18. Hospital

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Harry looked at him and wiped his mouth with a napkin "I can't believe you did that!" the man screamed "well believe it! Next time you touch me I will break your hands too" Harry screamed back and felt himself getting red from the anger when he felt a little gentle touch on his shoulder and he turned around to find himself in front of dom and Matt "everything is okay baby?" Matt asked with a worried expression "I'm fine, that asshole thought that I'm going to be cheating on you" Harry spit the words out "wait what?" Dom and Matt said together "he asked me out and I said no and he kissed me, so I broke the beer on his head" Harry replied "you kissed my boyfriend????" Matt screamed, the man just looked at him "yeah, do you have a problem with that? one night with me and he will forget about you, or you can join us if you like" Matt approached him and punch him in the face the hardest as he can "he said no, back off!" Matt screamed at the man "dude you broke my nose! you are going to pay for this" the man stand up in front of Matt again and at that moment dom walked and stand next to Matt "bro, you kissed his boyfriend you deserve it, go away" and he turned to look at Harry "are you ok?" Harry nodded "yes I am..." Harry said, the man looked at the trio and turned around and walked away, Matt turned to face Harry too "baby are you okay?" with so much concern in his face "yes I am, just some asshole, I'm sorry that he kissed me" and he reached out to touch Matt face when he saw his hand covered in blood Matt grabbed his hand "oh god, did He hurt you? Oh Harry look at your hand" Matt said with a sad voice "Matt calm down! Breathe... I'm ok it's probably from the beer" Harry tried to relax "come on, we are taking you to the hospital" dom said "hospital? Are you kidding me? It's nothing!" Harry said in protest "I'm not listening, get your ass in the car" Matt said and grabbed him by his shoulder, Harry tried to resist but both Matt and dom left no room for argument so he gave up, dom said he will drive kat home and join them at the hospital while Matt put Harry into the car and drove off, all the way Matt asked Harry if he's okay and Harry tried to tell him that he's fine, when they arrived the nurse let them in into the checking room and asked Matt to fill out the paperwork while she check Harry's hand "how did it happened?" The nurse asked "I broke a bottle with my hand..." Harry answered, the nurse left the room and left both of them alone "I'm so sorry baby... for everything..." Harry felt the tears falling "what are you talking about?" Matt said and put the papers aside, he lifted Harry and sat him down on his lap "you did nothing wrong... if anything you made me terribly horny to see you like that, fighting for our love..." Matt said with a smirk "but... he kissed me... and I'm sorry..." Harry struggle to say through the tears "he kissed you, and I don't care about it... you're hurt because you tried to stop him... If this is not proof that you did not want it then I do not know what is..." Matt said and Harry looked at him with a red face from all the crying "now stop crying... please.. you make me sad too..." Matt continue and wipe out the tears with kisses, Harry laughed and hugged him close "you two are adorable" a voice said and they saw the doctor and the nurse standing in the door with big smiles, Harry and Matt blushed, they didn't even heard them coming "now I need mister..." the doctor check his paper "shum, to sit on the bed so I can check the hand" Harry got up and sat on the bed "well, I do not see any nerve damage but you will need stitches, and antibiotics" the doctor said "are you feeling good? no dizziness? nausea?" he continued "no, nothing, it doesn't even hurt that much" Harry said "that good!" the doctor replied "may I ask how did it happened?" Harry looked at Matt with a shy look and said "well... emm... I broke a bottle with my hand..." Harry said and the doctor looked surprised "and why...?" Harry started to blush "well there was this guy at the bar who forced himself on me with a kiss... even tho I said that I have a boyfriend... so one thing led to another..." Harry said with a shrug the doctor looked at Matt "you have a fighter" he said with a smile Matt smiled back "all mine".
The doctor finished the stitches and bandaged his hand, Harry needed to stay in the hospital for an hour more to give him an infusion for the antibiotic and then he can go, after the doctor left the room Harry laid down on the bed and Matt cuddled up with him and move his fingers into Harry's hair and Harry snuggle up into the hug and fallen asleep, Matt looked at him sleeping and smiled when he heard a knock on the door and saw dom "how is he?" Dom asked with a whisper "he's fine, he got some stitches and now he needs an antibiotics and we can go" Matt said and brushed Harry's hair to make sure he's sleeping and resting, dom sat on the chair next to the bed "and how are you doing...?" he asked "I'm fine, he is all that matters now.." Matt said in a low voice "you guys are incredible... I hope I feel what you feel for each other one day" dom said and smiled "I'm sure you will buddy" Matt smiled back "he's so lucky to have you in his life..." dom continued "oh trust me... I'm the lucky one..." Matt said and looked at Harry's sleepy face "I'm definitely the lucky one..." Matt said and smiled to himself.

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