157. Where?

193 20 4

The whole way home they held each other hand, Harry knew that Matt is excited just like he is, when they arrived they went upstairs and started packing "what should I pack?" Harry asked and Matt laughed "why are you asking me?" Matt said "because you're the only one who knows where we're going!" Harry said with a grumpy voice "pack light... because I'm not letting you get out of the bed anyway..." Matt said with a devilish smile and Harry rolled his eyes "come on..." Harry said with puppy eyes, it's always works on Matt "I can never win with those eyes..." Matt whispered and kissed Harry's nose lightly "pack for a summer weather" Matt said and Harry smiled "thank you" Harry smiled and Matt chuckle, suddenly Harry's phone buzzed so he went to his night stand and took him:

𝙈𝙤𝙢: hello my dear son, I just wanted to tell you that I'm very excited for tomorrow, I love you very much ❤️
𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮: Thank you so much mom, I love you too, thank you for being here with me in this important moment ❤️
𝙈𝙤𝙢: I will always be by your side, and I will love whoever you love, and if it's Matt - I love him too, like my another son ❤️
𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮: thank you mom, it means a lot!
(*Note: The conversation was in Chinese of course, but I was too lazy to write it in both languages ❤️‍🩹)

Harry smiled to the phone while Matt came behind him and wrapped his hands around him and rest his chin on his shoulder "your mom?" Matt asked and Harry nodded "yes, she wrote that she's excited for tomorrow and that she loves you" Harry said and put the phone down "I'm happy she feels that way about me" Matt said and kissed Harry's cheek and turned around to continue packing, Harry looked at him, he wanted to ask something but he wasn't sure if he should "I didn't invite them..." Matt said, not even looking at him, just kept putting his clothes in the bag "how did you..." Harry said in surprise "because I know you" Matt interrupted him, he looked at him and tried to smile, but Harry know him, he smiled that sad smile that Harry hated to see on his face "it's ok my love, please don't worry, I didn't invite them because I want to give you the best day of your life, I don't want anyone to ruin it for you, and I don't want them there either" Matt said and hold Harry's hand "please... don't worry" Matt continue and tried to smile again but Harry noticed the sadness in there "are you sure?" Harry asked, he didn't want to push him, it's his decision "I'm sure" Matt said and bend down and kissed Harry's hand, which made Harry blush "please promise me you won't be worried about this, I don't care about anyone as long as I have you with me" Matt said and Harry frown, he couldn't hide what he thinks, he felt bad that Matt is not going to be with his family on his important day, and he felt even worse when he felt like it's his fault, he is the one that takes Matt from his family "you know I can't promise that, because it's my fault you don't have a good relationship with them..." Harry said, he will always be worried for him and he can't shake the feeling that he is the reason for their situation "come here..." Matt said and sat on the bed, taking Harry with him, putting him between his legs "look, I'm not happy about it, of course I want my parents to be there for me, but I accept the fact that they can't be supportive so I don't want them there" Matt said and stroke Harry's hand, Harry didn't say anything, he wanted him to take it all out because usually Matt doesn't speak about them, but now it's an important step and Harry wanted him to go in with a clean heart "and it's not your fault, not even a little bit, because they are the primitive people who can't accept their son's love, but my sister will be there, she's the one I really care about, so that's enough for me" Matt continued "I don't need them there to criticize my life choices, because I chose you..." Matt said and hold Harry's hand close to his chest "and I will keep choosing you over anything and anyone, I promise" Matt said and Harry melted, Matt can be such a romantic person sometimes, even though he doesn't agree with him Harry nodded "you know that I don't agree with you, but it's your decision and I will always be by your side, I will support you in every step of the way" Harry said and squeezed his hand "thank you my love" Matt said and kissed his cheek "ok... enough with the heavy stuff" Matt said and clapped his hands and stood up "can you pack the bath stuff?" Matt asked and Harry nodded and went to the bath, when he heard another message sound from his phone "honey? can you check who is it?" Harry asked from the bathroom "sure" Matt said, Harry heard him picking up the phone but he didn't hear anything back, it was silence "Matt? who is it?" Harry asked, still from the bathroom "I... umm..." he heard Matt mumbling so he came back to the room and saw Matt taking his keys "where are you going?" Harry asked, he was so confused "I just remembered I need to deal with something, I will be right back" Matt said and kissed Harry's cheek quickly and went out of the room, Harry walked behind him quietly and watched him going down the stairs "don't forget we meet with Dom and David..." Harry barely managed to say and Matt nodded "I will be there, I promise" Matt said, he blow an air kiss to Harry before he closed the house door behind him, Harry just stand there, he was so confused 'what the hell just happened?' Harry asked himself while he got back to the room to keep packing, he tried to focus his head on something else instead of what just happened.


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