32. Trust

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"wait... what?" Harry looked at him with confusion "what are you asking me? if I cheated on you?" Harry screamed back, he didn't believe it, how could he? "I didn't ask if you cheated, I'm asking you how long you guys are seeing each other?" Matt replied "so... you skipped the part when you asking me if I did it, and you just know I did it" Harry didn't know how to react, he felt so hurt by Matt behavior "that's what the article was about!" Matt said with more tears falling down on his face "yeah right! Because everything you read online is 100% true!" Harry screamed back "if it's a lie then why did you say to the person on the phone to hide it from me?" Matt said and then paused "wait a minute... who was it on the phone? Kina?" Matt yelled at him, Harry felt his anger raising "you have got to be kidding me!!!" he lost it "I was talking with dom and the reason I told him not to tell you is because I thought you will be upset about the crap they wort about the money stuff... I never thought you would think that I cheated on you!" Harry said and walked to the sofa and sat down, Matt just stand there, Harry put his head on his hands when he heard Matt on the bedroom, he raised his head and saw him packing up, Harry got up and almost ran to the room "what on earth are you doing?" Harry asked with a broken voice "I can't stay here... I need to think..." Matt mumbled not even looking at him "no.. come on... you are being over dramatic!" Harry started to cry and he grabbed Matt's hands, stopping him "please... let's talk about it..." Harry said "Harry... I can't..." Matt said and took his hands out of Harry's grip "no.. you can't leave me for something like that! Don't you trust me? after everything I told you... about my past do you really think I would cheat on you? And with kina? I told you everything... please... believe me..." Harry cried trying not to loose this man over something so stupid "I don't know Harry... please let me go... I need to figure it out and I can't be next to you right now..." Matt said, still not looking at him, he closed his bag and walked to the door while Harry followed him, not knowing what to do, he saw that Matt is really close to the door "can I say one thing?"Harry said with a sad voice, Matt put his hand on the door knob and pause "if you are leaving now you are practically saying that you don't trust me enough to at least talk about something like that instead of running away..." Harry said and continued "I'm not expecting you to be on the top of the world right now but I never thought the thing you will be mad about is something like that... that you think I cheated on you... that I'm capable to hurt you like that..." Tears are started to fall down on Harry's face "please... let's talk about it... we figure out everything together... I want to figure it out... I can't loose you..." Harry was crying hard, he just wanted for Matt to turn around and for them to work this out, but instead Matt opened the door and was about to walk out "if you will get out of that door we're over"..." Harry yelled at him, Matt paused again and that time looked at him "I would not let anyone question my loyalty... if you leave now we're over..." Harry said with a broken voice, Matt's tears was falling down but he closed his eyes, turned around and walked out the door and closed it behind, Harry couldn't believe it, how could he do that? Harry's legs gave up and he collapsed to the floor with loud sobbing, he couldn't stop crying for almost an hour, he didn't believe that he lost the biggest love of his life and that the biggest love of his life didn't trust him with something like that, he felt so hurt and betrayed and in that moment he saw the picture of both of them that they hung in the living room, the one that Matt bought for him, he got up and took her out, he stroke with his hand the beautiful face of the man who broke his heart and couldn't take the pain anymore, he smashed the picture on the wall and broke it, he didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't care, he dragged himself into the bed and cried so hard until he fall asleep, drowning in his own tears.

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