hey guys...

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So I know a lot of you have been giving me so much love and support on these two stories (out of water and all at sea) and I have always promised that I would write more but... I've just been having a really hard time lately. I can't keep the thoughts away and its just really emotionally taxing on me because im doing so much and I just keep feeling like a failure and that im getting worse at everything all the time because I didn't get into my dream schools and my teachers keep overlooking me... Choking on Your Alibi (a new story on my page) was my lifeline for a bit, it kept the feelings away but I just... it hasn't been well received and I don't know what to do with myself.

You totally don't have to and I know it sucks and I suck but it would mean so much to me to get some sort of feedback on that because rn having it up and no interaction feels like screaming into the void, im just so lonely. I feel like if I get enough feedback... reads... anything I'll be good enough to keep writing and posting for out of water and all at sea. Right now I just can't do this, im not good enough to keep doing this.Im so sorry everyone I know im a failure

Im sorry... I love you all, you meant the world to me. <3

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