8. Last scene

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Harry was ready after about 45 minutes of makeup and dressing, and he walked out of the makeup room to the set, it was the scene of malec first kiss on Alec's wedding, he saw Matt with a golden suit, all Alec's tattoos on him, he look so beautiful... Harry thought to himself, but then Matt looked at him and Harry moved his eyes quickly, trying not to stare, he walked towards Matt and smiled a little "you looks great in this suit" he said, Matt smiled back "thank you... I liked your pink hair" he replied, Harry laughed and said "yeah, I like him too, I like the taste of this magnus guy" before Matt could reply the director approach to the couple and begin to explain the scene, and everyone got in there position.
Matt was at the altar with Stephanie (lydia) and they said their lines and the director gave Harry his Cue to enter the door Harry got in, he looked at Matt that looks at him, at that moment nicola (maryse) walked towards him "Magnus leave this wedding now" he raised his hand "maryse this is between me and your son, I leave if he ask me to" he saw Matt and Stephanie saying their lines but he felt that Matt were a little bit nervous and really struggled to breathe, not just as Alec but maybe as himself too, after the conversation Matt realized that Harry and him will never try to be together unless Matt will come out and Harry thought at that moment that Matt is really straggling, and then Matt turns around and faces him, taking a deep breathe and started to walking down the stairs, Harry felt his heart pounding in his chest, he missed Matt lips so hard, Matt stepped forward and walked towards him when Nicola walked and said "Alec what are..." "enough" Matt said in a statement tone and when he reached Harry he grabbed his shirt in pulled him into a kiss, the kiss was so gentle, Harry felt himself melting into it, he felt Matt lips stroking his, they'd break the kiss and Harry searched for Matt lips again, like in the script, but then Matt leaned back and kissed him again, more demanding that time, like he didn't want to stop either, the kiss was stopped when the director shouted "cut" they backed away from each other, still looking at each other's eyes, Harry was breathless and he looked at Matt and thought he saw a bit of sadness in his face but then everyone clapped and approached the couple "wow! That's was amazing you guys!" The director said "where that final kiss came from? The fans are going to go crazy!" Matt looked at Harry "I thought it would make it feel more real... so I just went with it " he said "well I couldn't agree more! Good job guys, see you next week at comic con" the director said and walked away.
Harry and Matt went to their room's to change and go home, they walked in silence until Matt cleaned his throat
M: "I'm sorry if I confused you again... I just... I didn't...."
H: "it's okay, We are going to kiss on set, don't worry about how it will affect me because what happened between us... i told you I'm fine with it and we are just friends now" he smiled a little
M: "good, yeah, I'm glad we can do that..."
They stand there, not looking into each other's eyes when Matt started talking again:
M: "it felt good tho..."
Harry looked up at him in surprise, he couldn't believe Matt just said that
H: "it did, isn't it?" He said with a little sadness in his voice, before Harry could say anything more he felt Matt's lips crushing into his, the kiss was so demanding, Matt pressed himself closer to Harry and grabbed his waist and left no room between them, Harry melted into the kiss he felt like he could be like this forever but then he realized they can't, he could not be a secret, someone to be ashamed of, he reached out his hand and coped Matt face and backed out, braking the kiss
M: "whats wrong...?"
H: "Matt... you know I can't..."
M: "please... let's just try..."
H: "I can't... I don't want to push you to come out for me.... and you can't push me to be something I'm not..."
M: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that..."
H: "it's fine... really... we were caught up in the moment..."
M: "So ... i see you next week..? At comic con I mean.."
H: "yeah sure" he smiled at him, trying not to show how much he was heartbroken, he turned in was about to go into his room when Matt said "would you like for us to talk this week? I mean... well..." Harry stopped him "of course I will talk to you, you are my friend silly" he winked at him trying to lighten the mood, Matt smiled back and walked off, Harry watched him walking away and his heart shrunk with pain, but he had to be himself, he sighed and entered his room.

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