105. Hospital - Matt POV

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When they arrived at the hospital David was already there, Dom called him from the road and they agreed to meet at the hospital "oh my god, Matt" David greeted him when Matt came out of the car with a close hug, Matt hugged him back, he didn't realize how much he needed that until now "do we know what happened?" David asked when they broke the hug "no..." Dom said and looked at Matt, who didn't say a word, he was so deep in his thoughts "let's go inside" David encourage him to move, Matt finally did and they walked inside, they walked straight to the receptionist "hi, I'm looking for a patient, umm.. Harry Shum jr." Matt mumbled, it was the first words he said in hours, he felt so weak "I'm sorry sir, he's in our confidential list I can't give you any details" she said and Matt frown "listen to me! he is my fiancé!" Matt raised his voice a little, he felt David hand holding his shoulder "calm down..." he whispered "can I see your ID?" she asked Matt with such an indifference, which made Matt even more mad but he took a deep breath and handed her his ID "yes, I can see you are in his guest list, you need to go down stairs, he's in a surgery" she explained and Matt felt the room spinning "s..surgery? what...?" Matt whispered to himself, he felt his heart brakes "Matt come on... let's go there" Dom said and reached out to hold him, he saw that Matt was all shaky, Matt nodded and they walked to the elevators and went down to the waiting rooms for the surgeries, when they arrived someone jumped at him with a close hug "oh my god, Matt!" Simon said and hugged him so close "Simon what happened?" Matt asked when they broke the hug "I don't really know, one moment he was standing with Kai on the set and then we heard the gunshots and he was on the floor" Simon said with a sad voice "HE WAS SHOT?" Matt practically screamed, he didn't thought it was that bad, he looked at Dom and David who was shocked exactly like him "the police officer told me he would call me when he will have more news on the case... right now we don't know anything" Simon said and looked down, Matt thought maybe he feels guilty for what happened "it's not your fault you know that, right?" Matt said and hugged him, surpassing everyone in the room "thank you... thank you for saying that" Simon said with a crack in his voice "oh, I'm being totally rude, I'm sorry, I'm Simon, Harry's producer" he said and offered his hand to David and then to Dom "nice to meet you, I hope the circumstances were different" David said and they all sat on the chairs in the waiting room, Matt sit next to David while Dom sit next to Simon "where is Kai? when we talked on the phone he was so upset" Matt asked "he was injured too, the bullet went through his arm" Simon explained and Matt nodded, he didn't understand how they are even in this situation, everything was amazing, finally things were going their way "hey... I know you are nervous right now, but you are not alone, we are all here with you, what ever you need" David said and everyone nodded "I just... I feel so broken... I can't do anything to help him, and if something happens to him..." Matt whispered and felt the tears in his eyes "he will be ok, he's a fighter" David said in a calm voice, Matt looked at him and in that moment he just felt so happy to have David there with him, he leaned on him and placed his head on David's shoulder, he saw Dom opening wide eyes and he probably surprised David too, but instead of freaked out David warped his arms around him in a close hug "it's going to be alright, I'm here for you" David whispered and tighten the hug "thank you..." Matt mumbled "you're my friend, of course I will be here" David said and Matt shook his head "no... thank you for taking care of me when you're probably freaking out yourself" Matt said and David didn't say a thing, he just lay his head on Matt's head, while they were hugging, it felt good, to not be alone right now, to be surrounded with such an amazing people.

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