10. First comic con

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Harry was so excited, Today was the first comic con for the show, he was at comic con before but now it felt different, maybe because he was excited to meet Matt again today, he decided to text him:
Harry: hey what's up? How was your flight?
Matt: hey :) it's was fine, i landed an hour ago, I'm waiting for dom, he supposed to be here in half hour and we ride together to the hotel
Harry: that wonderful!
Matt: we leave for comic con at about 5 p.m. would you like to come with us?
Harry: that would be lovely!
Matt: great :) we will pick you up at 5PM, see you then ❤️

Harry's heart jumped so high by that heart emoji on Matt text, he was so happy that they are going to try, and today they gonna talk about everything and figure it out.

5 PM
Harry looked at himself in the mirror, he dressed in a gray shirt with a black leather jacket on top of it, with gray pants and black shoes, he was a little insecure but then he heard the front door and he knew its to late to change, he walked to the door and opened her up to see Matt standing there with a big smile on his face, holding a single rose in his hand.
"Wow, you look beautiful" Matt said and handed Harry the flower, Harry took it and smelled it and smile "thank you, that is so cute" Matt frowned "hey... I'm not cute..." Harry laughed and turned to the kitchen to put the flower in water "that face doesn't make the point, it's just even more cute" he said, Matt followed him to the kitchen and when Harry put the flower in and turned to face Matt, Matt grabbed him by his waist and leaned towards him and put his lips on Harry's, Harry melted into the kiss and cupped Matt's face to get him even closer, Matt pushed Harry to the wall behind him and pinned his waist against Harry's, they broke the kiss quickly when they heard a knock on the door "hey! Matt! Harry! We got to go" dom said and walked in, they looked at each other and laughed so hard, they forgot about him, about the comic con, just caught up in their own little heaven "what so funny?" Dom asked with a confused face
"Nothing" they said together and looked at each other's and smile, "you guys are so wired! Come on we got to go! Move your asses" he said and walked out, Harry and Matt giggled to themselves and walked out too, when Harry locked the door Matt leaned over his ear "I'm sorry, I couldn't wait till we come back tonight to show you how much I missed you" Harry felt his skin tickling by how much he missed him too and he was so happy to hear Matt saying he missed him like he does, "it's more then okay, you are welcome to it any time you want to show me how much you miss me" Harry said and winked, "you are so lucky we need to go right now otherwise I would take you to bed with me now..." Matt said and Harry felt his groin started to burn, he was saved by dom's yelling at them to move.

Comic con panel
They arrived at the venue and after the red carpet and taking photos for the magazine's and TV it was the time for the show panel, the audience was already sitting in the hall and the host started to call the cast to come up on stage, Harry saw that Matt were a bit nervous so he reached out to his hand and squeeze it a little to get Matt's attention, when he looked at him Harry smiled at him "don't be nervous. I'm right here with you, you can hold my hand Beneath the table if it's helpful" he said, Matt smiled back and said "I don't deserve you..." and kissed Harry's hand, Harry Blushed and let go of their hands to go up. The panel was with Kat, dom, Alberto, Em, the producer and the director, and of course Cassandra Clare the author, Matt and Harry, the panel went well, the fans really reacted to them with so much love and Harry was so happy for that.
When the panel was about to end he saw Matt getting up and walking towards the host he said something to him and then host nodded and walked to his microphone, Matt turned around and walked to his chair next to Harry's with a grin on his face "what are you planning?" Harry whisper to him "you will see" he answered and grabbed the microphone when the host started talking "before we finish Matthew daddario would like to say a few words" and he looked at Matt and nodded to him "thank you" Matt said "first of all I want to thank all the fans, you are amazing!" the crowd applauded "and second... I have a personal announcement..." the hall become quite, everyone wait to hear what he has to say "as you all know I play a gay character" he continued, at that moment Harry knew what Matt is going to say, he stands up next to him and cover the microphone with his hand "you don't have to do this..." he said, Matt smiled "but I want to" he replied, Harry took his hand off but kept standing next to him "anyway... I play a gay character but what you don't know is that I'm gay too" the crowd gasped nobody moved but then they start clapping and cheering for him, Harry couldn't help but smile so hard, he was so proud of him, of how brave he is "Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot, there is one more thing i want to say..." he turned to face Harry "Harry, will you be my boyfriend?" Harry open wide eyes, he was shocked he didn't expect that, all he wanted for the past three months was that moment, when he and Matt could be together, he looked at him and his heart filled with love and his eyes with tears, the crowd was so silence, everyone waiting for Harry's answer, Matt looked at him with worried face but then Harry blinked and came back to reality, he approached Matt and put his lips on him,

" he turned to face Harry "Harry, will you be my boyfriend?" Harry open wide eyes, he was shocked he didn't expect that, all he wanted for the past three months was that moment, when he and Matt could be together, he looked at him and his heart fi...

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the crowd went crazy, all of them got up including their cast members, and cheered for the couple, they kissed lightly and broke the kiss before it will get more passionate and smiled at each other, they got off the stage, waving to all of their fans.

Hey! Finally ha? Let me know what you think About it and what will happen next ? 😊
See you next chapter ✌🏼

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