160. Bachelor party

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Harry and Matt wrapped a towel around their waists and went downstairs, they didn't bother to get dressed, they are at their own house so they should act the way they want, when they arrived to the living room they saw David and Dom sitting on the couch "hello to the mans of the hour!" Don cheered when he saw them and he stood up "you couldn't even get dressed before you came down?" David teased behind Dom "next time don't interrupt my sex life, then I will get dressed for you" Harry teased back "don't give me a key next time" David said with a wink "a decision I'm already regretting" Harry said and took his tongue out which made everyone laugh "you will have your whole life to have sex, come on go dress up!" David ordered but Harry just rested his head on Matt's shoulder who immediately wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder "but I want to have sex now..." Harry said with a smirk which made Matt blush so hard that even his ears turned red "awww, not married but still living in a honeymoon" Dom said "now stop being disgusting and get ready for your party" Dom continued and pushed the giggling Harry and Matt up the stairs.
When they were ready they all left the house, Harry and Matt took Harry's car and followed David's car to the venue, they actually didn't know anything about where they are going, Dom and David wanted to surprise them and Harry didn't wanted to ruin their happiness so he let them do what ever they wanted to, he really doesn't care about all of this, all he wants is to call that beautiful man next to him - his husband.
When David's car parked Harry followed him and parked next to him, he looked around and saw nothing but a dark parking lot "I don't get it..." Harry said confused when he got out of the car "well, you need to put this blindfold first, and then we will take you to the actual place" David explain and handed the blindfold to Harry, when Matt reached to grab it David dodge the hand "you too" David said and pointed at Dom who waited to put the blindfold on him "oh come on" Matt whimper "shut up and put it" Dom ordered and Harry laughed and let David put it on him, even though he hated the idea of being blind and dragged to god know where, but it's seem like Dom and David put a lot of thought in it so he didn't wanted to ruin their surprise.
When they both were blindfolded David led them to some side road "you're not going to kill us right?" Matt teased "people know where I am!" Harry said with a fake panic voice "stop" Dom said with a loud laugh, suddenly Harry felt that the way is not stable 'we're at the beach?' Harry thought to himself, it felt like walking on sand "ok, we're here" David said and left Harry standing alone "take your fiancé's hand" Dom said and Harry felt Matt's hand trembling to find him, when their hands touched it was clear to both of them that it was each other's hand, they immediately combined their fingers together and hold each other tight, they didn't speak or say anything, they just stood there, in a complete silence when suddenly Harry felt someone who opens his blindfold "SURPRISE" Harry heard a lot of people yelling together, when his eyes adjusted to the light he saw that they were on the beach, there was a huge white fabric who made a path for them, on his sides the sand was covered with a lot of tiny lights that looked like little stars on the sand, in the end of the path he saw a big tent with all of their friends and family, the place was completely beautiful, Harry was amazed, if Matt didn't press his hand he could stay like that forever "are you okay baby?" Matt asked and Harry nodded "this... wow" Harry managed to say, Matt smiled "are you ready?" Matt asked and Harry looked at him, he was so calm and relaxed, he felt so lucky to be here with this man, this man is his rock "with you I'm always ready" Harry said and Matt smiled and squeezed Harry's hand and they both started walking on the white fabric towards their party.

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