66. First day

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Harry and Matt were kissing on the bed "so do you want to go out and have some breakfast?" Matt asked "yes yes yes!" Harry cheered and jumped off, Matt chuckle at him and got up too, they changed their clothes and went outside, they walked on the street hand in hand, and they saw a little cafe shop in the corner, they decided to walk in, the hostess were so nice and she sat them down on a cute little table on the sidewalk "that is so cute!" Harry said with so much excitement in his voice "I'm glad you are that happy, you deserve it" Matt smiled widely, at that moment a waitress came and took their orders "so listen... I wanted to talk to you about something..." Matt started to say "sure.." Harry said, he didn't know what to expect, Matt looked so guilty "so... umm... don't be mad, I know I should have told you but..." Matt struggle with the words "hey look at me..." Harry said and Matt looked up "you can tell me anything..." Harry said and hold his hand "umm... so tomorrow is my birthday" Matt said with a low voice "WHAT?!" Harry tried not to scream "shh... don't be upset with me... I didn't tell you before because I didn't want you to make a fuss over it..." Matt said, Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise "but it was ok to force me celebrate my birthday?" Harry said in a snarky voice, he didn't get it why Matt didn't tell him, he just made a whole thing about Harry didn't want to celebrate his birthday and here he is, doing the exact same thing "it's different.. I.. I didn't want to make anything because this is the first birthday I won't be celebrating with my family..." Matt said and looked at Harry, Harry didn't know what to say, he didn't thought about how this situation is so hard for him "I'm sorry baby... don't be mad at me..." Matt said and squeezed Harry's hand "no.. I'm sorry, I didn't think about you, I'm sorry for judging you too quickly" Harry said and moved his chair closer to Matt, still holding hands "don't be, it's ok, thank you for understanding" Matt said and leaned towards him with a kiss "thank you for telling me..." Harry said and coped his face, he knew how much this situation is hard and he didn't want to push him into something he didn't feel comfortable enough to do.
The rest of the day was great, they went to the louvre, Harry went crazy, he loved art and he explained everything to Matt, who listened to him go on and on about every art they seen, until Harry apologize for giving Matt a headache, but Matt smiled widely and pulled him close and placed his hands on Harry's waist "never apologize for being the smartest person in the room" Matt said and leaned in with a kiss, and everyone around them clapped, Harry blushed so hard, they smiled to everyone and got out.
After that they walked on the streets, hand by hand, talking and laughing together, taking a hundred photos together, and having so much fun, just being with each other, they found a cute park on the way so they stopped there, they sat on the ground, Matt opened his legs and Harry sit between them, leaning on him "I could just stay like that forever..." Harry said with a sign, it felt so good, no drama, no problem, just he and Matt together "I know... but I'm kind of hungry" Matt said and looked around "there is a hotdog truck right there" Harry pointed to the truck "be right back" Matt said, he gave Harry a small kiss and got up to the truck, Harry decided to text David until Matt will come back:

Harry: hey, I just wanted to say thank you for this trip, it's amazing! 😊
David: hey honey 😊 I'm glad you are having fun, that's all I wanted for you, where did you go until now?
Harry: I am having the best time! we were at the louvre for hours
David: ohh... poor Matt 😉
Harry: funny! 🖕🏽 and now we are at the park, Matt walked to buy us some hotdogs 🌭
David: that's wonderful! I'm happy to hear that
Harry: how about you? How is the club?
David: I'm fine, but I have some important news to tell you
Harry: ok... I'm listening
David: I decided to move to LA
Harry: WHAT? are you messing around?
David: haha no, I'm moving in next week
Harry: oh my god! this is the greatest news ever! you made me so happy
David: and tell Matt it's not just for you haha so he won't be upset
Harry: he will deal with it!
David: I'm so happy to know that you liked my news
Harry: why wouldn't I? My best friend is moving next to me, we can see each other all the time
David: I know, I'm happy too 😘 anyway I need to go, club business
Harry: sure, good luck 😘

Harry closed his phone, he couldn't stop smiling, David is finally moving back to LA, after David founded the company he moved to Miami, they stayed close of course, but it wasn't the same, but now he's moving back, and they can see each other more often, it was the best news Harry could ever get "why are you so smiley?" Matt said and cut off Harry's thoughts "oh hi" Harry said, Matt sat on the grass in front of him and handed him the hotdog "mmm... smells so good" Harry said and Matt smiled "so?" Matt asked and took a bite "well, David just texted me, he's moving back to LA" Harry said with such an happy voice, Matt smiled at him "that is great" Matt asked "did he say why.. or?" Matt continued and Harry didn't understand why did David need a reason to move "did he need one?" Harry asked and tilted his head "no, of course not, I'm happy for him" Matt said quickly and coped Harry's hand "why do you have a problem with David? I seriously don't get it..." Harry said, he was a little upset about Matt's behavior, every time David's name comes up Matt has this unsatisfied look "I don't have a problem with David..." Matt said and didn't look at him "then tell it to your face... every time I say his name it's like you smelled something bad! what is it with you?" Harry said, David is trying so hard to get Matt to like him "you really wanna know?" suddenly Matt said with a angry tone, Harry didn't like it but he nodded for him to continue "you love him more than you love me!" Matt said and looked at Harry's eyes, Harry raised his eyebrows "why do you think that?" Harry asked, he really didn't know why "you guys... he move you move... it's like magnets..." Matt said in a low voice "and this is a bad thing...?" Harry asked "you suppose to be like that with me! not with him!" Matt said, he raised his voice a little, Harry tried to touch him but he backed away "if it's was me or him... you will choose him... he's your number one..." Matt said and looked down, Harry didn't understand where this is all coming from, everything was great, so David is moving to LA, what is the big problem "I don't think you can put a number on love..." Harry said quietly "of course you can... and the fact you didn't deny it means I was right..." Matt said and Harry started to get angry "I don't understand... why do you bring it up right now? all of that is because I said he's moving to LA? are you fucking serious?" Harry said with an angry voice "he's doing it to be closer to you! no other reason! just you!" Matt yelled "so? why is that a problem? I can't believe you're jealous of him! Matt... for the hundred time... HE'S STRAIGHT" Harry yelled back, he was angry at him, why is he picking up a fight at their vacation "it doesn't matter... he's always around you... you trust him in a way that I can only dream of... you're so comfortable around him..." Matt said and sniffed his nose, Harry was so furious so he didn't care "I'm comfortable around you too... I told you everything, all my dark secrets, what more do you want from me?" Harry said "you are getting this upset because you know I'm right..." Matt said and looked at him, his eyes were field with tears "why... I don't... I'm upset because you chose to pick a fight over something that stupid... I love you... I want to be with you..." Harry said "baby... please.. David is straight... why do we even fighting about it?" Harry said in a sweet voice, he was trying so hard to make it up with him "because... if he wasn't... you were going with him and not me..." Matt said "but he doesn't!" Harry said, he tried to hold Matt's hand again but he blow him off again, that was it "you know what? maybe I better be with David... he understands me, he loves me, and he trust me! not like you..." Harry said, he knew he didn't mean that but Matt was driving him crazy, he was so furious "he's all yours..." Matt said and looked up at him, Harry didn't believe he said that, how can he be so stupid "you are such a child!" Harry said, he turned around and started to walk "where do you think you are going?" Matt yelled behind him "away from you!" Harry yelled back and walked away, he didn't know where he was going, but he just wanted silence, he wanted to be alone.

What did you think? Sorry for the hard chapter
Lots of love ❤️

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