162. The night no one expected

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After they hugged Alex and thanked her for the beautiful words, they both got back to their seats, the minute they sat down Matt wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and pulled him close, Harry leaned into the touch, he loved it when Matt was acting like Harry was the only person in the world that Matt see's in his eyes, and he's the only person that Matt want to touch, it feels good.
Lastly it was Harry's mom turn to speak, she stood up and signaled David to stand next to her for the translate, which he immediately did "I'm so happy to be here and look at my baby boy getting married" David translated her, there were some giggles from the weird situation of David saying those words "Harry was always a shy guy, he was never the highest in the class and he wasn't getting along with friends or girlfriends, but then this young man came along and turned Harry's life, he gave him the confidence to speak up and express himself and became his closest friend..." David translated her and pointed at himself, he made a little bow which made everyone laugh, Harry shook his head in amusement and Matt clapped his hands with a wide smile "David took care of him, he made my son so happy and for that I will be always grateful to him..." David said and looked at her with it wide smile, she gave him a little stroke on his arm with her hand, Harry smiled at the view "but then something bad happened to my dearest son, I couldn't be there with you as much as I wanted to, it killed me to be this far away from you when you needed me the most, I never thought something like that would happen and I was in a total pain from seeing my son crying and suffering" David said and then wrapped his arm around Harry's mom, to support her, Harry was a little shocked, he didn't expect his mom to bring up that sensitive subject but then he felt Matt's hand squeezing his arm, he looked at him and Matt nodded his head with a little smile, like he's saying that it's ok, he made Harry feel comfortable and safe, they looked back to Harry's mom who just started talking again "to be honest, I was afraid that I will never see my son smile again, but of course I was wrong, Matt came into my beloved son life and made him the happiest man alive, Matt managed to do what none of us could - and it's to make Harry's heart whole" David said while Harry's mom looked at the couple and smiled, Harry and Matt looked at each other and smiled an ear to ear smile, Harry's mom was right on the spot, Matt came and made Harry feel whole again, he gave him his trust back and all the love that Harry could ask for "I've never seen Harry this happy except the time he was with Matt and that is what every mother wants for her children" she said and David translated "I want to wish you both a long and happy life, full with joy and happiness" she said "and I want to say one more thing to Matt... I know I can't replace your parents in your life but I want you to think and look at me as your mom, I want you to come to me with anything you want and I will try my best to help you, I love you like my own child" she said and David translated, Harry was amazed by her words, he smiled so widely and when he turned his head to look at Matt he saw him getting up and walking to Harry's mother and pulling her into a close hug, Harry just stared at them when he felt the tears filling up his eyes, his mom was hugging his future husband with such love and caring and his future husband is getting the love and support he needed, Harry felt his heart filled with so much happiness seeing them hugging, when Matt backed up he smiled at her "thank you for taking me as your son, I love you mom" Matt said and David translated him with tearing eyes too, Harry's mom smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Matt's chick which made Matt smile "thank you for this beautiful words, I will never forget this" Matt said and David translated him again, she smiled widely, Harry was amazed and happy to see them standing and communicating like that, even with the language barrier they could love each other this way, Harry was in a complete euphoria, then he finally got back to reality and he got up and stood next to them, he took his mom's hands and hold them tight "thank you for accepting me... us" Harry said with a wide smile, he felt more tear falling out of his eyes, his mom reached out and wiped the tears away with a gentle finger "I'm your mother, who ever you love I will love them too.." she said and David translated her to Matt who looked at them with glowing eyes "do I completely understand it? no, but I don't want to see my son sad or crying, I raised you but I have no right to decide who you should love, all I have to do is to accept it, and the moment you brought Matt into our family I knew you have made your decision and I support you, no matter what" Harry's mom said and Harry couldn't hold it anymore, he burst into tears and hugged his mom close "thank you mom, I love you" Harry whispered in her ear "I love you too" she said and stroke his back with gentle hands, Harry felt so lucky to be raised by this wonderful woman.

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