Post Scripture

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Hello. I wanted to say one last thing to you guys before I officially mark the story as completed. I am so grateful to all of you for sticking with me for so long. I started this story with the claims of this being 'for practice', thinking nobody would read it but alas, now we're almost at 110k reads. Thank you so much for making this possible. This story has been a huge part of my life for what feels like so long and along with the learning that came with the writing process, I have learned so much from you all.  Just because this specific story has ended does not mean that I will stop writing, as I've said before writing is my escape so I will continue writing both personal and fanfiction works which you will be welcome to check out as I post them.

Again, I wanted to say thank you to all of you. Every one of you means so much to me and I love you all so very much. Thank you.

I also got tagged by silent_wrxth so I'll be doing that here.

There's two parts to this so this is the first one:

There's two parts to this so this is the first one:

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1- Real name? Victoria

2-Nickname? Viti or Grandma (that was an interesting period of time)

3- Meaning behind your real name? Victoria is the Roman goddess of victory, it also means victory in spanish.

4- Meaning behind your nickname? Viti is just cuz my parents are 'quirky' and didn't wanna call me Vicky like every other Victoria (I don't mind Vicky tho). Grandma is cause I was kind of like the mom friend, but not. Ya know?

5- Class? What do I say? 1A? Room 412? McGonagall's?

6- Age? I'm 14 lol.

7- Can you draw? Not really. Only inanimate objects sometimes.

8- Relationship status? I'm taken by an absolute Cutie.

9- Do you have a crush? Yeah, I just so happen to be dating her 👉👈

10-Describe yourself. I have no personality except for being sad and awkward. I'm nice to everybody unless I abso- fuckin-lutely can't stand you or someone you're around.

11- By any chance, do you know if your crush likes you back? I do know, and yes she does, or at least I hope so.

12- Birthday? I have the same birthday as Dabi, do with that as you will.

13- Zodiac sign? Caprisun.

14- Share a meme.

14- Share a meme

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