Chapter 46: A lot to take in

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*November 30th*

Pov Emma

I was sitting on my couch feeding Emmie when I got a call from Kylie.
"Hey" I said answering the phone.
"Hey, I am downtown doing something for work and I'm about an hour from the apartment and Hannah just called me and she slipped in the kitchen and now she thinks she's in labor. Can you go check on her?" she asked. I could tell she was freaking.
"yeah, Kylie stay calm I'm going" I said standing up right as Emmie finished. I hung up and slipped on my shoes.
"Rach" I called up the stairs.
"Yeah baby" she said
"Hey I need to go check on Hannah, I'm putting Emmie in the pack and play" I said putting Emmie down. I grabbed my keys and ran to my car and drove down to their apartment. I knocked and no one opened it so I flipped through my keys and unlocked the door.
"Hannah?" I called.
"Kitchen" she said. I ran to their Kitchen and she was against the fridge in a pool of liquid.
"Hannah what did you do?" I said
"I was wearing socks cause I was cold and I slipped and landed on my butt then the baby he kicked and then like I felt a drop and increase in pressure. Now I am contacting every 5 minutes for like 30seconds" she said. I got her up off then ground and she leaned against me.
"Did your water break?" I asked
"Yeah I think so" she said.
"Are you okay, did you hit anything when you slipped?" I asked
"My tailbone but it doesn't hurt as much as some of these contractions" she said
"Ok let's go" I said
"No Kylie has to be there" Hannah said.
"Ok so I'll call her and she will meet us there" I said leading her out the door.
She sat in my passenger seat and sure enough every five minutes she would squeeze the door handle in pain.
"Hey Kylie" I said on the phone
"Hey she okay?" she asked.
"We are driving to the hospital meet us there" I said, then Hannah started another contraction and she cried out in pain.
" Fuck" kylie said, "Ok yeah i'll be there in 30 mins" she said.
"Kylie calm down, she is probably 3 or 4 centimeters dilated. Drive carefully and safely we will be waiting" I said.
"Ok" she said after a deep breathe. I hung up as we pulled into the parking lot and got Hannah out of the car and into the hospital where they admitted her to labor and delivery. She laid in bed with a monitors tracking baby and her heart rate. I sat on a chair beside her and she was reading a book.
"Hey are you ready for an epidural?" A doctor asked and Hannah nodded. She crawled to the side of the bed and squatted and leaned forward. I held her shoulders and the doctor injected the needle. Hannah gasped at the pain, I had the same reaction. I knew it would hurt but it's was a long and sharp pain. The doctor finished and fixed Hannah's gown and she laid back down. The door opened and Kylie ran in as Hannah laid back down. I turned and moved out of the way so Kylie could stand with Hannah.
"Hey baby I am so sorry that I wasn't there" Kylie said kissing Hannah
"It's okay, I'm okay" she said
Kylie nodded and sat on the edge of the bed and comforted Hannah through all her contractions. I sat on the couch and kept everyone updated. Hannah was supposed to be induced next week so Kylie's parents had planned to come and help.

"Hi, This is Emma. Kylie and Hannah's friend." I said over the phone
"Aww hi sweetie is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine but Hannah went into labor this morning. Baby should be here within the next day" I said
"Oh my, ok we will try to move our flights. Is Kylie there?"
"Yeah she's just in the room let me get her" I said
"Thank you"
"Ky" I said sticking my head in the door.
"Hmm" she said turning to look at me. I looked at Hannah and she was in the middle of a contraction.
"When it's over switch places with me" I said
"My mom?" Kylie asked massaging Hannah's lower back
"yeah" I said and she nodded. I closed the door and turned back to the phone.
"Hey Hannah is in the middle of a contraction. It should be over in a few seconds" I said
"Ok thanks so much" she said. The door opened and Kylie came out and I went in a sat on the edge of the bed. Hannah was drinking some water.
"How dilated are you?" I asked
"8" she said
"Dang girl you went fast" I said laughing
"Yeah I don't know how you did with the pressure and contractions for 2 weeks" she said
"Hot baths" I said
"ohh that sounds so nice" she said rubbing her lower stomach under the monitors. You could tell the baby had dropped, her stomach hung low and was larger and harder at the bottom.
She rolled to her side and held the pillow sheets in her hand tightly. I rubbed the side of her stomach to her back. She breathed heavily trying to get through the pain.
"I just feel like I need to poop" she said and before I could say don't push she started pushing and then looked at me with wide eyes. I ran to the door and Kylie turned to see me.
"Hey can we have a doctor in here" I yelled down the hallway and Kylie pushed into the room hanging up on her mom. Hannah legs where bent and she had one hand in the bottom of her gown. and the other was holding her self up. A doctor ran in and to the end of the bed.
"Oh ok, ready on the next contraction push" he said and she nodded removing her hand from her dress. Kylie held Hannah's hand as she pushed. After 6 pushes out came a little boy. They put him on Hannah's chest and he starting suckling her collar bone. She moved him lower and he instantly fed and Kylie was crying. Hannah reached up and kissed Kylie and wiped her tears. I smiled at them, I knew that flush of pure joy. It was indescribable, I couldn't articulate how badly I wanted that again. Hannah delivered her placenta and the doctors cleaned the baby off. He was for sure a crier. Every 30mins he was screaming. Hannah looked exhausted and she started sweating really bad.
"It's so hot in here" she said
"Baby it's freezing" Kylie said instantly getting scared. She stood up and touched Hannah's forehead. Kylie went out side the room to talk to a nurse.
"Were you sweating after labor" Hannah asked me. I shook my head which was strange cause I always had been the one with weird temperatures.
"No I was cramping really bad though" I said
She nodded and kicked the blankets to the end of the bed and a nurse and Kylie came back into the room.
"So your hormones are just super confused, it is very common for you to feel hot or cold, sweat feel dizzy or lightheaded. You body went through some hard emotional and physical trauma" the nurse said. It was the same nurse that was so sweet to me.

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