Chapter 54: Graduation

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*1 Month later*

Pov Rach

"Love bug you okay?" I called up the stairs, no answer.

"Libby" I said again and now answer.

What the heck, I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door. It was locked,
"Libby honey can you open the door?" I asked and no answer. I started to get worried. Recently Libby had been really out of it and acting different. She was always in her room alone, Oakley barely came over anymore.

"Honey please just answer me" I said and no answer.

We had boundaries in our house, locked or closed door means no coming in unless allowed to. I opened my phone and I had one text from Emma who was at work until later finishing up some things. I didnt want her to go in cause she was still healing but she promised it would be quick

Emma Parker (ICE)

Hi my love, Christi just texted me, somethings up with Libby. She just broke up with Oakley out of nowhere and said that "you need to move on with someone who can make you happy". I am not sure where this came from but if you could just go check on her.

Hey baby, her door is locked and she isn't answering me.

Emma Parker (ICE)
Is she home?

I didn't even think to look, but yeah her car is in the driveway

Emma Parker (ICE)
Okay baby dont freak out use a quarter or something to unlock the door and just make sure she is okay.

I put my phone down and went to my bedroom and grabbed a coin to use to unlock the door. I unlocked the door and Libby was sitting in the middle of her bed and her bedding was everywhere.

"Love bug" I said walking in and she didn't look at me.

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked sitting down on her bed.

Her face was streaked with tears, she looked like she was hyperventilating. This wasnt like her, she always talked about her feelings until recently.

I put my hand on her knee and she looked at me,

'Honey what's going on?" I asked

"I don't know" she cried

"Ok" I said scooting closer.

"How do you feel?" I asked her

"Mama I think I need help" she said as more tears fell down her face.

"Ok, what kind of help?" I asked seeing she was clearly in mental pain.

"Someone to talk to" she said and I nodded,

"okay, I can find someone" I said and she nodded. She was sitting crisscross with her hands in her lap.

"Can you tell me what is happening right now?" i asked

"I don't know what's happening, I just feel trapped, everything I touch goes bad. Everything I'm near causes someone pain. I just feel like my chest is falling or like someone is stepping on it and its getting harder and harder to breathe" she said

She was having a panic attack,

"Ok, well lets think about all the magical things in your life." I said and she nodded.

"Ok, well first of all old Mr. pancake who will be 10 next month" I said and she smiled slightly.

"Or Emmie's fish impression, you've got to admit she is really good at that" I said with a smile and she nodded, her breathing started to regulate.

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