There's a big catch to this.

Just to make sure he never loses a cut of a deal; he will not only tell you want he wants but will also find a way to snatch something of yours in return.

Call him what you will; but Jin was a genius when it came to gaining what he wants. It's just a shame he hasn't met his match yet to beat him at his own games.

Truthfully, if I could..., I would have been to one to stand up to him along time ago.


"Why don't you tell y/n the real reason you can't be with her; huh?

The true reason, and how you're afraid of Jin finding out.

The reason of how you're still fucking your boss's sister, who is undeniably married to a Choi!"

...Damn it...

How could I even dare stand up to him, when I was in the wrong as well.

These damn thoughts; why the hell are my memories resonating now?

"I'm taking Y/N to the WaVe tonight, whether you like or not."

And that damn Jungkook; who do hell does he think he is anyway?

Heh, honestly, if he's trying to get a rise out of me; it won't work.

I thought, standing firm on my emotions as the images of him kissing her hand and arm bubbled within my mind.

...Nah, fuck that. He's been really egging to piss me off tonight.

But who am I kidding. What Jungkook said; was actually true. Y/N didn't belong to me, nor did I take the opportunity to tell her how I truly feel.

This...This was my choice.

To leave the one person that I care about this much behind is more difficult that any task I've ever encountered.

"Whoa..., this place is way more impressive than I thought." Jay suddenly expresses while mapping out the halls of the private rooms; completely snapping me from my own inner thoughts. "Jin really wasn't kidding when he said this new section of the WaVe was his prize possession. I had no idea it would be this massive!" His voice echoes through the hollow halls. "Have you worked here recently, V? Or are you the type to bring your clients out of the work place and into your bed?" He cheekily asks as I remained silent, avoiding such an unbefitting conversation. "...Come on, don't be like this. I'm only trying to have a little small talk."

"Hence as to why I didn't answer. And is this really your definition of a small talk?" I stop in my tracks as I turn to look at him.

"Pretty much, why do you ask?"

"Because, those things that you call words which comes out of your mouth; their rather insulting when you think about it. I don't have the time or the patience to speak with a human being who is disrespectful as you."

"Ooof, hehe..., my bad. I never meant to insult you, V." He says my alias's name with a tone of resentment while stepping forward. "I just wanted to get to know you a little better. I mean, after all... we will be working with each another from now on."

"I'm not interested in getting to know you nor do I look forward in working with you." I sharply retorted stepping away from the conversation.

"Come on V..., what's your deal~? Oh..., wait a second. I know!" Jay sprints pass me and then stands in my way. "...Don't tell me you're still pent up on what I said about that woman earlier." He grinned; resting his hand on the wall. "Look, I was only kidding, I wouldn't dare sleep with that girl."

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