Eloise stepped closer to the man punching him in the arm harshly. 

"Bloody hell! I said pinch me not punch me" he groaned rubbing his now sore arm.

"Whoops.." she laughed 

"I don't believe it" laughed Arthur "You're alive"

"Very much so"

"And you're here.." said Remus and then his eyes widened in realisation "Sirius is going to love this" he grinned 

Eloise's eyes lit up at the mention of the name and Molly and Arthur looked at the woman fondly as they observed her reaction. Whereas Remus looked at it enviously wishing she had the same reaction when someone mentioned him. "He's here?" she asked excitedly

"Yes he's here" nodded Remus 

"Wait here I'll go get him" squealed Molly excitedly pulling her husband and Ophelia along with her. The three moved into the dining room once more as the order looked at them quizzically wondering who the new face was but Sirius' eyes widened in recognition.

"Ophelia!" exclaimed the man "What are you doing here?" he asked but she simply smirked knowingly in response. 

"Sirius" smiled Molly gently "I think there's someone you'll want to see" she said making his brows furrow in confusion until they left the dining room and the sound of a familiar melodic laugh filled his ears for the first time in fourteen years. And then he heard her voice.

"So Lupin howled at any moons lately?" she snorted at her joke "Wait wait I've got another-"

"Eloise" Sirius breathed staring at the woman frozen in place Eloise turned around seeing the man standing in the hallway the opposite end to her.

"Sirius" she whispered a smile making her way onto her face as she locked eyes with him letting out a laugh as he rushed forward pulling her into his arms. Tears of joy flowing down her face mimicking his.

"Merlins beard you're here" he said "You're really here"

"I am" she nodded with a teary laugh as he held her face in his hands. He laughed in disbelief hugging her tightly not wanting to ever let go again. For the first time in fourteen years Sirius Black was happy, and so was Eloise Potter. He was reunited with the love of his life, his best friend, his wife, his soulmate. And the missing part of his heart..was back in place. "Kiss me you fool" she whispered.

And he did. 

Sirius kissed her like he never had before. He kissed her deeply, passionately, briskly. It was a kiss full of love and adoration illustrating perfectly to everyone around them how completely besotted the two were with each other even after all this time. He kissed her like it was the last time, the first time, the only time he ever could kiss her. Until they pulled away. And he kissed her again. and again. and again. 

Happiness. Pure joy was all that Sirius felt in this moment as he held Eloise in his arms resting his forehead against hers happy tears running down his face as he kissed her again.

Sirius promised he would wait for Eloise back in sixth year. And he never broke that promise. 

Arthur and Molly watched the couple reunite with smiles on their faces as they saw how desperately in love the two were. They saw the Azkaban escapee happier than they ever have before. And the two reminded the older couple of their younger selves. 

"Wait Sirius..I have something to tell you" said Eloise quietly pulling away from the kiss.

"What is it?" he asked softly 

"I have- we have" she corrected herself "two children- twins- Euphemia and Fleamont" she confessed and Sirius' eyes widened "You have to understand I wanted to tell you-"

"I have children" he said with bright eyes "I have children!" he said louder with a laugh. "Molly! Arthur! Did you hear that?" he asked excitedly "I have children!" 

"Technically they're teenagers now..." said Ophelia an amused and happy smile on her face

"Still!" laughed the man "I have children!" he cheered picking Eloise up by the waist spinning her round happily "Oh my god" he breathed "I love you" he said.

"I love you too" she smiled as he settled her down. 

"Can I meet them?" asked Sirius in excitement 

"They're moving to Hogwarts" she smiled "At the moment they go to Beauxbatons and Drumstrang but Dumbledore has written to the heads of the schools" 

"Brilliant" he nodded "Oh and I'll teach them all about how to become an animagus-"

"Don't you dare" hissed the woman slapping his arm scoldingly "If you do that I will desex you" 

"My apologies Eloise Potter-Black" said the man sarcastically 

"I'll forgive you, just this once" she smiled kissing him affectionately once more on the nose. 

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of the order he smiled."

"Okay" she agreed with a small smile of her own as she followed him hands intertwined into the dining area.

Remus watched a hidden pain behind his eyes as he saw them fall in love all over again in just a matter of seconds. A pain he had not felt in years falling heavily on his heart. He watched as her smile lit up the whole room as she laughed at something Nymphadora said, he watched as she looked at Sirius with eye full of adoration and love in a way that he could only wish that she looked at him, he watched as she explained how she had met Harry and the Weasleys. He watched as she twitched her nose in attempt to shake off some dust and relieve her urge to sneeze, he watched as she rested her head on her husbands shoulder and he realised that all of those years ago he was right. 'she will be the mother of his children and he will be the man she marries'. He had said to Lily and James. But oh how he wished that for once he was wrong. But I suppose we can't have it all. Right?

"I love you" whispered Sirius as he rested his forehead against hers

"I love you too" she smiled kissing him gently

"Never leave me again" he begged 



"I do." she agreed instantly as she fell in love with Sirius Black over and over again.

a/n- just incase of confusion, they would have married after they left Hogwarts before Eloise 'died' so we haven't got to the part where that happens yet, but Eloise never changed her name to Black sooo

1976- Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now