16. I love you

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"I'm in love with you Matt..." Harry spit the words out before he will duck out and he looked at Matt, his expression was replaced from concern to confusion "wait... what?" Matt said, Harry panicked and jumped from the bed "it's nothing.. forget I said something..." and started to walk out of the room when he felt Matt's hand grabbing him "I want to be sure... you love me... is that what you said?" He asked "yes... I am... but don't feel any pressure to say it back just because I said it, and..." he couldn't finish because Matt turned him around and hugged him so close "I love you too you idiot!" Matt said and Harry couldn't believe it, he loves me? he really loves me! Matt backed up and looked at him and Harry saw tears falling from his eyes "why are you crying?" Harry asked while he wiped the tears with his fingers tips "because I wanted to say it first... and you beat me... and you were so worried that I will not love you back... how could you think something like that? You are the most amazing person I ever met and I'm lucky enough to have you as my boyfriend and you were worried that I won't love you back? are you crazy?" Matt said and more tears fall off "first of all... I beat you up? you're unbelievable" Harry laugh and wiped the tears away "second... I'm the lucky one, I entered your life and I caused so many problems, because of me you came out, you lost your family and here you are thinking that I'm the good guy... and above all... you love me... I can't believe it... how did I get so lucky to get to be loved by you...?" Harry looked at him with a little sad smile "wait... I didn't come out for you, I did it for myself, you only open up my eyes to see that I'm a grown man and I can live my life the way I want..." Matt said and sat down on the bed and gestured Harry to sit next to him, Harry sat down without separating their hands "and about what you said... me loosing my family, it's not because of you and I want you to promise me never to think that, I didn't lose them, they lost me, if me being gay is a factor for them to love me it's their problem, I'm finally proud to be who I am... with the one I love..." Matt said with a loving eyes and Harry melted into his words "that was the most beautiful thing someone ever said to me... I love you with all my heart Matthew..." Harry said and pressed their lips together and pushed Matt on the bed "I love you too my angel..." Matt said and kissed him back.

Hey :) sorry for the short chapter but how cute was that? ☺️
I will make it up on the next one ✌🏼

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