"What is the meaning of this?!" shrieked Umbridge making the Great Hall go silent. 

Eloise narrowed her eyes at the woman dressed head to toe in pink and turned her nose up in disgust "And who are you?" 

"I am Dolores Umbridge Senior undersecretary to the minister of magic" stated the woman with authority "and you are not permitted to be here. Not to mention the fact you're an unregistered animagus"

Eloise and Ophelia shared a look before bursting out into laughter as McGonagall attempted to cover one of her own up with a cough. "Oh darling" wheezed Eloise "I think you will find I am very much registered, isn't that right Minnie?" grinned the woman looking at her old head of house.

"Quite so Miss Potter" confirmed the Scottish woman

"See" smiled Eloise victoriously 

"W-well you're not allowed to be here!" said the red faced woman

"No we are" interrupted Ophelia with a small smirk "Here to talk to Dumbledore actually, about some business.."

"What business?" pressed the woman ignoring the curious eyes of students 

"None of yours." snarked the heir of Slytherin 

"And you are?" looking between both women

"Eloise Euphemia Potter" answered the brunette

"And I'm Ophelia Nagini Riddle. You might know my dad actually" smiled the blonde 

"Who is your father exactly?" 

"Tom Marvolo Riddle" breaths across the great hall hitched as they realised exactly who this blonde woman was, but Umbridge however remained oblivious "No? You might know him better as Lord Voldemort." Umbridge's face paled and she momentarily before she regained her composure as she noticed a chain hanging out of Eloise's pocket.

"What's that?" she asked pointing to the chain.

Eloise looked down noticing the locket "Gift from a friend."

"What friend?" 

"Regulus Black." she spat "You ask too many questions..now if you don't mind I'd like to talk to the headmaster" 

The entire Gryffindor table watched eyes flicking between the Potter woman and Harry with wide eyes. 

"Your aunt is brilliant" muttered Ron stifling a laugh. Eloise seemingly heard this and turned around locking eyes with the trio sending a wink their way her eyes settling on Harry for a second longer as she did a double take. For a split second as Eloise looked at the three she thought she saw her brother. 

Taking a deep breath Eloise turned to face Dumbledore with a smirk on her lips "Dumbles!" she greeted enthusiastically. 

"What can I do for you Miss Potter, Miss Riddle?" asked the man amused 

"We need to speak to Kreacher." stated Ophelia "You know Regulus' old house elf? Need him to do...a thing" she answered vaguely 

"I see" said the man peering over his half moon spectacles a glint of mischief in his eye as he looked at Eloise "And why have you not been able to do so?" 

"Well..you see..we don't exactly know where he resides at this moment in time" she explained sheepishly.

"Might I suggest you speak to your nephew?" 

"Harry?" asked Eloise suddenly very nervous "Oh I don't think-"

"El" said Ophelia placing a comforting hand on her arm "Maybe you should.."

1976- Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now