathroom, to deal with his hair while Harry answered the phone:

Harry: hello?
Simon: hey, can I speak with Harry Shum jr. please?
Harry: you are
Simon: great, nice to talk to you mr Shum, my name is Simon, I'm the casting director of a new movie you've auditioned for a part on December last year
Harry: oh right
Simon: just wanted to inform you that we would love for you to be the main character
Harry: oh wow, umm... thank you, I do remember that the main character is gay right?
Simon: yes, is that a problem? I know you came out and...
Harry: no, of course not, I just umm... need to think about it, is that alright?
Simon: of course, I will send you the script so you can read it, and you will let me know?
Harry: perfect
Simon: great, I just need to know until next weekend, is that alright?
Harry: no problem
Simon: great, so it was nice talking to you mr. Shum, have a great day
Harry: likewise, bye

Harry hung up the phone and played with him on his hand, Harry auditioned for the movie before he even met Matt, what is he going to do, Matt is going to flip out, he just started to be ok with David and everything and now that? It took him almost a year to be ok with just a friend who is too close to him, he will never be okay with other man kissing him, he really didn't know what to do "baby... are you okay?" Matt said, he looked concerned, Harry blink his eyes and got back to reality "yes, why?" Harry said and smiled "you looked like you were thinking so hard, I thought smoke was about to come out" Matt said and chuckled "no, it's fine" Harry laugh and got up and warped his hands around Matt's waist "who was it on the phone?" Matt asked "umm well..." Harry started to say but then they heard a knock on the door "I will tell you later..." Harry whispered and kissed Matt's cheek and went to open the door 'saved by the bell...' Harry thought to himself "hey!" David cheered and hugged him, Harry hugged him back close "ready for our date?" David said and winked, Harry loved seeing him so happy, he guessed that he missed him too "hey David" Matt came from behind "oh you are still here? I thought by now Dom will drag you down already" David chuckled and opened his arms wide and hugged Matt, who giggled by his statement "yeah me too, he texted me like crazy today, I guess he would be here soon" Matt said when they broke the hug "but you two go ahead... have fun" Matt continued and smiled "what is wrong with him? did you put something in his drink?" David asked Harry with a smirk, Harry burst into laughter "I told you it's not just me!" Harry said and Matt laughed too "nothing is good enough for you" Matt chuckled and pulled him close and pressed their lips together with a passionate kiss "I will be here when you get back..." Matt whispered and Harry melted into his words "ok... come on!" David said with a snarky smile and pulled Harry out of Matt's hands and dragged him out, Matt smiled and waved at them when they entered the car he closed the door "so where are we going?" Harry asked when David started to drive "it's a surprise" David smiled and Harry smiled back, he was so happy to spend some time with him alone, just them, he missed that so much, and by David's behavior he saw that he missed that too.

Hope you liked it 😻

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