127. Back to work

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Harry reached with his hand to silence the alarm, he starched out and looked at the bed side, Matt already left for work, but it's ok, they have all the night for themselves.
Harry got dressed and left the house, it was the first time that he drove to work from the new house and he felt so excited, it wasn't a long drive, so after 15 minutes he was parked and walked to the makeup room to get ready, apparently he didn't needed to be worried about the scar because they covered it, the character he play doesn't have a scar, so he felt good about it, he felt more comfortable.
After he was ready he looked at the mirror, he was wearing a dark blue suit with white shirt underneath, it was really sexy, he left the room and walked to the set where he saw Kai sitting on the couch, he looked nervous, he was wearing a gray suit with a blue shirt under it "hey" Harry said when he got close "hey" Kai said and smiled nervously, he stood up and straighten his clothes "don't be nervous" Harry said, he was nervous himself, but seeing Kai like that make him want be the strong one "it's just... it's a lot... it's my first bed scene... and with someone like you" Kai said and Harry smiled "it's ok, I'm glad to do it with you" Harry said, he tried to loosen him up a little, he wanted him to feel comfortable, he wanted the movie to be amazing so they have to work together "r..really?" Kai said and Harry smiled "of course!" Harry said and Kai looked like he calmed down a bit, Harry was happy it worked, at that moment the director approached them and explained the scene, when they were ready everyone got in their position when the director yelled "action":
Harry and Kai entered the room kissing each other, Kai's hands were holding Harry's neck pushing him closer to the kiss, while Harry kicked the door close and pushed Kai over the wall, they broke the kiss and Kai started to unbutton Harry's shirt and pulled her off, they got back to the kissing, Harry felt weird doing something that intimate with someone else, but he kept playing in his head that it's just an act, he's not cheating on Matt in any way, at that moment Kai pushed him on the couch, Harry fell back while Kai smirked and pulled his shirt off, he climbed on Harry's body "you're beautiful..." Kai said and kissed Harry's neck, Harry tilt his head back "I love you..." Harry whispered "I love you" Kai said back and they started kissing again, this time Kai slipped his tongue inside Harry's mouth, Harry didn't want to stop the filming so he let him, their tongues was stroking together, it was not bad, but Harry kept thinking about Matt, and in that moment he felt his member getting hard 'shit, no. no' Harry thought 'calm down, don't think' Harry kept saying in his head, suddenly Kai moved his hips a little and Harry could feel that he's hard too 'oh god' Harry thought, finally the director yelled "cut" and they stopped kissing, both of them were a little breathless from the long kissing, Kai was still laying on top of Harry "umm... are you ok?" Harry asked "what? oh yes, sorry..." Kai said and got up quickly "sorry I just..." Kai mumbled "it's ok" Harry said with a little smile, he wasn't completely comfortable with that but he didn't wanted him to feel bad, it's over, it's behind them.
Harry walked to the makeup room and brushed his lips with his fingers, Kai's kiss felt different this time, more demanding, Harry suddenly felt worried that Kai is feeling something for him, Kai is very attractive man but Harry wasn't in to him, he love Matt, only him, he couldn't continue that thought because he felt his phone buzzing:

Matt: hey honey, how was your day at work?
Harry: it was fine :) I can't wait to see you...
Matt: just fine?
Harry: yes, is that bad?
Matt: are you ok baby?
Harry: I'm ok, stop worrying
Matt: you know I can feel when something is wrong my love, what ever it is, I'm here
Harry: you really do know me
Matt: that's my job 😘
Harry: see you in half an hour?
Matt: no problem, I love you baby ♥️
Harry: I love you too ♥️

Harry closed his phone and was about to leave when he heard a knock on the door "Harry?" Kai said and opened the door slightly "hey, I'm just leaving, is everything ok?" Harry said and Kai entered the room and closed the door behind him, Harry frown, he wasn't sure what was going on "are you okay?" Harry asked and before he could finish the sentence Kai reduce the distance between them and pinned Harry over the wall "Kai what on..." Harry said but he couldn't finish because Kai pressed their lips together and hold Harry's hands tight, Harry was in a complete shock, it took him a couple of seconds to wrap his head about what is happening, when he finally got back to reality he pushed Kai away from him "what on earth are you doing? you know I'm engaged!" Harry screamed at him while he wiped his mouth "today was our last time together... and I wanted to come clean about my feelings for you" Kai said and looked at him, Harry was in no position to speak, he didn't understand how did he even get here "what are you talking about? what feelings?" Harry asked, he was confused, for months he and Kai worked together and he never acted like he's acting now "I'm in love with you, I always was, but I kept it down because we work together and I didn't wanted to lose the opportunity to work with you, but now I don't need to" Kai said and took a step closer while Harry took a step back "I love you, and I would never treat you like Matt do, I would keep you safe and always support you, I want you to choose me" Kai said and Harry opened wide eyes "are you crazy? choose you? I can't choose you over someone I love, you are being crazy!" Harry said with a little high voice, he was so upset about Kai's behavior, why is he doing this to him, to Matt "I heard how you two fight... he's always jealous and it drives you crazy, I will never be like that, I will give you everything you deserve, he doesn't love you like I do" Kai said and Harry got mad "you don't even know him, Matt is the most amazing man I've ever met, and I'm lucky enough to be loved by him, I'm marrying him! so fuck off!" Harry yelled at him, he tried to walk pass him but Kai stopped him, he grabbed him in his wrist "let's try it for one night... one night with me will make you forget him so fast..." Kai said in a tempting voice, he pinned Harry over the wall and tried to kiss him again.

What is going on? 🤔
Sorry for not posting, I was in a little writing block, but I'm back 😍

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