Chapter 57: Emmie

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Pov Libby

I was laying in bed with Oakley, she was on her phone and was running her nails down my head and I just wanted the rest of my life to be like this. Our legs were tangled together under the blankets. Rose and Alex had gone home with there little boy William, Will. The house was quiet but it felt right just being like this. I took a deep breathe but I couldn't shake what my mom said at dinner, it kept playing over and over in my head.

"You okay, baby?" Oakley asked stroking the side of my cheek lightly running her thumb down the corner of my lip.

"Yeah, just thinking" I said and Oakley put her phone down.

"About what" she asked slipping her hand into my tank top on my side pulling me closer to her.

"Tyler, I don't know I just it, I don't know how to explain it. I feel hurt by something that didn't happen to me" I said and Oakley went back to stroking my cheek,

"You care about people, it's who you are. It's okay for you to have feelings about it" she said and nodded lifting my head slightly to flatten her shirt so I could lay on her. I laid my stomach down on her and laid my head flat by her heart. She wrapped me with her arms and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you" she said

"I love you too" I said before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up and Oakley wasn't beside me and I sat up. I saw my bathroom light on and I knocked on the door,

"Baby?" I said

"sorry did I wake you" she said

"No" I said pulling off my shirt so I could change. I heard the sink then she walked out. I felt her arms around my stomach and she kissed my neck. My skin was warm from being under the blankets.

Oakley and I were going to the dance studio today to surprise Adian.

"Are you okay?" Oakley asked me,

"Yeah why?" I asked

"Last night?" she said and I remembered,

"Oh yeah I'm okay" I said and she nodded kissing me before she took off her shirt. We got dressed then realized we were half matching. I had a black tank top with navy leggings, and then she had a navy top and black leggings. We laughed then went downstairs. The house was still quiet except Cam who was watching tv down stairs.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"To dance" I said and she nodded.

Oakley and I got in the car and drove to dance. It was so weird. We knew Adian would be having a little class right now at 9:30 on a Saturday.

We pulled into the lot and walked in together, Gigi Adian's assistant saw us and squealed.

"Oh my god girls" she said hugging us both.

"Is she in there?" Oakley asked and Gigi nodded then walked to the door and opened it. Adian looked up at Gigi

"Hey Adian you have visitors" she said

"Who?" she asked.

Oakley and I walked in and Adian jumped and ran to us and hugged us. I recognized a few of the girls from when Oakley and I would help.

"What are you girls doing here?" she asked hugging us.

"We are on break" we both said and she smiled then turned back to her class who were all watching her.

"Girls this is Emma and Oakley, they hold a crazy amount of record and trophies here. How about we show them our dance?" she said and the girls cheered. Oakley and I sat down and watched. God I missed it here.

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