01- Boxed In

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Percy was beyond mad, her rage had manifested and worn itself out, now she sat in her very own fortress of solitude. At first she thought to let out her anger by kicking something, which resulted in broken glass and glares, though Percy would like to mention that she is not to be held accountable, how was she supposed to know that contained glass.

An empty apartment filled with an endless supply of boxes in every size and shape imaginable was enough to drive any woman insane (Wally disagreed, but who's he to say) and the various boot shaped indents on the boxes near the floor was proof of that sentiment. A malcontented huff accompanied Percy plopping down by the boxes of the unassembled couch and a sharp glare at the newly painted wall followed suit she rested her head against a box, her hair tied in a small fixture at the nape of her neck which was all she could manage with her new hair length. Alas, the wall wasn't hanging up the only sort of all mount she bought and the boxes weren't opening themselves during times like these Percy wished she could turn back time and take the Ikea guys up on their offer to build the furniture—  so percy grabbed the boxcutter that was strapped to her utility belt and she opened the first of the boxes.

She closed the first box.

She moved on to the ones near the kitchen which she opened and started putting away plates in the sage green cabinets that lined the cramped kitchen space. As she emptied the first box, her eyes lit up with an unspeakable fire behind them, a mischievous grin tugged at her face and suddenly the box is much less cubic and much more shredded.

The fumbling of keys right outside the small apartment could not be heard by Percy who was enacting her revenge on the first of many boxes. A messy head of red hair walked into a maze of cardboard and what he thought to be a feral animal in the kitchen of their second floor flat. Leasing against the archway that opened to a soon-to-be cozy kitchen he found his lover, hunched over shredded cardboard hissing at and declaring her victory over the material when he placed his hand gently on her shoulder that was covered only by a tank-top strap.

"What did the box do to you?" Wally chuckled at the little jump that had resulted from the raven haired girl being caught. He took note of the two and a half cabinets now decked out with different eating utensils, all mismatched seeing as each family (including Percy's new IKEA family rewards card) wanted to apport something to the couple's move to the big apple, and that something was cutlery. Not that they minded, now they could host Mad Hatter themed dinner parties with all of their two friends.

Percy huffed in reply and took hold of a different box labeled 'cleaning supplies' that she began storing under their sink. Neither chose to break the sort of hollow silence that came with a street view apartment, the distant honking of cars and yelling of vaguely-italian mobsters in the back of their mind as they enjoyed one of the first notable moments of domesticity they were sure to have in their new flat. Brightly colored liquids having been stored away from prying eyes and easily within reach of two hyperactive and clumsy young adults, the two decided to try and build the couch. During this time they discovered that Percy was much more apt for building furniture based off of LEGO style instruction manuals while Wally found out how fun it could be to trace shapes into the cold tile floor while watching his girlfriend build the Balkarp Sofa Sleeper. That was soon followed by a set of pine tables and chairs, though for those wally decided he'd be more useful putting bottles in the bathroom cabinets. The furniture, for the record, was far out of their 'just moved out' price range, but it turns out that a certain Bruce Wayne thought that furniture was a better housewarming present that plates.

Percy knew that moving wasn't fun. It was stressful and messy, people lost their heads between the movers and myriad of mislabeled boxes. She found that being helped by her current favorite person made up for the hassle that was crafting four walls into a comforting place for them to call their own. She smiled fondly as she walked in on Wally humming horribly out of tune as he filled a built-in bookshelf with his favorite games and novels from his youth, nerdy science books beside nerdy-er comic books and collections of well kept manga. She watched as he wiggled in dance while placing empty picture frames on the spots he thought was best for them. Wally steered away from anything that required building, he found that wasn't his fortè , but he did quickly pack away anything he could, from putting hangers in the closet to medicine bottles in cubarts. The sight tugged at her heartstrings but she did have something to say so she stopped the uncoordinated dance.

"I bought pizza." She mentioned offhandedly while pulling Wally away from a signed copy of one of Doctor Olivia Octavius' papers. Wally instantly brightened, his thousand-watt smile feuling the butterflies in Percy's stomach. At first she thought the butterflies would have gone away within the first couple of months, but she was proved wrong by the flutter of wings she felt inside her, pushing a smile through her own lips as she re discovered how lucky she was to have found someone perfect for her again.

There were many things Percy had regretted in her life, many things that made her feel uncertain and worry about the consequences. This, however was something she was sure of, something that made her feel surer about herself than she had in a long time.

I do not own and DC or Percy Jackson content.

p.s. hi.

i'm back from the dead with the first of surely many oneshots to come. I would have posted this tomorrow and gone to sleep at a reasonable time today, but my brain insisted I take the words out of the head and I transferred them onto pixels on my screen. i would have made a separate story for this, but i want attention and this book got a hell of a lot of  it so hi. i am planning on making a bunch more, these will probably lean more into a more domestic and mature part of Percy's life and honestly im super excited.

i missed you all so much, and it makes me immeasurably happy to see that i'm still getting new readers that are interacting with myself and my work. i hope you guys will accept my attempt at getting back into this world after being MIA for some time (tbh it feels like years but i know it hasn't been that long).

moving on from there (sorry for the long author's note btw), this chapter was bad, i'm aware, but its a start and it was 100% ikea propaganda.also, i'm trying out they/she pronouns if you guys are cool with that. i know i already said it but i've missed you guys so much and i havent stopped writing (like at all, i have so many drafts) and i want to keep the interactions going so thats what i'm doing here.

so this is a renewed hello! i hope you all had happy holidays and i hope you have a great year this 2021. bye, i love you all so much <3

Much love, Victoria

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