"Hang on a second." I hear Hyoseong say as she steadily steps closer. "Before you go; how about you and I have a little chat first? I know I was rude before, but please allow me to get to know you little better. That would be best; don't you think? After all...; it is what my dear brother wants." She says with a smile, as Siwon looks at me for reassurance.

"Sure..., why not." I answer; giving him the okay to leave. And upon agreeing with my request, he bows in my favor leaving Hyoseong rather annoyed as she scoffs at the site seen before her.

"Looks like someone is already enjoying their power; isn't that right y/n?" She sassily remarks as both guards head towards the far side of the balcony

"...What are you talking about?"

"That security guard over there; he's basically Jin's right hand man. And for my brother to leave him within your care..., well, it's quit a big deal. Which makes me wonder even more; what kind of relationship do you and Jin share anyway? You're not his pet nor are you an investor, so who are you then?"

"...You're certainly inquisitive about our relationship. Does it really matter who I am?"

"Yes, it does. Jin is my brother after all."

"Your right; Jin is your brother. However..., I'm sure the answer your seeking is really none of your business or else your brother would have already informed you who I was long ago. I guess you're just not that close after all." I pleasantly smile, and Hyoseong slowly ambles towards me; reaching her hand at loose curls that lay within my hair.

"...You have a nasty little attitude; no wonder Jin is so interested in you. Either way, toy or not; I'm sure he will be done with you before the weeks over. He tends to get bored easily. And as far as I can tell...; you don't look like you have much to offer anyway. That's probably one of the reasons why he has never mentioned you to be before at all; tsk..., such a shame." She proudly smiles; twirling my hair around her finger and I could see that this girl was the epitome of supercilious.

"Really?~ Are you sure about that? Because as I remember clearly; he threatened you for my sake the entire time." I quipped as she glares at me; scornfully tossing my hair to the side. "Anyway..., are we done here? Or do you have more silly questions to get off that high chest of yours."

"Heh...you know what, you're absolutely right. There is a lot more I want to ask you." Hyoseong states as she folds her arms. "For starters...; do you go to Seoul University by any chance?" She unexpectedly questions my place of academics, and I stood there quietly without a reply; looking her dead in the eyes. "...No answer huh? Was that question too hard to comprehend? Then how about this one...; do you live in an apartment called The Garden Square Estates? Or to be even more precise; do you happen to live on the 7th floor of that apartment complex?"

"Yah..., what is this; 21 questions?"

"It's a simple yes or no answer. No big deal."

"...Okay, since it's not a big deal; I choose no; because I'm not answering." I say; turning on my heels to walk away.

"Wow..., you're being quite arrogant, aren't you Y/N. I guess being put on that high pedestal has made you assume that you're better than me. Don't let the attention fly to your head sweetie. You'll be plucked off from that high horse eventually." She blatantly says as I tightly shut my eyes; calming myself from cussing her out.

"Pfft, I'm sorry." I stop in my tracks; turning to face her. "I wasn't aware that I should be obligated to answer personal questions about myself. But what truly puzzles me is...; how on earth did you come to the conclusion that I would think that I'm better than you just by not answering? Do you have a personality complex or something? Because you're really starting to piss me off."

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