135. Trust

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Harry and Matt finished showering together, and Harry put a towel on his waist and went out of the bathroom, he sit on the bed and he saw Matt's phone lighting up, he looked on the screen and saw 7 missing calls from David, what the hell? he walked with the phone to the bathroom "why David is calling you like crazy?" Harry asked and Matt gasped "oh god, I forgot to call him" Matt said and Harry laughed, Matt grabbed his phone and was about to walk out when he stopped next to Harry "you and your sexy body will kill me..." Matt whispered in his ear and slapped his ass cheek, Harry was surprised by the act but he liked it, Matt was acting so fun lately, he's being more confident ,Harry love it, but in the same time he felt the worries climbing on his back 'could it be because he's being with someone else?' Harry thought and immediately shook his head to shake this thought out of his head 'Matt will never do something like that' Harry thought and got dressed and went down the stairs to the living room, he saw Matt on the phone, when Matt saw him he said something to the person on the phone and hung up "hi honey" Matt said and smiled, he walked to the edge of the stairs and lifted Harry in his hands "who was it on the phone?" Harry asked, trying to look casual as possible "David, he... umm... he asked something about tonight" Matt said but stutter a little, Harry frown but he took a deep breath and remember what he said to himself before, Matt will never cheat on him, Matt walked with Harry on his hands and they both fell on the couch, Matt was laying on top and he placed his head on Harry's chest while Harry brushed his hair with gentle fingers "baby?" Matt said "mm..?" Harry hummed "did you look at my phone?" Matt asked and Harry frown "what do you mean?" Harry asked, he was confused by Matt's question, why on earth he will ask him that? of course Harry didn't went through his phone, Matt lifted his head and looked at him "umm... did you go through my phone? I mean like through my texts?" Matt asked and Harry was in a complete shock "what? no, why would I do something like that? I just saw that David called you and gave you your phone" Harry explained, Matt smiled "oh ok" he said and lay his head back down, but Harry wasn't ready to let go of the subject "why? is there something I can't see?" Harry said and got up, leaving Matt on the couch alone "no, of course not, I just asked..." Matt said but looked nervous "give me your phone" Harry demanded, Matt got up and tried to hold Harry's hand but Harry backed up "don't you trust me?" Matt said, Harry looked at him, he wasn't sure anymore, why would Matt ask him if he looked at his phone if he's not hiding anything? "if you're not hiding anything give me the phone" Harry said, he wasn't proud at his behavior but he suddenly felt that fear climbing on his spine "of course.." Matt said and pulled his phone from his back pocket, Harry reached to take it but Matt hold his hand "if you take it you're admitting that you don't trust me to be loyal to you" Matt said and let go of Harry's hand and placed the phone in the air between them, Harry stand with his hand so close to Matt's phone but not touching it, he looked at Matt who looked like he's hurt, Harry took a deep breath and took the phone despite Matt's shock face and threw it on the couch "I trust you..." Harry said and Matt smiled "really?" Matt asked and hold Harry's hand and pulled him close "yes, sorry for doubting you..." Harry said and wrapped his hands around Matt's neck "don't be, it's ok, just remember that I have eyes only for you... I don't care about anything else" Matt said in a sweet voice and Harry smiled "I know, I love you" Harry said and Matt leaned in and kissed him, at that moment they heard a knock on the door "I wish it was just us tonight..." Matt whispered into the kiss, Harry just melted, how could he even doubt him "me too..." Harry whispered and coped his face and placed one last kiss on that beautiful lips and went to open the door "hello!" Dom cheered and jumped on Harry with a bone crashing hug "hello hello" David smiled behind him, Harry smiled at him, and just next to David stand a man that Harry didn't recognize at first but then he remembered "hi Niko" he said and smiled at him, he tried to let go of the whole thing, for all he knows that man only admire Matt as an actor and he needs to respect that "hi, thank you for inviting me" Niko said and handed him a bottle of wine "our pleasure" Harry smiled, he felt bad about judging him too soon "please come in" Harry said and move aside, letting them to enter "hi" Matt said and approached from the living room and hugged everyone.
In the next hour their guests keep coming in, including Kat, Em and Alberto and two friends of Harry's from college that Matt was meeting in the first time, the night went beautifully, they all sat in a long table in the backyard and the private chef that Harry booked placed an amazing meal in front of them "you do know how to host my love" Matt said and Harry smiled, he was so worried in the past few days but Matt was just an angel the whole night, he laughed with Harry's friends and the whole time he kept Harry's hand in his, when they sat down on the table Matt's hand were on Harry's leg the whole diner, it was so sweet and Harry felt the security in his relationship getting back in control.


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