23. Talk

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Harry got dressed and got out to the living room and saw Matt in the kitchen making them drinks so Harry went to sit on the couch, Matt walked in with two glasses of tea and put them down on the coffee table, they sat there in silence until Matt cleaned his throat "so... there is something I want to talk with you about..." Matt started to say and played with his fingers in a nervous way, Harry reached out and grabbed his hands "what ever it is... I'm here for you..." he smiled and squeezed his hand, Matt smiled back "well... we never really got to talk about my parents... so I wanted to clear it off our way..." Matt said and Harry sat back in a gesture for him to go on "so three days ago my mom called me, she asked if I'm coming to visit them on the holidays, i told her that I'm still gay and if she's ok with that I would be glad to come, she said that's the time to stop this "nonsense"" he used air quotes "and come home, I said that this is not nonsense, this is my life and I'm happy, with you..." Matt said with a sad voice, he took a deep breath and continued "she said that you are just a phase... and you are using me to get more fans from all the genders... I said that she is wrong and we love each other and if she can't except that she doesn't deserve to be part of my life... she hang up on me and a day later I got a paper work for me to sign that I'm giving up my heritage... I signed it and sent it to her..." Matt said and wiped out a tear that escaped his eyes "I just wanted to be honest with you, tell you everything so there's no secret between us... and I'm sorry for my mother... I promise you I don't think anything bad about you..." Matt said and squeezed Harry's hand "first of all... thank you for telling me.. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you..." Harry said and wiped out another tear from Matt's cheek "second... I don't care what your mom think about us... she doesn't deserve you in her life, and I know it's hard but we will get through this, I promise you.." Harry said and coped Matt's face "you are really don't upset with me...?" Matt asked "about what..?" Harry asked confused "about what my mom said..." Matt answered "why on earth would I be mad at you for something like that? you didn't say that she did, and she doesn't know anything about us so I can't be offended by something like that..." Harry smiled " I know you and you know me, we've falling in love and there is no power in the world that could change what I'm feeling for you... you are the love of my life and I'm glad to share every second with you..." Harry said with a loving look Matt burst into tears and cuddle into Harry's hand "you are the most amazing man I ever met... thank you for standing by me... thank you for loving me... I don't know what I would do without you..." Matt mumbled through the tears and Harry stroke his hair and back trying to calm him down "I'm the lucky one... I don't know how I could live without you..." Harry said and Matt looked up at him and kissed him so hard, they felt the salty taste of the tears but it didn't bother them, they needed each other so much when they broke the kiss Harry smiled and coped Matt's face "you... me... us..." Harry said "forever..." Matt completed, they laid down on the sofa with Matt head on Harry's chest "can I ask you something?" suddenly Matt said "of course baby..." Harry replied and looked down at him "can we go and buy some stuff for the house...? You know... to make it mine too..." Matt said and looked up at him "ohh... emm.." Harry said "you don't have to... I know it's your house... I'm sorry..." Matt said and put his head down on Harry chest again trying not to look at him in the eyes "hey look at me..." Harry said and Matt looked up "this is not my house it's ours... and you're right we need to go and get some stuff to make it your house too" Harry smiled and caressed Matt's hair "really? Do you mean it?" Matt smiled hard with Harry's answer "of course! I didn't think about it but now that you mention it we do need to make it more our and less mine" Harry smiled "thank you baby" Matt said and kissed his lips "your welcome my love" Harry replied and they lay there talking and laughing before they both fall asleep.

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