36. Who are you - Matt POV

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Matt sat on the bed, looking at Harry leaving the room, but he couldn't do anything, he felt so bad for hurting him, the man he loves so much, the moment he stepped out of the house he knew he was wrong and he wanted to come back so hard, but his stupid mind kept imagining Harry with Kina and he couldn't take it anymore, now he's paying the price.
After sitting there for what seemed like forever, he got up and walked to the set, on the way there he met the director "oh Matt!!!" the director said "Harry showed me the script, I loved it so much! he said that you practiced with him, and you guys are ready to shoot?" Matt nodded, 'he probably wants to get it over with..." Matt thought to himself "wonderful! See you on set in 5" he said and walked away, Matt arrived at the set and saw Harry sitting on the makeup chair, he was typing on his phone, Matt wondered who's he texting, when he was about to walk towards him Dom got in his way and blocked him "dude... no..." Dom said "I just wanted to talk to him... see if he's okay..." Matt said and Dom looked back at Harry, who didn't even notice them, "well he's not, give him some space... maybe after everything will calm down you can try again..." Dom said and sat with one leg on the table "I won't get another chance..." Matt mumbled "what do you mean?" Dom asked "well... I went to see him a couple of days ago... and I saw him with a man, they were standing in his house door, and that man kissed him... on the cheek... it looked like something going on between them..." Matt said and felt the pain in his heart again, he didn't tell anyone about that, but the moment he saw Harry with that man broke his heart, "oh..." Dom said "I'm sorry..." he continued "that's why I want to talk to him so much... I can't loose him..." Matt said and looked at Harry behind Dom's shoulder, that man is the love of his life and he blow it, "I get it... but you can't force him" Dom cut his thoughts "I guess you're right..." Matt mumbled "I'm always right" Dom smiled and hugged him "now come on, time for work" he laugh and Matt appreciated his friend, trying to make him feel better, even when he knows he's wrong.
The scene was the first night of malec so they were on magnus's bedroom set, Matt stand there and saw Harry getting ready and stand next to him, not looking at him, Matt felt his heart shrinks in pain, the director approached them "so I loved what you wrote" he said "you practiced enough? ready to shoot?" he asked and Matt looked at Harry who nodded "great! Good luck" the director said and walked away, Matt and Harry got in their spots and when the director yelled "action" Matt put his lips on Harry's and they started to enter the room, kissing, taking his shirt and shoes off, he malted into the kiss, he missed him so much, and after their talk he wasn't sure if they were ever going to kiss again like a couple, it made him so sad, at that moment Harry cupped his face and dropped them both on the bed "that was graceful..." Harry said his line and looked at him, Matt missed that look on Harry's face, the soft and loving look he has "shadowhunter" Matt said his line and pulled Harry into the kiss again, he grabbed Harry's shirt and started to pull her up and Harry stopped and turned around "what.. did I did something wrong?" Matt asked, as the script says "no such thing..." Harry said still with his back to Matt, and with his hand over his eyes "Magnus... what is it?" he continued "it just... something I loose control..." and he turned to face him, Matt looked at his eyes and got closer "magnus... they are beautiful... you're beautiful..." he said and cupped his face, Harry reached his hand and hold Matt's hand and looked at him with so much love, but Matt also noticed how much pain there is in those eyes, at that moment the director yelled "cut" and everyone clapped, Harry backed up from Matt's touch and stand up, he smiled lightly to the cast and stage workers and walked out "that was wonderful you guys! in the special effect we will add magnus's cat eyes, it will look amazing" the director said and gave an high five to both of them, Matt smiled lightly and looked at Harry who looked like he wants to run away "thank you Todd" Harry said smiling and he started to walk away, "hey.." Matt said behind him "do you want to have lunch together...? I won't bring up the whole thing between us..." he continued "emm I can't..." Harry said and turned around to face him "I have lunch plans already... but... emm thank you" Harry said and smiled a little, Matt smiled back and Harry turned around and walked to his makeup chair to get "magnus" off, Matt took a deep breath and went outside, he sat on a wall, next to the parking lot, trying to figure out how to make it up with Harry "excuse me?" Matt heard a voice, and he saw a man standing near him "yes?" Matt said "hi, I'm looking for Harry, Harry Shum, do you know him?" the man said and Matt's heart skipped a beat "yeah sure... emm who are you?" Matt asked "oh, I'm David, his boyfriend" David smiled and reached his hand for Matt to shake, Matt opened wide eyes "b..boyfriend...?" Matt mumbled, he looked at the man, he was tall handsome man, with a dark hair and blue eyes, he wore a black suit with a red tie, actually he looked very impressive "yes.. is there a problem?" David asked, Matt felt like he's going to cry "no of course not... I'm Matt..." he managed to say and shook his hand "nice to meet you Matt" David said with a wide smile, that was also beautiful 'damn you' Matt curse inside, and in that moment Harry appeared from the corner, "oh hi David, sorry I'm late, I see you've met Matt" Harry said and smiled to David, that smile Matt loved and missed so much, which make him feel like someone kicked him in the stomach "hi honey, yeah, I just asked him where I can find you and there you are!" David said and placed a light kiss on Harry's cheek, Harry smiled at him 'how can he do that? and in front of me!' Matt think to himself "ready for lunch?" David asked "definitely" Harry said and looked at Matt "see you tomorrow?" he asked and Matt only nodded, he watched Harry walked away and entered David's car and they drove away.
Matt stand there, unable to move, he felt his heart hurting so much, he didn't believe it, how can he do that? after just five days apart he already replaced me? and that man kissed him, kissed his Harry, he felt like his chest is on fire, and the tears started to fall down on his face.

Hi! Sorry for the long chapter, I have a lot to write 😅 hope you liked it!

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