Chapter 43: The Wedding

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Pov Emma

Today was August 1st. I got up super early and ran down to Hannah's apartment. I kissed my amazing fiancé and woke up Libby. Libby was a flower girl in their wedding. I came down stairs and Libby was still bald asleep. The ceremony was at 1:00pm, it was 5:20am. Madison was in her pjs and she waved at me.
"Ready?" she asked. I nodded and we headed to my car.

We got to Hannah's apartment and we walked in. I was in charge of food so I had everyone starbucks order.
"There's our bride" I said
"You excited?" Madison asked
"Over the moon, but nervous you know" Hannah said.
"Hey hey" I heard from behind us, it was Cam. I hugged her.
"It's nice to see you again Cam" I said.
"Cam this is Madison"Hannah said
Right as she did the doorbell rang again and it was Lilly and Rose.

In the last year everyone had gotten really close. Rose and Alex were dating and Madison and Lilly had boyfriends but they weren't in the group a lot.
"Hey" they said walking in. Everyone was here now and hair and makeup started. Our bridesmaid dresses where a a light blue.
I got my hair done beside Cam,
"So how's your little man?" I asked
"He's so big now, turned 1 a few months ago" she said. My jaw dropped, "they grow way to fast" I said.
"They do, your little girl, is she 7 now?"
"Yep" I said
"Wow almost a year since you've had her" Cam said.
"Yeah I don't know what to do on the day you know. Like a celebration of the family or like a sad day for her bio parents?" I said. Cam nodded, "Maybe talk to her about it. She seems to have quite the vocabulary." Cam said.
"That's true" I said
"Ok now I need the whole story of the engagement" she said.

Pov Rachel
I got up around 7:30 and Emma wasn't beside me. Shit today was the wedding. I jumped out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a muffin and headed out.

I got to Alex's apartment where we were all going to get ready. We were all wearing these amazing suits. We looked amazing in them. I walked in, and I heard a laugh, I recognized that laugh. I walked all the way in and it was Jensen on the couch. She saw me and stood up running towards me and gripping me into a hug. I hadn't seen her since I left for california. She was supposed to come during christmas but something came up.
"God I missed you" I said
"I missed you more" she said.
"Ok who's ready" Kylie said walking into the room.
There were videographers and photographers in the room and we all go dressed into the suits.
"Damn we are hot" Alex said with a laugh.

"I am so nervous" Kylie said standing in front of where she was to be married. A small field and friends and family already crowded the seats.
"Don't be, it's the start of something amazing" I said rubbing her back.
She took a deep breathe and took her mom's hand. we all walked down the isle to the front.

Pov Emma
I held Hannah's hand, and Cam had the other. She stood behind her dad before she tapped him and he turned around to look at her.
"Oh my hannah" he said hugging her. He wiped his eyes.
"Ok honey you walk right down there towards mama and throw the flowers on the walk way" I said kissing her cheek then sipping off the lipstick. Libby nodded as the music began to play. Libby walked down the isle throwing small white petals on the ground. The bridesmaids lined up, holding the bouquet full of lightly colored flowers we walked down. Cam and I's dress were slightly sparkly because we were the maids of honor. I winked at Rachel who blew me a kiss, her hands were on Libby's shoulder. Next it was Hannah and her dad's turn. The music played and everyone stood up. I looked down the isle and she was beautiful. I looked at Kylie, there was a tear rolling down her cheek and the biggest smile. Hannah got to the front and her dad kissed Hannah's cheek before sitting down.
"Your gorgeous" Kylie whispered. Everyone was seated and the ceremony began.

"Hi everyone I'm Cam, Hannah's little sister and 1/2 maid of honors. And if you don't know who I am congrats on sneaking into the wedding unnoticed, the bar is open and free. And if you do know me you know I love dad jokes... I torture my son Grant and my husband all the time but I have to, Okay ready?"
"Ready" everyone said
"Wow it's been an emotional night even the cake is in tiers..." she said with a pause pointing. Everyone turned to see if she was pointing at the cake.
"Yay so actually the cake isn't out but made you like" she said and everyone laughed.
"So to the happy couple, I love you guys so much, and I hope you still love me by the end of this speech" she said blowing a kiss at them.
"Loyal. Kind. Honest. Generous... That's enough about me, I'm here to talk about Hannah and Kylie. And see growing up with Hannah was so easy, honestly. She was used as a guinie pig, my parents would test things on her perfect them and then do it to me. But in all honesty Hannah was the best big sister in the entire world, I actually was going through the attic the other day and found an old journal of Hannah's. I thought I would just read a small bit from it" she said looking at Hannah who's mouth was open. Kylie was laughing her socks off.
"Dear Diary I don't know if you know but boys are really cute...." Cam paused turning to Hannah with a look of shock, "My goodness how the tables have turned" sending the room into a fit of laughter, "I will continue. but there is a girl in dms that is so pretty. Her name is Kylie I think. God she's out of my league but just once i'd like for her to.." Cameron's eyes grew big again, "Well folks I shouldn't continue, now when I first saw it I assumed it was from elementary or middle school, turns out she wrote this senior year" Cam said before her jaw dropped.
Everyone clapped and Cam hugged Hannah, handing me the microphone.
"Hi My Name is Emma and I am a friend of Hannah's. So about a year ago I was laying on the couch in my apartment when Kylie walked in she sat down beside me in this weird way. I was like shit someone died." I said and everyone laughed
"Then what she asked shocked me she said Emma how do you feel about Marriage. I'm pretty sure my brain exploded. I was dating her best friend and she was dating mine like this came out of nowhere. I wasn't ready to settle down, and not with her. I just stared at her" I said and the crowd giggle.
"Then she was like I'm going to purpose to Hannah, Ohhhh I said. Geez I thought thank god this was about to get awkward" I said as laughing for harder. Hannah was laughing at Kylie. everyone got quiet listening to what I was going to say
"But today all of us gathered here today with one thing in common... and that is that no one has a clue of what I'm going to say next" I said as the laughing picked back up.
"So the first time I meant Hannah and Kylie was about 2 years ago when Kylie was in the hospital. I was the new girlfriend of the best friend and I was thrown in head first. I wouldn't want it any other day. With in minutes of being around them I was home. I felt safe and welcomed. I learned over the next years what amazing a talented people they are. And got I mean it, Hannah can burn a bowl of cereal... like that's some talent. All kidding aside though, I couldn't be happier to honor my best friend on her wedding day." I said
I turned towards them with my glass up,
"I wish you two all the love and happiness in the world. How blessed you are to celebrate your love on this beautiful day. I know there are many happy years of love and togetherness ahead for you." Everyone cheers and Hannah wiped a tear from under her eyes. I hugged her then Kylie. Now it was Rachel's turn.

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