115. Club drama

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Harry woke up in his bed with Matt laying next to him, he was still asleep, his adorable little snores made Harry smile, he looked at his phone and saw a message from Kai:

Kai: hey how are you? I'm sorry about what happened at the hospital, I hope you can forgive me
Harry: hey, I don't need to forgive you because I wasn't mad at you at all, it's ok and I'm much better now, please don't feel bad
Kai: ok, I'm glad, Matt has that magic on you, he fixed you right away ☺️
Harry: I guess you're right haha😁
Kai: see you on set?
Harry: sure :)

Harry smiled at the message, Matt really have that power on him, he could make anything better just by being there and saying the right thing, he truly is amazing.
Harry closed his phone and put it back on the night stand, he turned around to face Matt who was still snoring lightly, he must be exhausted after the week they had, he was worried about Harry all the time he he took such a good care of him, Harry lifted himself up and sat on Matt's lap, he smirked to himself and started to move his hips slowly, rubbing their members together, Matt sigh in his sleep so Harry lowered himself to Matt's neck, kissing and licking him "mmm... baby..." Matt sigh and Harry smirked, he started to move a little faster and he moaned in Matt's ear, he knows he likes that "baby..." Matt whispered but Harry silence him with a kiss, but Matt warped his arms around Harry's waist, stopping him "are you serious?" Harry said and he stopped "not now..." Matt whispered and coped his face "you... just..." Harry whispered and got up of him "no baby... wait..." Matt said "don't touch me!" Harry screamed at him, he got up and got dressed with Matt sitting on the edge of the bed with a guilty look, Harry didn't believe it, why is he doing this to him? when they were at the hospital he understood, but what is his excuse this time? Harry finished dressing up and walked out of the bedroom door, but he stopped, he saw Dom and David in the kitchen making breakfast "I invited them to sleep here last night after you fell asleep... so they won't be worried about you" Matt whispered behind him and Harry felt so stupid, he turned around and looked at him "I'm... I'm sorry" Harry mumbled but Matt smiled "it's ok my love, you didn't know" Matt whispered and leaned in to kiss him "oh, and good morning by the way..." Matt grin and Harry laughed "yeah.." Harry smiled and scratch the back of his neck "hey look who's up!" David cheered and walked towards him and gave him a hug "how are you feeling?" David asked while Dom hugged him too "I'm fine, thank you" Harry said "you didn't have to cook" Harry continued "our pleasure, sit down" David said and pointed at the table for them to sit down, Harry and Matt sit down on the chairs next to each other while Dom and David brought the breakfast to the table, Harry felt so lucky to be surrounded by this amazing people, he looked at Matt and felt so idiot about earlier "I really am sorry... I didn't know..." Harry said but Matt warped his arm around him and pulled him close "you need to stop worrying about it, if they weren't here..." Matt whispered but cut off "we can still hear you, you know?" Dom said "damn you and your hearing" Matt teased and Dom winked at him, finally they sat down to eat, the food was amazing, after that week at the hospital Harry missed homemade food so much "so what are you planning to do today?" David asked and they all looked at Harry "what?" Harry asked "you are the one who was locked up for a week..." Dom said "so what do you want to do?" Matt continued Dom's line, Harry thought about it but he didn't have something he really wanted to do "how about dancing?" Matt suggested and everyone looked at him in surprise "oh stop it" Matt said and they laughed "I would love to go dancing" Harry said and Matt smiled "you got it" Matt said and kissed his cheek.
After they finished eating Harry and Matt went to the bathroom room to get ready, they got dressed and left the apartment, Harry noticed that Matt isn't acting normal, he looked like he's deep in his thoughts, he didn't even tried to touch him when they were in the bathroom, which is so not like him, but Harry put a pin on that to ask him later.
After they got dressed they all left the apartment, when they got to the club Harry was so excited, it's was salsa night, such a sexy dance "dance with me?" Harry hold Matt's hand who hesitated "what?" Harry asked "you know I don't dance..." Matt whispered "don't worry... follow my lead" Harry smirked and dragged them to the dancing floor while Dom and David went to sit in a booth and order drinks, Harry hold Matt close to his body and warped his arms around Matt's neck "warp your hand around my waist..." Harry whispered in his ear and Matt did what he asked, Harry swing his moves around, dragging Matt with him, but Matt looked distracted, so Harry thought on a way to loosen him up, he turned around and started to move seductively on Matt's waist "ummm... baby..." Matt whispered and hold him, stopping the moves "are you fucking serious? you know what? never mind" Harry said and started to walk towards David and Dom's table and sat down "ufff what happened to you?" Dom teased but Harry shut him a deadly look "Jesus I was joking..." Dom said, at that moment Matt sat down too, he tried to warp his arm around Harry's shoulder but Harry moved aside "baby... you know I don't dance" Matt said and tried to calm him down "it's more than that and you know it!" Harry screamed at him and looked aside, Dom and David exchange glances "baby..." Matt started to say but Harry cut him "just shut up!" Harry screamed at him "Harry!" David said to him in a warning voice "you won't touch me! you don't want to do anything with me... what the hell Matt?" Harry said and looked at him "let's not do it here" Matt said in a low voice and Harry raised his eyebrows "I knew it..." Harry said "this all week you kept saying it's all in my head ah?" Harry continued, he felt so hurt "maybe we leave you two alone?" Dom said "no, it's ok, I leave" Harry said and got up, he raced to the door and burst out, he heard someone coming after him but he didn't turn around "Harry stop!" he heard David from behind "leave me alone" Harry screamed and kept walking but then he felt David's hand grabbing his arm "for god sake... just stop for a second" David said and finally Harry stopped he turned around and faced him, he saw Matt standing on the front door with Dom, he looked worried "what is going on with you?" David asked, Harry wiped some tears that fell down "he won't touch me... not even a little bit... and now he won't even dance with me or do anything, I can't deal with it anymore" Harry said and wiped the tears out "ok first of all calm down, I'm here" David said and hugged him Harry embrace the hug, he needed that so much "and now go home, talk to your fiancé" David ordered and Harry grin "you are very bossy you know that?" Harry teased and David gave him a little nudge and they walked back to the club "are you ok?" Dom asked "I'm fine..." Harry said and looked at Matt "ready to talk?" Harry asked and Matt nodded "great, see you guys later" Harry said and they walked away, he heard David and Dom getting inside the club again.

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