81. Dinner with David

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Harry sat next to David in the car, he was so curious to know where are they going "you seriously not going to tell me?" Harry asked with a big puppy eyes "stop it!" David laughed "you will love it, I promise" he said and Harry crossed his hands on his chest in a protest, which made David laugh at his reaction.
When David parked the car Harry got out and looked around, when he realized where they were he opened wide eyes "are we going to Orsa?" Harry cheered, Orsa was an Asian restaurant that Harry always wanted to go to but never find the time "yes, what do you think?" David smiled at him, Harry almost screamed in happiness "thank you! I love it!" Harry clapped his hands and jumped up and down with excitement "I'm glad, shall we go in?" David asked and offered him his hand and Harry combine their hands "yes" Harry smiled and they walked in "hello, do you have a reservation?" the hostess smiled "yes, on Castro" David answered and she checked her list "your table is awaiting, mr. Castro" she smiled and took two menus and started to walk inside, Harry and David followed her to in inner table "there you go, have a wonderful time" she smiled and placed the menus on the table, Harry sat down and David sat in front of him, Harry looked around, the place were full of people "wow so many people..." Harry said  "is that ok? I know you wanted to go here forever..." David said with a worried face "oh no, I didn't mean that in a bad way... I mean like how did you even get a table here?" Harry said "there is nothing you can't work out with money" David winked and looked at the menu, Harry rolled his eyes, at that moment the waitress approached them and gasped, Harry freaked out "what's wrong? are you okay?" he asked her "no.. I mean yes! It's just... you are Harry Shum jr...." she said and Harry looked at David who burst into laughter "yes..." Harry said and scratch the back of his neck "would it be rude to ask for a photo?" she asked "of course not" he answered and got up and took the picture with her "thank you so much! can I please give you a hug?" she asked with a shy smile and Harry nodded "if... you don't mind..." she looked at David who waved his hand, she cheered and hugged Harry so close, he hugged her back and smiled "thank you so much!" she said "no problem" Harry said and sat back down, she took their order and walked away "seriously I can't take you anywhere..." David teased "so funny!" Harry faked a laugh "ok... what are you hiding?" suddenly David asked and Harry was surprised "what do you mean?" Harry asked and played with his glass "I know you forever... I know when something isn't right..." David said and looked at him "there is nothing to tell..." Harry said in a high voice, he can't lie, he's a terrible liar "I also know that your voice go high when you are lying..." David smirked at him "no it doesn't..." Harry said in a deep voice "you seriously not going to tell me?" David asked and Harry played with his fingers, he really didn't know if he should tell anyone about the job offer, he seriously consider turning it down so what's the point of talking about it "ok... think about it, in the meantime, I'm going to the bathroom" David said and got up and walked to the bathroom, Harry was so torn, in one hand he really wanted that job, but on the other hand he didn't want Matt to feel uncomfortable, at that moment he felt his phone buzzing:

Matt: hey :) are you having fun? ❤️
Harry: hey :) yes, we just got to the restaurant, it's amazing, what about you?
Matt: we just got to the movie theater, the movie starts in an hour
Harry: fun :) Dom must be so excited haha
Matt: oh... he is... he literally just told me every spoiler he read online... so I don't know why are we even watching the movie but alright
Harry: haha don't be like that, he's just excited, be nice ☺️
Matt: hey! I'm always nice
Harry: yeah, right...
Matt: ok, I actually texted you to ask you something...
Harry: ok?
Matt: are we okay? when you left the house you looked a little off... should I be worried?
Harry: no... of course not, we are fine
Matt: oh... just fine... god, what did I do? 😕
Harry: nothing! Ok... I tell you at home?
Matt: ok... but we are still together right?
Harry: hahaha YES!
Matt: ok... see you at home, I love you ❤️
Harry: I love you too ❤️

Harry closed his phone and put it back in his pocket, the fact that Matt noticed something was wrong with him was so cute, and it made his decision even harder "so?" suddenly he heard David from behind, he sat back down and looked at him "umm... so there is something I'm dealing with..." Harry started to say "hey, I'm here for you" David said and smiled "so I've got a job offer..." Harry said "why are you sounds so sad? this is an amazing news" David cheered "hold that thought..." Harry interrupted him "my character is gay..." Harry continued and David lay back on his chair "oh..." David said "exactly... I don't know what to do! It took Matt almost a year to be ok with you... and we don't even kiss" Harry said and scratch the back of his neck "yeah I know... what are you going to do?" David asked "actually... I think I'm going to decline..." Harry said and he felt David's hand holding him "don't you dare!" David said "I can't lose him... he will freak out, you don't know him like I do..." Harry said "so he will freak out... but then he will come back... he love you more than anything, I'm sure you guys will figure it out without you declining that job" David said and hold Harry's hand close to him "you really think so?" Harry asked and hold his hand back "I know so... you two are meant to be together" David said and smiled "thank you... I hope you're right..." Harry said and smiled too "I'm always right" David said and winked at him "I'm sorry for ruining our night with my problems..." Harry said with a sad voice, he was sure that David was so excited to spend some time with him and he blow it "what are you talking about? I love you, and if you're sad then I'm sad, ergo your problems are my problems too" David said and smiled "I'm just happy to spend some alone time with you" David continue "really?" Harry asked "of course" David smiled, Harry smiled back, at that moment the food came and they started to eat, the food was so good, Harry literally moan at every bite, and David looked so happy to see him enjoying himself.

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