9. Jealousy

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Hey everyone! Hopefully you are doing good and keeping safe!
This chapter is a little different, he's basically texting between Matt and Harry, to speed up the week until comic con, so you know what they were doing by text, and the count down is the number of days before comic con, why comic con day is so important? Who knows 😉 maybe they will have an interesting development in their relationship ☺️ this chapter is a little long, hope you like it! Lots of love!

7 days until comic con
Matt: hey what's up?
Harry: hey, I'm great, how are you doing? :)
Matt: happy to be back in NYC haha, I'm having dinner with my parents tomorrow night, and that's it for my week planning, how about you?
Harry: that's wonderful, your partners most be so happy to see you after 3 months of filming far away
Matt: yeah I think so 😊 so how about your week? What did you plan?
Harry: I'm having dinner tonight with a friend, tomorrow I planned on going to the beach, finally getting some sun haha and that's it for now
Matt: can I ask you something?
Harry: sure
Matt: this friend you having dinner with... is it a date?
Harry: oh no no! It's an old friend of mine, his name is David, we go way back to high school
Matt: oh good, that nice! Hope you have a good time
Harry: it's sounded like you were jealous...
Matt: I don't get jealous!
Harry: haha fine fine
Matt: but if I did... what would you say?
Harry: Matt... we are not together... and I told you, I want to go on dates, I want to explore... and I didn't mean to tell you but I have a date tomorrow, but I think you deserve to know, maybe it will help you move on too...
Matt: oh... okay... sorry for being such a burden on you. Have a nice night.
Harry: Matt come on! Don't be like that.
Harry: Matt please, you know I didn't mean that you were a burden to me
Harry: okay... when you want to talk about this I'm here.

5 days until comic con
Matt: hey...
Harry: so you are alive then... I didn't hear from you in two days.
Matt: I'm sorry about that... I'm dealing with a lot lately and I have been acting a little bit childish, so I apologize.
Harry: it's ok, I understand, I have been dealing with a lot lately too, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way :)
Matt: you didn't :)
Harry: so how was your week so far?
Matt: well I decided to come out to parents last night... That didn't go to well
Harry: oh no, I'm so sorry! What happened?
Matt: my mom said that I have been brain washed by that show I'm playing, that I have been with girls all my life so what happened now, and she said as long as I am "gay" (she put the air quotes not me) I'm not welcome in her house or her life and stormed out of the restaurant, my dad didn't say much, he said he doesn't get it but our world is changing he gave me a little hug and got out after my mom, then my sister hugged me so hard haha she said she's proud of me and that I will always be her brother, so at least I have her still in my life
Harry: I'm sorry to hear that, sounds difficult, how do you feel?
Matt: actually? Really good, I know it's sound wired but I'm so relieved!!! I feel like I'm 5 pounds lighter haha
Harry: that nice haha, I'm glad :) you didn't come out because of me right?
Matt: not at all, I mean all you did was open my eyes that I need to be proud of myself, in any part of my life, but I didn't do it for you if that's what you asking
Harry: oh great haha I was scared for a moment there
Matt: would it be so bad?
Harry: if you did it for me? I would feel bad, for making such a mess in your life and with your parents
Matt: don't feel bad, I really did it for myself, and now that I'm out maybe you and I can give us a chance...
Harry: oh... emm can We not talk about it here? I see you at comic con and then we will talk about us and about all of this?
Matt: okay sure... but I feel like you're not happy that I want to try... is your date go that well so you two are already together?
Harry: god no! The date was awful, and To be honest I'm happy that you want to try but I feel like it's something we should talk about face to face
Matt: maybe you right... I just never done something like that before
Harry: you and me both 😆
Matt: wait... what happened on your date?
Harry: oh right, I met him through some app, we talked and he seemed a very nice guy, he looked good on the pictures and we really clicked when we texted, we meet at a bar near my apartment, the night started nice, we talked and he was so funny, but after about half hour he started touching me, he grabbed my bottom, when I tried to throw his hand away from me he acted like a jerk and said that he wasted two days on me at least let's make out.... it was so humiliating.
Matt: I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! How did he dare to speak to you like that? Asshole! Are you okay?
Harry: yeah I'm fine, but that wasn't the worst part, when I was about to leave he grabbed my hand and turned me around and kissed me
Matt: he WHAT?!
Harry: yeah, I felt so bad! When I tried to break the kiss he grabbed my face and didn't let me move, only when a couple of guys next to us saw that I'm in distress he let go and the guys helped me to get rid of him
Matt: I'm so sorry that you coped with this soon to be a dead man
Harry: haha thank you for caring, I'm okay! He just a jerk, besides, I have you now...
Matt: you mean that?
Harry: i wouldn't say if I didn't mean it
Matt: I can't wait to see you in five days!
Harry: me too! I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to bed now, talk to you tomorrow :)

2 days until comic con
Matt: hey :) how are you?
Harry: I'm fine, finally I went to the beach today like I planned five days ago haha
Matt: that nice
Harry: yeah, how are you? What did you do today?
Matt: actually I'm packing because I'm getting on the plan to LA tomorrow morning :)
Harry: ohh right! For the comic con, do you get everything you need with the hotel?
Matt: yeah sure.
Matt: can I ask you something? ☺️
Harry: sure, but why are you blushing? 😉
Matt: I'm not! You can't see me from there!
Harry: but I know you ;) what's up?
Matt: can you send me a picture of you on the beach?
Harry: haha of course, I have one that David shot this morning

 Matt: can I ask you something? ☺️Harry: sure, but why are you blushing? 😉Matt: I'm not! You can't see me from there! Harry: but I know you ;) what's up?Matt: can you send me a picture of you on the beach?Harry: haha of course, I have one that Da...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Matt: sorry for taking so long to respond, I fainted (;
Harry: stop it! Haha
Matt: I like your abs... I can't wait to see them myself...
Harry: are you hitting on me mister?
Matt: maybe... what are you going to do about it? 😉
Harry: nothing... I'm may like it...
Matt: I can't wait to see you.
Harry: I can't wait to see you too.

Sorry for the long chapter, hope you liked it! :)

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