39. Trying

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Harry woke up a little sore, last night he went to sleep very late because of the talk with Matt, but it didn't bother him, he was too happy about them getting back together, and he hoped that they could get back on track with their relationship.
he jumped into the shower and got dressed, when he heard his phone buzzing, he looked at him and saw a message from Matt:
Matt: good morning sunshine ❤️ I hope you had good dreams, waiting for you on set with a big cup of coffee, and a bigger kiss with your name on it.
Harry: good morning ☀️ thank you for taking care of me! Can't wait ☺️

Harry smiled, he saw how much Matt is trying, and it made him happy.
After he finished dressed up, he got into his car and drove to the set, the air was so cold and fresh after the rain last night, Harry loved it
When he arrived, he parked his car and walked in to the set "hey you" he heard from behind, he turned around to look at Matt "good morning" Harry replied, he smiled widely and warped his hands around Matt's neck "good morning my everything..." Matt whispered and placed a kiss on his lips, Harry melted into the kiss, he missed them kissing just like that, not on set, as a couple, that loving kiss he loved "oh what do we have here?" Suddenly a voice said, both Harry and Matt look, and saw Dom and Kat approaching them, Harry let go of Matt shoulders, and he heard Matt growled quietly, Harry grinned at him "good morning guys" Harry said and hugged both Dom and Kat "you are in a good mood... I wonder why" Dom winked at Harry "you got back together?" Kat asked and Matt looked at Harry, waiting for him to answer "yes, we are" Harry said and looked at Matt, who smiled "I'm so happy for you both! You deserve each other!" Kat said and jumped on Harry with a big hug, which he embraced "hey hey, he's my boyfriend" Matt laugh at Kat, she smiled and let go of Harry, Matt came and stand next to Harry and warped his arm around his waist "adorable!" Dom said and looked at both of them, Harry looked up at Matt who looked at him with a smile "is he flying with you to China for the holidays?" Dom asked and Harry turned his head and looked at Dom with a death look "what? are you going to China for the holidays?" Matt asked and lowered his hand from Harry "like always... I'm getting you in trouble... see you later" Dom apologize, and he and Kat walked away, leaving the two man alone.
"So... China?" Matt asked "yes, I totally forgot about it... my parents invited me on the day we had our fight..." Harry said "why didn't you tell me?" Matt looked at him "well... we got back together just last night... I didn't find the time" Harry answer, he shifted his legs, he felt very bad about leaving Matt alone for the holidays, especially after they just got back together "I'm sorry I didn't tell you... and I'm sorry for leaving you alone on the holidays..." Harry said and took Matt's hand in his "it's ok" Matt said "we were broken up... I just spend the holidays with my sister" Matt said and squeezed Harry's hand, to let him know he's okay "when do you leave?" Matt asked "actually... tomorrow, I will be there for five days" Harry said, he saw Matt sad expression and it broke his heart, he wanted to be with him too "I will miss you..." Matt whispered "I will miss you too..." Harry said "you really mean that?" Matt asked, like he was surprised "of course..." Harry smiled at him, but he felt sadness crawling up into his heart "what is it?" Matt looked at him "nothing... really..." Harry said and looked aside "come on... you said we should share everything with one another..." Matt said and Harry played with his fingers "it was supposed to be our first holidays together... and I blow it..." Harry said, Matt put his fingers on Harry's chin and lift his face up so he will look at him "you didn't do anything wrong... I'm the one who blow up, besides, you deserve to spend the holidays with your family..." Matt said "maybe next holiday we will go together..." he continue and pulled Harry closer "maybe..." Harry smiled and placed a kiss on Matt's lips "come on love birds!" Suddenly Dom yelled at them "we need to get to work!" Dom screamed, they laughed and shared one last kiss before they walked into the makeup room and got ready.
After they finished shooting, Harry walked into the makeup room to get his makeup off, when he finished he saw Matt leaning on the door, waiting for him "so I was thinking..." Matt started to say "maybe I could sleep in your house tonight... you know... before you leave for your flight" Matt said and looked down, Harry didn't know what to say "emm... do you think it's a good idea? because we decided to go slow..." Harry said "and don't think that I don't miss the sex as much as you do... but we agreed to take everything slow... so we rebuilt our relationship..." Harry continued "ok... how about this... I won't try to have sex with you until you ask me to... until you do, sex is off the table... what do you think?" Matt said and looked at Harry's eyes, Harry saw how much he's trying "ok, I think we could do that" he smiled and saw Matt's face lighting up "thank you... I just wanna be with you..." Matt said and Harry got closer "I trust you" he said and Matt coped his face "that means so much to me... thank you" Matt said and hold Harry's hand in his.
Both of them got dressed in their own clothes, and walked to Harry's car and drive to his house, on the way they talked about the day they have on set, and what they are planning to do on the holidays.

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